131 research outputs found

    The use of hybrid cellular automaton models for improving cancer therapy, In Proceedings, Cellular Automata: 6th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, eds P.M.A. Sloot, B. Chopard, A.G. Hoekstra

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    The Hybrid Cellular Automata (HCA) modelling framework can be an efficient approach to a number of biological problems, particularly those which involve the integration of multiple spatial and temporal scales. As such, HCA may become a key modelling tool in the development of the so-called intergrative biology. In this paper, we first discuss HCA on a general level and then present results obtained when this approach was implemented in cancer research

    Cellular Potts modeling of tumor growth, tumor invasion and tumor evolution

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    Despite a growing wealth of available molecular data, the growth of tumors, invasion of tumors into healthy tissue, and response of tumors to therapies are still poorly understood. Although genetic mutations are in general the first step in the development of a cancer, for the mutated cell to persist in a tissue, it must compete against the other, healthy or diseased cells, for example by becoming more motile, adhesive, or multiplying faster. Thus, the cellular phenotype determines the success of a cancer cell in competition with its neighbors, irrespective of the genetic mutations or physiological alterations that gave rise to the altered phenotype. What phenotypes can make a cell “successful” in an environment of healthy and cancerous cells, and how? A widely-used tool for getting more insight into that question is cell-based modeling. Cell based models constitute a class of computational, agent-based models that mimic biophysical and molecular interactions between cells. One of the most widely used cell-based modeling formalisms is the cellular Potts model (CPM), a lattice-based, multi particle cell-based modeling approach. The CPM has become a popular and accessible method for modeling mechanisms of multicellular processes including cell sorting, gastrulation, or angiogenesis. The CPM accounts for biophysical cellular properties, including cell proliferation, cell motility, and cell adhesion, which play a key role in cancer. Multiscale models are constructed by extending the agents with intracellular processes including metabolism, growth, and signaling. Here we review the use of the CPM for modeling tumor growth, tumor invasion, and tumor progression. We argue that the accessibility and flexibility of the CPM, and its accurate, yet coarse-grained and computationally efficient representation of cell- and tissue biophysics, make the CPM the method of choice for modeling cellular processes in tumor development

    Hybrid computational models of multicellular tumour growth considering glucose metabolism

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    Cancer cells metabolize glucose through metabolic pathways that differ from those used by healthy and differentiated cells. In particular, tumours have been shown to consume more glucose than their healthy counterparts and to use anaerobic metabolic pathways, even under aerobic conditions. Nevertheless, scientists have still not been able to explain why cancer cells evolved to present an altered metabolism and what evolutionary advantage this might provide them. Experimental and computational models have been increasingly used in recent years to understand some of these biological questions. Multicellular tumour spheroids are effective experimental models as they replicate the initial stages of avascular solid tumour growth. Furthermore, these experiments generate data which can be used to calibrate and validate computational studies that aim to simulate tumour growth. Hybrid models are of particular relevance in this field of research because they model cells as individual agents while also incorporating continuum representations of the substances present in the surrounding microenvironment that may participate in intracellular metabolic networks as concentration or density distributions. Henceforth, in this review, we explore the potential of computational modelling to reveal the role of metabolic reprogramming in tumour growth

    Mathematical biomedicine and modeling avascular tumor growth

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    In this chapter we review existing continuum models of avascular tumor growth, explaining howthey are inter related and the biophysical insight that they provide. The models range in complexity and include one-dimensional studies of radiallysymmetric growth, and two-dimensional models of tumor invasion in which the tumor is assumed to comprise a single population of cells. We also present more detailed, multiphase models that allow for tumor heterogeneity. The chapter concludes with a summary of the different continuum approaches and a discussion of the theoretical challenges that lie ahead

    A multiple scale model for tumor growth

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    We present a physiologically structured lattice model for vascular tumor growth which accounts for blood flow and structural adaptation of the vasculature, transport of oxygen, interaction between cancerous and normal tissue, cell division, apoptosis, vascular endothelial growth factor release, and the coupling between these processes. Simulations of the model are used to investigate the effects of nutrient heterogeneity, growth and invasion of cancerous tissue, and emergent growth laws

    Modeling Evolutionary Dynamics of Epigenetic Mutations in Hierarchically Organized Tumors

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    The cancer stem cell (CSC) concept is a highly debated topic in cancer research. While experimental evidence in favor of the cancer stem cell theory is apparently abundant, the results are often criticized as being difficult to interpret. An important reason for this is that most experimental data that support this model rely on transplantation studies. In this study we use a novel cellular Potts model to elucidate the dynamics of established malignancies that are driven by a small subset of CSCs. Our results demonstrate that epigenetic mutations that occur during mitosis display highly altered dynamics in CSC-driven malignancies compared to a classical, non-hierarchical model of growth. In particular, the heterogeneity observed in CSC-driven tumors is considerably higher. We speculate that this feature could be used in combination with epigenetic (methylation) sequencing studies of human malignancies to prove or refute the CSC hypothesis in established tumors without the need for transplantation. Moreover our tumor growth simulations indicate that CSC-driven tumors display evolutionary features that can be considered beneficial during tumor progression. Besides an increased heterogeneity they also exhibit properties that allow the escape of clones from local fitness peaks. This leads to more aggressive phenotypes in the long run and makes the neoplasm more adaptable to stringent selective forces such as cancer treatment. Indeed when therapy is applied the clone landscape of the regrown tumor is more aggressive with respect to the primary tumor, whereas the classical model demonstrated similar patterns before and after therapy. Understanding these often counter-intuitive fundamental properties of (non-)hierarchically organized malignancies is a crucial step in validating the CSC concept as well as providing insight into the therapeutical consequences of this model

    Cell-Oriented Modeling of Angiogenesis

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    Due to its significant involvement in various physiological and pathological conditions, angiogenesis (the development of new blood vessels from an existing vasculature) represents an important area of the actual biological research and a field in which mathematical modeling proved particularly useful in supporting the experimental work. In this paper, we focus on a specific modeling strategy, known as “cell-centered” approach. This type of mathematical models work at a “mesoscopic scale,” assuming the cell as the natural level of abstraction for computational modeling of development. They treat cells phenomenologically, considering their essential behaviors to study how tissue structure and organization emerge from the collective dynamics of multiple cells. The main contributions of the cell-oriented approach to the study of the angiogenic process will be described. From one side, they have generated “basic science understanding” about the process of capillary assembly during development, growth, and pathology. On the other side, models were also developed supporting “applied biomedical research” for the purpose of identifying new therapeutic targets and clinically relevant approaches for either inhibiting or stimulating angiogenesis