14 research outputs found

    Learning of Causal Observable Functions for Koopman-DFL Lifting Linearization of Nonlinear Controlled Systems and Its Application to Excavation Automation

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    Effective and causal observable functions for low-order lifting linearization of nonlinear controlled systems are learned from data by using neural networks. While Koopman operator theory allows us to represent a nonlinear system as a linear system in an infinite-dimensional space of observables, exact linearization is guaranteed only for autonomous systems with no input, and finding effective observable functions for approximation with a low-order linear system remains an open question. Dual Faceted Linearization uses a set of effective observables for low-order lifting linearization, but the method requires knowledge of the physical structure of the nonlinear system. Here, a data-driven method is presented for generating a set of nonlinear observable functions that can accurately approximate a nonlinear control system to a low-order linear control system. A caveat in using data of measured variables as observables is that the measured variables may contain input to the system, which incurs a causality contradiction when lifting the system, i.e. taking derivatives of the observables. The current work presents a method for eliminating such anti-causal components of the observables and lifting the system using only causal observables. The method is applied to excavation automation, a complex nonlinear dynamical system, to obtain a low-order lifted linear model for control design

    Dynamical modelling of hydraulic excavator considered as a multibody system

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    This paper considers the development of a plane multibody mechanical model of a hydraulic excavator simultaneously containing an open kinematic chain and closed loops. The Lagrange multiplier technique is used for modelling of the constrained mechanical systems. This approach is used for working out the dynamic equations of excavator motion in the case of performing transportation and digging operations. The excavator is considered as a rigid body system and detailed governing equations of the mechanical and hydraulic systems are presented. The performed verification and a typical digging task simulation show the applicability of the model for study of the excavator motion simulation. Simulation results of the machine’s response are provided. It is shown that the digging process considerably influences the mechanical and hydraulic system parameters. Such models can be used for training simulators, sizing components and system design.DFG, 325093850, Open Access Publizieren 2017 - 2018 / Technische Universität Berli

    Dynamical modelling of hydraulic excavator considered as a multibody system

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    Rad se bavi razvojem mehaničkog modela hidrauličnog bagera od više tijela koji u isto vrijeme sadrži otvoreni kinematički lanac i zatvorene petlje. Za modeliranje ograničenih mehaničkih sustava primijenjena je tehnika Lagrangeova faktora. Taj se pristup primjenjuje za dobivanje dinamičkih jednadžbi kretanja bagera kod obavljanja prijenosa i operacija kopanja. Bager se smatra sustavom krutog tijela i predstavljaju se detaljne jednadžbe za uređenje mehaničkih i hidrauličnih sustava. Izvršena provjera i simulacija tipičnog kopanja pokazuju primjenjivost sustava za proučavanje simulacije kretanja bagera. Daju se simulacijski rezultati reakcije stroja. Pokazano je da postupak kopanja znatno utječe na parametre mehaničkog i hidrauličkog sustava. Takvi se modeli mogu koristiti za obučavanje simulatora, dimenzioniranje sastavnih dijelova i dizajniranje sustava.This paper considers the development of a plane multibody mechanical model of a hydraulic excavator simultaneously containing an open kinematic chain and closed loops. The Lagrange multiplier technique is used for modelling of the constrained mechanical systems. This approach is used for working out the dynamic equations of excavator motion in the case of performing transportation and digging operations. The excavator is considered as a rigid body system and detailed governing equations of the mechanical and hydraulic systems are presented. The performed verification and a typical digging task simulation show the applicability of the model for study of the excavator motion simulation. Simulation results of the machine’s response are provided. It is shown that the digging process considerably influences the mechanical and hydraulic system parameters. Such models can be used for training simulators, sizing components and system design


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    Learning and Reacting with Inaccurate Prediction: Applications to Autonomous Excavation

