804 research outputs found

    Graph-based classification of multiple observation sets

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    We consider the problem of classification of an object given multiple observations that possibly include different transformations. The possible transformations of the object generally span a low-dimensional manifold in the original signal space. We propose to take advantage of this manifold structure for the effective classification of the object represented by the observation set. In particular, we design a low complexity solution that is able to exploit the properties of the data manifolds with a graph-based algorithm. Hence, we formulate the computation of the unknown label matrix as a smoothing process on the manifold under the constraint that all observations represent an object of one single class. It results into a discrete optimization problem, which can be solved by an efficient and low complexity algorithm. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed graph-based algorithm in the classification of sets of multiple images. Moreover, we show its high potential in video-based face recognition, where it outperforms state-of-the-art solutions that fall short of exploiting the manifold structure of the face image data sets.Comment: New content adde

    Manifold Constrained Low-Rank Decomposition

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    Low-rank decomposition (LRD) is a state-of-the-art method for visual data reconstruction and modelling. However, it is a very challenging problem when the image data contains significant occlusion, noise, illumination variation, and misalignment from rotation or viewpoint changes. We leverage the specific structure of data in order to improve the performance of LRD when the data are not ideal. To this end, we propose a new framework that embeds manifold priors into LRD. To implement the framework, we design an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) method which efficiently integrates the manifold constraints during the optimization process. The proposed approach is successfully used to calculate low-rank models from face images, hand-written digits and planar surface images. The results show a consistent increase of performance when compared to the state-of-the-art over a wide range of realistic image misalignments and corruptions

    Non-Redundant Spectral Dimensionality Reduction

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    Spectral dimensionality reduction algorithms are widely used in numerous domains, including for recognition, segmentation, tracking and visualization. However, despite their popularity, these algorithms suffer from a major limitation known as the "repeated Eigen-directions" phenomenon. That is, many of the embedding coordinates they produce typically capture the same direction along the data manifold. This leads to redundant and inefficient representations that do not reveal the true intrinsic dimensionality of the data. In this paper, we propose a general method for avoiding redundancy in spectral algorithms. Our approach relies on replacing the orthogonality constraints underlying those methods by unpredictability constraints. Specifically, we require that each embedding coordinate be unpredictable (in the statistical sense) from all previous ones. We prove that these constraints necessarily prevent redundancy, and provide a simple technique to incorporate them into existing methods. As we illustrate on challenging high-dimensional scenarios, our approach produces significantly more informative and compact representations, which improve visualization and classification tasks

    Learning Generative Models across Incomparable Spaces

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    Generative Adversarial Networks have shown remarkable success in learning a distribution that faithfully recovers a reference distribution in its entirety. However, in some cases, we may want to only learn some aspects (e.g., cluster or manifold structure), while modifying others (e.g., style, orientation or dimension). In this work, we propose an approach to learn generative models across such incomparable spaces, and demonstrate how to steer the learned distribution towards target properties. A key component of our model is the Gromov-Wasserstein distance, a notion of discrepancy that compares distributions relationally rather than absolutely. While this framework subsumes current generative models in identically reproducing distributions, its inherent flexibility allows application to tasks in manifold learning, relational learning and cross-domain learning.Comment: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML