695 research outputs found

    Modeling Surface Appearance from a Single Photograph using Self-augmented Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We present a convolutional neural network (CNN) based solution for modeling physically plausible spatially varying surface reflectance functions (SVBRDF) from a single photograph of a planar material sample under unknown natural illumination. Gathering a sufficiently large set of labeled training pairs consisting of photographs of SVBRDF samples and corresponding reflectance parameters, is a difficult and arduous process. To reduce the amount of required labeled training data, we propose to leverage the appearance information embedded in unlabeled images of spatially varying materials to self-augment the training process. Starting from an initial approximative network obtained from a small set of labeled training pairs, we estimate provisional model parameters for each unlabeled training exemplar. Given this provisional reflectance estimate, we then synthesize a novel temporary labeled training pair by rendering the exact corresponding image under a new lighting condition. After refining the network using these additional training samples, we re-estimate the provisional model parameters for the unlabeled data and repeat the self-augmentation process until convergence. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed network structure on spatially varying wood, metals, and plastics, as well as thoroughly validate the effectiveness of the self-augmentation training process.Comment: Accepted to SIGGRAPH 201

    Deep Shape from Polarization

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    This paper makes a first attempt to bring the Shape from Polarization (SfP) problem to the realm of deep learning. The previous state-of-the-art methods for SfP have been purely physics-based. We see value in these principled models, and blend these physical models as priors into a neural network architecture. This proposed approach achieves results that exceed the previous state-of-the-art on a challenging dataset we introduce. This dataset consists of polarization images taken over a range of object textures, paints, and lighting conditions. We report that our proposed method achieves the lowest test error on each tested condition in our dataset, showing the value of blending data-driven and physics-driven approaches

    PhotoShape: Photorealistic Materials for Large-Scale Shape Collections

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    Existing online 3D shape repositories contain thousands of 3D models but lack photorealistic appearance. We present an approach to automatically assign high-quality, realistic appearance models to large scale 3D shape collections. The key idea is to jointly leverage three types of online data -- shape collections, material collections, and photo collections, using the photos as reference to guide assignment of materials to shapes. By generating a large number of synthetic renderings, we train a convolutional neural network to classify materials in real photos, and employ 3D-2D alignment techniques to transfer materials to different parts of each shape model. Our system produces photorealistic, relightable, 3D shapes (PhotoShapes).Comment: To be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018. Project page: https://keunhong.com/publications/photoshape

    Coordinate-based Texture Inpainting for Pose-Guided Image Generation

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    We present a new deep learning approach to pose-guided resynthesis of human photographs. At the heart of the new approach is the estimation of the complete body surface texture based on a single photograph. Since the input photograph always observes only a part of the surface, we suggest a new inpainting method that completes the texture of the human body. Rather than working directly with colors of texture elements, the inpainting network estimates an appropriate source location in the input image for each element of the body surface. This correspondence field between the input image and the texture is then further warped into the target image coordinate frame based on the desired pose, effectively establishing the correspondence between the source and the target view even when the pose change is drastic. The final convolutional network then uses the established correspondence and all other available information to synthesize the output image. A fully-convolutional architecture with deformable skip connections guided by the estimated correspondence field is used. We show state-of-the-art result for pose-guided image synthesis. Additionally, we demonstrate the performance of our system for garment transfer and pose-guided face resynthesis.Comment: Published in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 201

    Textured Neural Avatars

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    We present a system for learning full-body neural avatars, i.e. deep networks that produce full-body renderings of a person for varying body pose and camera position. Our system takes the middle path between the classical graphics pipeline and the recent deep learning approaches that generate images of humans using image-to-image translation. In particular, our system estimates an explicit two-dimensional texture map of the model surface. At the same time, it abstains from explicit shape modeling in 3D. Instead, at test time, the system uses a fully-convolutional network to directly map the configuration of body feature points w.r.t. the camera to the 2D texture coordinates of individual pixels in the image frame. We show that such a system is capable of learning to generate realistic renderings while being trained on videos annotated with 3D poses and foreground masks. We also demonstrate that maintaining an explicit texture representation helps our system to achieve better generalization compared to systems that use direct image-to-image translation

    BRDF Estimation of Complex Materials with Nested Learning

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    The estimation of the optical properties of a material from RGB-images is an important but extremely ill-posed problem in Computer Graphics. While recent works have successfully approached this problem even from just a single photograph, significant simplifications of the material model are assumed, limiting the usability of such methods. The detection of complex material properties such as anisotropy or Fresnel effect remains an unsolved challenge. We propose a novel method that predicts the model parameters of an artist-friendly, physically-based BRDF, from only two low-resolution shots of the material. Thanks to a novel combination of deep neural networks in a nested architecture, we are able to handle the ambiguities given by the non-orthogonality and non-convexity of the parameter space. To train the network, we generate a novel dataset of physically-based synthetic images. We prove that our model can recover new properties like anisotropy, index of refraction and a second reflectance color, for materials that have tinted specular reflections or whose albedo changes at glancing angles.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2019 (WACV 2019

    Inverse Transport Networks

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    We introduce inverse transport networks as a learning architecture for inverse rendering problems where, given input image measurements, we seek to infer physical scene parameters such as shape, material, and illumination. During training, these networks are evaluated not only in terms of how close they can predict groundtruth parameters, but also in terms of whether the parameters they produce can be used, together with physically-accurate graphics renderers, to reproduce the input image measurements. To en- able training of inverse transport networks using stochastic gradient descent, we additionally create a general-purpose, physically-accurate differentiable renderer, which can be used to estimate derivatives of images with respect to arbitrary physical scene parameters. Our experiments demonstrate that inverse transport networks can be trained efficiently using differentiable rendering, and that they generalize to scenes with completely unseen geometry and illumination better than networks trained without appearance- matching regularization

    Materials for Masses: SVBRDF Acquisition with a Single Mobile Phone Image

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    We propose a material acquisition approach to recover the spatially-varying BRDF and normal map of a near-planar surface from a single image captured by a handheld mobile phone camera. Our method images the surface under arbitrary environment lighting with the flash turned on, thereby avoiding shadows while simultaneously capturing high-frequency specular highlights. We train a CNN to regress an SVBRDF and surface normals from this image. Our network is trained using a large-scale SVBRDF dataset and designed to incorporate physical insights for material estimation, including an in-network rendering layer to model appearance and a material classifier to provide additional supervision during training. We refine the results from the network using a dense CRF module whose terms are designed specifically for our task. The framework is trained end-to-end and produces high quality results for a variety of materials. We provide extensive ablation studies to evaluate our network on both synthetic and real data, while demonstrating significant improvements in comparisons with prior works.Comment: submitted to European Conference on Computer Visio

    cvpaper.challenge in 2016: Futuristic Computer Vision through 1,600 Papers Survey

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    The paper gives futuristic challenges disscussed in the cvpaper.challenge. In 2015 and 2016, we thoroughly study 1,600+ papers in several conferences/journals such as CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/NIPS/PAMI/IJCV

    Flexible SVBRDF Capture with a Multi-Image Deep Network

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    Empowered by deep learning, recent methods for material capture can estimate a spatially-varying reflectance from a single photograph. Such lightweight capture is in stark contrast with the tens or hundreds of pictures required by traditional optimization-based approaches. However, a single image is often simply not enough to observe the rich appearance of real-world materials. We present a deep-learning method capable of estimating material appearance from a variable number of uncalibrated and unordered pictures captured with a handheld camera and flash. Thanks to an order-independent fusing layer, this architecture extracts the most useful information from each picture, while benefiting from strong priors learned from data. The method can handle both view and light direction variation without calibration. We show how our method improves its prediction with the number of input pictures, and reaches high quality reconstructions with as little as 1 to 10 images -- a sweet spot between existing single-image and complex multi-image approaches.Comment: Accepted to EGSR 2019 in the CGF trac