12,314 research outputs found

    Fitting stochastic predator-prey models using both population density and kill rate data

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    Most mechanistic predator-prey modelling has involved either parameterization from process rate data or inverse modelling. Here, we take a median road: we aim at identifying the potential benefits of combining datasets, when both population growth and predation processes are viewed as stochastic. We fit a discrete-time, stochastic predator-prey model of the Leslie type to simulated time series of densities and kill rate data. Our model has both environmental stochasticity in the growth rates and interaction stochasticity, i.e., a stochastic functional response. We examine what the kill rate data brings to the quality of the estimates, and whether estimation is possible (for various time series lengths) solely with time series of population counts or biomass data. Both Bayesian and frequentist estimation are performed, providing multiple ways to check model identifiability. The Fisher Information Matrix suggests that models with and without kill rate data are all identifiable, although correlations remain between parameters that belong to the same functional form. However, our results show that if the attractor is a fixed point in the absence of stochasticity, identifying parameters in practice requires kill rate data as a complement to the time series of population densities, due to the relatively flat likelihood. Only noisy limit cycle attractors can be identified directly from population count data (as in inverse modelling), although even in this case, adding kill rate data - including in small amounts - can make the estimates much more precise. Overall, we show that under process stochasticity in interaction rates, interaction data might be essential to obtain identifiable dynamical models for multiple species. These results may extend to other biotic interactions than predation, for which similar models combining interaction rates and population counts could be developed

    Diffusion-driven instabilities and emerging spatial patterns in patchy landscapes

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    Spatial variation in population densities across a landscape is a feature of many ecological systems, from self-organised patterns on mussel beds to spatially restricted insect outbreaks. It occurs as a result of environmental variation in abiotic factors and/or biotic factors structuring the spatial distribution of populations. However the ways in which abiotic and biotic factors interact to determine the existence and nature of spatial patterns in population density remain poorly understood. Here we present a new approach to studying this question by analysing a predator–prey patch-model in a heterogenous landscape. We use analytical and numerical methods originally developed for studying nearest- neighbour (juxtacrine) signalling in epithelia to explore whether and under which conditions patterns emerge. We find that abiotic and biotic factors interact to promote pattern formation. In fact, we find a rich and highly complex array of coexisting stable patterns, located within an enormous number of unstable patterns. Our simulation results indicate that many of the stable patterns have appreciable basins of attraction, making them significant in applications. We are able to identify mechanisms for these patterns based on the classical ideas of long-range inhibition and short-range activation, whereby landscape heterogeneity can modulate the spatial scales at which these processes operate to structure the populations

    Memory and mutualism in species sustainability: a time-fractional Lotka-Volterra model with harvesting

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    We first present a predator-prey model for two species and then extend the model to three species where the two predator species engage in mutualistic predation. Constant effort harvesting and the impact of by-catch issue are also incorporated. Necessary sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of positive equilibrium points are examined. It is shown that harvesting is sustainable, and the memory concept of the fractional derivative damps out oscillations in the population numbers so that the system as a whole settles on an equilibrium quicker than it would with integer time derivatives. Finally, some possible physical explanations are given for the obtained results. It is shown that the stability requires the memory concept in the model

    Predator-prey cycles from resonant amplification of demographic stochasticity

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    In this paper we present the simplest individual level model of predator-prey dynamics and show, via direct calculation, that it exhibits cycling behavior. The deterministic analogue of our model, recovered when the number of individuals is infinitely large, is the Volterra system (with density-dependent prey reproduction) which is well-known to fail to predict cycles. This difference in behavior can be traced to a resonant amplification of demographic fluctuations which disappears only when the number of individuals is strictly infinite. Our results indicate that additional biological mechanisms, such as predator satiation, may not be necessary to explain observed predator-prey cycles in real (finite) populations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Evolutionary ecology in-silico:evolving foodwebs, migrating population and speciation

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    We have generalized our ``unified'' model of evolutionary ecology by taking into account the possible movements of the organisms from one ``patch'' to another within the same eco-system. We model the spatial extension of the eco-system (i.e., the geography) by a square lattice where each site corresponds to a distinct ``patch''. A self-organizing hierarchical food web describes the prey-predator relations in the eco-system. The same species at different patches have identical food habits but differ from each other in their reproductive characteristic features. By carrying out computer simulations up to 10910^9 time steps, we found that, depending on the values of the set of parameters, the distribution of the lifetimes of the species can be either exponential or a combination of power laws. Some of the other features of our ``unified'' model turn out to be robust against migration of the organisms.Comment: 12 pages of PS file, including LATEX text and 9 EPS figure

    Spontaneous emergence of spatial patterns ina a predator-prey model

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    We present studies for an individual based model of three interacting populations whose individuals are mobile in a 2D-lattice. We focus on the pattern formation in the spatial distributions of the populations. Also relevant is the relationship between pattern formation and features of the populations' time series. Our model displays travelling waves solutions, clustering and uniform distributions, all related to the parameters values. We also observed that the regeneration rate, the parameter associated to the primary level of trophic chain, the plants, regulated the presence of predators, as well as the type of spatial configuration.Comment: 17 pages and 15 figure

    Evolutionary ecology in-silico: Does mathematical modelling help in understanding the "generic" trends?

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    Motivated by the results of recent laboratory experiments (Yoshida et al. Nature, 424, 303-306 (2003)) as well as many earlier field observations that evolutionary changes can take place in ecosystems over relatively short ecological time scales, several ``unified'' mathematical models of evolutionary ecology have been developed over the last few years with the aim of describing the statistical properties of data related to the evolution of ecosystems. Moreover, because of the availability of sufficiently fast computers, it has become possible to carry out detailed computer simulations of these models. For the sake of completeness and to put these recent developments in the proper perspective, we begin with a brief summary of some older models of ecological phenomena and evolutionary processes. However, the main aim of this article is to review critically these ``unified'' models, particularly those published in the physics literature, in simple language that makes the new theories accessible to wider audience.Comment: 28 pages, LATEX, 4 eps figure