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    Motivated by autonomous excavation, this work investigates solutions to a class of problem where disturbance prediction is critical to overcoming poor performance of a feedback controller, but where the disturbance prediction is intrinsically inaccurate. Poor feedback controller performance is related to a fundamental control problem: there is only a limited amount of disturbance rejection that feedback compensation can provide. It is known, however, that predictive action can improve the disturbance rejection of a control system beyond the limitations of feedback. While prediction is desirable, the problem in excavation is that disturbance predictions are prone to error due to the variability and complexity of soil-tool interaction forces. This work proposes the use of iterative learning control to map the repetitive components of excavation forces into feedforward commands. Although feedforward action shows useful to improve excavation performance, the non-repetitive nature of soil-tool interaction forces is a source of inaccurate predictions. To explicitly address the use of imperfect predictive compensation, a disturbance observer is used to estimate the prediction error. To quantify inaccuracy in prediction, a feedforward model of excavation disturbances is interpreted as a communication channel that transmits corrupted disturbance previews, for which metrics based on the sensitivity function exist. During field trials the proposed method demonstrated the ability to iteratively achieve a desired dig geometry, independent of the initial feasibility of the excavation passes in relation to actuator saturation. Predictive commands adapted to different soil conditions and passes were repeated autonomously until a pre-specified finish quality of the trench was achieved. Evidence of improvement in disturbance rejection is presented as a comparison of sensitivity functions of systems with and without the use of predictive disturbance compensation

    Scaled experimental study on excavation of lunar regolith with rakes/rippers and flat blade

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    As humanity\u27s activities expand to the Moon, Mars, and other extra-terrestrial bodies, it will be necessary to use local resources rather than bringing everything from the Earth. This concept is called In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU), which starts with excavation and earthmoving. The present study focuses on loosening and moving of the lunar regolith by a ripper (or rake) and a wide blade with consideration of gravel content. After characterizing the lunar regolith and two of its simulants (JSC-1A and FJS-1), the relationship between the excavation energy and different conditions, namely gravel content, relative density, and tine spacing on a rake, is investigated with scaled experiments. Geotechnical properties of JSC-1A were determined, in addition to the simulants\u27 stress-strain relationships over a wide range of relative density (13% to near 100%). Gravel content of the lunar regolith, often overlooked in previous studies, is estimated based on the data of 11 Apollo cores, which reveals the maximum local gravel content is about 30% by weight. Also the grain size distribution of the lunar regolith up to 1 m grains is created by combining the data from Apollo and Surveyor missions. In the experiments, gravel (2 mm - 10 mm) is added to JSC-1A. In addition, a math model of the ripping force is developed as a function of material density, which could be the basis of an instrumented-ripper technique for detailed mapping of construction. Prior ripping decreases total excavation energy by up to 20% if the relative density is ≥ 60% and the gravel content is ≤ 10%. The optimal tine spacing for JSC-1A at a penetration depth of 30 mm is 30 mm. Even a gravel content of 5% increases the reaction force on excavation tools, which underlines the necessity of consideration of gravel content for lunar excavation planning --Abstract, page iii

    Strategic planning for dragline excavation sequencing

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    Beitrag zur Analyse des Grabwiderstandes am Schaufelradbagger

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    Mit dem Anspruch, den Informationsgehalt heute standardmäßig erhobener Prozess- und Betriebsdaten mit beliebiger zeitlicher Auflösung für die Zwecke der Grabwiderstandsanalyse zu erschließen, wurde auf Grundlage der konventionellen Methode der indirekten Grabwiderstandsermittlung ein umfassendes mathematisches Modell der Gesamtheit aller Teilprozesse bei der schneidenden Gewinnung am Graborgan des vorschublosen Schaufelrad-baggers erarbeitet und bisher unberücksichtigte zeitabhängige Einflussgrößen integriert. Das Ziel der Anwendung der hochauflösenden indirekten Grabwiderstandsanalyse (HIG) auf verschiedene theoretische und praktische Aufgabenstellungen war die Prüfung der Ergebnisplausibilität sowie die umfassende Diskussion der Potentiale und Grenzen der Methode. Für die Schneidwerkzeugentwicklung ist die Anwendung der HIG die einzige Möglichkeit, ohne zusätzliche Kosten, Umbaumaßnahmen oder Betriebsstillstände den Einfluss von Werkzeugparametern unter betrieblichen Bedingungen zu analysieren. Für die theoretische Weiter¬entwicklung des Fachgebietes ermöglicht die Prozessmodellierung auf Basis beliebiger Zeitinkremente die umfassende Analyse konventioneller und spanunabhängiger Grabwiderstandskenngrößen