17,516 research outputs found

    Adaptive user support in educational environments: A Bayesian Network approach

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    This paper is concerned with the design and implementation of an innovative user support system in the frame of an open educational environment. The environment adapted is ModelsCreator (MC), an educational system supporting learning through modelling activities. The pupils typical interaction with the system was modelled us-ing Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN). This model has been used in ModelsCreator to build an adaptive help system providing the most useful guidelines according to the current state of interaction. A brief description of the system and an overview of application of Bayesian techniques to educational systems is presented together with discussion about the process of building of the Bayesian Network derived from actual student interaction data. A preliminary evaluation of the developed prototype indicates that the proposed approach produces systems with promising performance

    Computational models of attention

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    This chapter reviews recent computational models of visual attention. We begin with models for the bottom-up or stimulus-driven guidance of attention to salient visual items, which we examine in seven different broad categories. We then examine more complex models which address the top-down or goal-oriented guidance of attention towards items that are more relevant to the task at hand

    Mining Determinism in Human Strategic Behavior

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    This work lies in the fusion of experimental economics and data mining. It continues author's previous work on mining behaviour rules of human subjects from experimental data, where game-theoretic predictions partially fail to work. Game-theoretic predictions aka equilibria only tend to success with experienced subjects on specific games, what is rarely given. Apart from game theory, contemporary experimental economics offers a number of alternative models. In relevant literature, these models are always biased by psychological and near-psychological theories and are claimed to be proven by the data. This work introduces a data mining approach to the problem without using vast psychological background. Apart from determinism, no other biases are regarded. Two datasets from different human subject experiments are taken for evaluation. The first one is a repeated mixed strategy zero sum game and the second - repeated ultimatum game. As result, the way of mining deterministic regularities in human strategic behaviour is described and evaluated. As future work, the design of a new representation formalism is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, EEML 201

    Coordinates: Probabilistic Forecasting of Presence and Availability

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    We present methods employed in Coordinate, a prototype service that supports collaboration and communication by learning predictive models that provide forecasts of users s AND availability.We describe how data IS collected about USER activity AND proximity FROM multiple devices, IN addition TO analysis OF the content OF users, the time of day, and day of week. We review applications of presence forecasting embedded in the Priorities application and then present details of the Coordinate service that was informed by the earlier efforts.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2002

    Method and apparatus for automatic text input insertion in digital devices with a restricted number of keys

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    A device which contains number of symbol input keys, where the number of available keys is less than the number of symbols of an alphabet of any given language, screen, and dynamic reordering table of the symbols which are mapped onto those keys, according to a disambiguation method based on the previously entered symbols. The device incorporates a previously entered keystrokes tracking mechanism, and the key selected by the user detector, as well as a mechanism to select the dynamic symbol reordering mapped onto this key according to the information contained to the reordering table. The reordering table occurs from a disambiguation method which reorders the symbol appearance. The reordering information occurs from Bayesian Belief network construction and training from text corpora of the specific language.Comment: European patent offic

    Treatment-Response Models for Counterfactual Reasoning with Continuous-time, Continuous-valued Interventions

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    Treatment effects can be estimated from observational data as the difference in potential outcomes. In this paper, we address the challenge of estimating the potential outcome when treatment-dose levels can vary continuously over time. Further, the outcome variable may not be measured at a regular frequency. Our proposed solution represents the treatment response curves using linear time-invariant dynamical systems---this provides a flexible means for modeling response over time to highly variable dose curves. Moreover, for multivariate data, the proposed method: uncovers shared structure in treatment response and the baseline across multiple markers; and, flexibly models challenging correlation structure both across and within signals over time. For this, we build upon the framework of multiple-output Gaussian Processes. On simulated and a challenging clinical dataset, we show significant gains in accuracy over state-of-the-art models.Comment: In Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-2017), Sydney, Australia, August 2017. The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    ALARMS: Alerting and Reasoning Management System for Next Generation Aircraft Hazards

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    The Next Generation Air Transportation System will introduce new, advanced sensor technologies into the cockpit. With the introduction of such systems, the responsibilities of the pilot are expected to dramatically increase. In the ALARMS (ALerting And Reasoning Management System) project for NASA, we focus on a key challenge of this environment, the quick and efficient handling of aircraft sensor alerts. It is infeasible to alert the pilot on the state of all subsystems at all times. Furthermore, there is uncertainty as to the true hazard state despite the evidence of the alerts, and there is uncertainty as to the effect and duration of actions taken to address these alerts. This paper reports on the first steps in the construction of an application designed to handle Next Generation alerts. In ALARMS, we have identified 60 different aircraft subsystems and 20 different underlying hazards. In this paper, we show how a Bayesian network can be used to derive the state of the underlying hazards, based on the sensor input. Then, we propose a framework whereby an automated system can plan to address these hazards in cooperation with the pilot, using a Time-Dependent Markov Process (TMDP). Different hazards and pilot states will call for different alerting automation plans. We demonstrate this emerging application of Bayesian networks and TMDPs to cockpit automation, for a use case where a small number of hazards are present, and analyze the resulting alerting automation policies.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2010

    Memory-augmented Dialogue Management for Task-oriented Dialogue Systems

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    Dialogue management (DM) decides the next action of a dialogue system according to the current dialogue state, and thus plays a central role in task-oriented dialogue systems. Since dialogue management requires to have access to not only local utterances, but also the global semantics of the entire dialogue session, modeling the long-range history information is a critical issue. To this end, we propose a novel Memory-Augmented Dialogue management model (MAD) which employs a memory controller and two additional memory structures, i.e., a slot-value memory and an external memory. The slot-value memory tracks the dialogue state by memorizing and updating the values of semantic slots (for instance, cuisine, price, and location), and the external memory augments the representation of hidden states of traditional recurrent neural networks through storing more context information. To update the dialogue state efficiently, we also propose slot-level attention on user utterances to extract specific semantic information for each slot. Experiments show that our model can obtain state-of-the-art performance and outperforms existing baselines.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, Under review of ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS

    Hinge-Loss Markov Random Fields and Probabilistic Soft Logic

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    A fundamental challenge in developing high-impact machine learning technologies is balancing the need to model rich, structured domains with the ability to scale to big data. Many important problem areas are both richly structured and large scale, from social and biological networks, to knowledge graphs and the Web, to images, video, and natural language. In this paper, we introduce two new formalisms for modeling structured data, and show that they can both capture rich structure and scale to big data. The first, hinge-loss Markov random fields (HL-MRFs), is a new kind of probabilistic graphical model that generalizes different approaches to convex inference. We unite three approaches from the randomized algorithms, probabilistic graphical models, and fuzzy logic communities, showing that all three lead to the same inference objective. We then define HL-MRFs by generalizing this unified objective. The second new formalism, probabilistic soft logic (PSL), is a probabilistic programming language that makes HL-MRFs easy to define using a syntax based on first-order logic. We introduce an algorithm for inferring most-probable variable assignments (MAP inference) that is much more scalable than general-purpose convex optimization methods, because it uses message passing to take advantage of sparse dependency structures. We then show how to learn the parameters of HL-MRFs. The learned HL-MRFs are as accurate as analogous discrete models, but much more scalable. Together, these algorithms enable HL-MRFs and PSL to model rich, structured data at scales not previously possible
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