263 research outputs found

    Simulation of Single Phase 3-level Z-source NPC Inverter with PV System

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    This paper elucidates simulation of single phase 3-level z-source neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter with PV system. single phase NPC inverter employed due to its advantages like less voltage stress, reduced harmonic content, minimsed CMV and voltage stress is low. Z-source network is engaged to boost input voltage getting from the photovoltaic system, which is manoeuvre in shoot through and non-shoot through conditions. This proposed scheme utilized to enhance the output voltage, minimise THD and the leakage current can be avoided with help of split inductor connected with output of inverter system. sinusiodal pulse width modulation (SPWM) used as control technique for the proposed 3-level z-source NPC inverter. The simulation results of this scheme has been verified using matlab/simulink

    Wind farms fault ride through using DFIG with new protection scheme

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    This paper proposes a control strategy of doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) with new protection schemes for enhancing fault ride through capability of wind farms composed of DFIGs and induction generators (IGs). Since the DFIGs will be stressed or overloaded in the process of stabilizing the wind farm during a grid fault, it is paramount to consider a protection scheme for the DFIG, in order to protect its power converters. Two schemes, the dc-link chopper-controlled braking resistor with the supplementary rotor current (SRC) control of the rotor side converter of the DFIG and series dynamic braking resistor (SDBR) connected to the stator of the DFIG, are proposed and compared. Merits and drawbacks of both schemes are highlighted as well. The simulation results in power system computer aided design and electromagnetic transient including DC (PSCAD/EMTDC) show that the two proposed schemes can eliminate the need for an expensive crowbar switch in the rotor circuit, because both could limit the rotor current of the DFIG within its nominal value during a grid fault. Finally, considering the overall system performance, the latter is recommended. © 2012 IEEE

    Translating parameter estimation problems from EASY-FIT to SOCS

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    Mathematical models often involve unknown parameters that must be fit to experimental data. These so-called parameter estimation problems have many applications that may involve differential equations, optimization, and control theory. EASY-FIT and SOCS are two software packages that solve parameter estimation problems. In this thesis, we discuss the design and implementation of a source-to-source translator called EFtoSOCS used to translate EASY FIT input into SOCS input. This makes it possible to test SOCS on a large number of parameter estimation problems available in the EASY-FIT problem database that vary both in size and difficulty.Parameter estimation problems typically have many locally optimal solutions, and the solution obtained often depends critically on the initial guess for the solution. A 3-stage approach is followed to enhance the convergence of solutions in SOCS. The stages are designed to use an initial guess that is progressively closer to the optimal solution found by EASY-FIT. Using this approach we run EFtoSOCS on all translatable problems (691) from the EASY-FIT database. We find that all but 7 problems produce converged solutions in SOCS. We describe the reasons that SOCS was not able solve these problems, compare the solutions found by SOCS and EASY-FIT, and suggest possible improvements to both EFtoSOCS and SOCS


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    Building and transportation sectors account for 41% and 27% of total energy consumption in the US, respectively. Designing smart controllers for Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems and Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) can play a key role in reducing energy consumption. Exergy or availability is based on the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics and is a more precise metric to evaluate energy systems including HVAC and ICE systems. This dissertation centers on development of exergy models and design of model-based controllers based on exergy and energy metrics for grid-connected energy systems including HVAC and ICEs. In this PhD dissertation, effectiveness of smart controllers such as Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for HVAC system in reducing energy consumption in buildings has been shown. Given the unknown and varying behavior of buildings parameters, this dissertation proposes a modeling framework for online estimation of states and unknown parameters. This method leads to a Parameter Adaptive Building (PAB) model which is used for MPC. Exergy destruction/loss in a system or process indicates the loss of work potential. In this dissertation, exergy destruction is formulated as the cost function for MPC problem. Compared to RBC, exergy-based MPC achieve 22% reduction in exergy destruction and 36% reduction in electrical energy consumption by HVAC system. In addition, the results show that exergy-based MPC outperforms energy-based MPC by 12% less energy consumption. Furthermore, the similar exergy-based approach for building is developed to control ICE operation. A detailed ICE exergy model is developed for a single cylinder engine. Then, an optimal control method based on the exergy model of the ICE is introduced for transient and steady state operations of the ICE. The proposed exergy-based controller can be applied for two applications including (i) automotive (ii) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems to produce electric power and thermal energy for heating purposes in buildings. The results show that using the exergy-based optimal control strategy leads to an average of 6.7% fuel saving and 8.3% exergy saving compared to commonly used FLT based combustion control. After developing thermal and exergy models for building and ICE testbeds, a framework is proposed for bilevel optimization in a system of commercial buildings integrated to smart distribution grid. The proposed framework optimizes the operation of both entities involved in the building-to-grid (B2G) integration. The framework achieves two objectives: (i) increases load penetration by maximizing the distribution system load factor and (ii) reduces energy cost for the buildings. The results show that this framework reduces commercial buildings electricity cost by 25% compared to the unoptimized case, while improving the system load factor up to 17%

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 203)

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    This bibliography lists 449 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in July 1986

    Mitigation of current harmonic distortion in three-phase LCL-type filter interfaced inverters

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    It is a common practice to use an LCL-filter to attenuate the high-frequency harmonic distortions in grid-connected converters to stay within the limit set by different harmonic limit standards. However, to deal with low-order harmonics, optimal ac current-control techniques are preferred as they are cost-effective solutions. Several previous studies showed that whether LCL-filter is damped actively or passively causes more losses. Moreover, it increases the cost and design complexity of the system since LCL-filter introduces new state variables in the dynamical model compared to simple an L-type filter. Thus, harmonic mitigation under distorted and unbalanced grid conditions in LCL filter interfaced inverters is still an open research topic. In this thesis, two current-control techniques: proportional-integral (PI) and proportional-resonant (PR) controllers for current-fed passively damped LCL-filter interfaced grid-connected inverter are examined. Inverter-side current-control is adopted in LCL-filter interfaced inverters to have a safe operation. However, the presence of the harmonic distortion in the grid-side cannot be adequately compensated under sever grid conditions. Thus, it is necessary to adopt proportional grid-voltage feedforward in dq-domain and capacitor-current feedforward in αβ-domain to inject pure sinusoidal currents to the grid. Moreover, the conventional synchronous reference frame PLL (SRF-PLL) that generates the angle and frequency for the current controllers lacks the capability to suppress high disturbance under unbalanced and distorted grid voltage conditions. Hence, the scarcity of the SRF-PLL to attenuate disturbances is reduced by introducing a prefiltering stage that utilizes delayed signal cancellation (DSC) techniques. Based on the techniques mentioned above, the harmonic content of the grid-side current was kept below what standards recommend. The feedforward terms in both domains showed an excellent performance in suppressing the low-order harmonics from the grid-current in distorted grid voltage case. There were also some crucial differences in the performances of the current- control techniques. Enhancements on the quality of the grid current were also made by utilizing αβCDSC-PLL and dqADSC-PLL in distorted and unbalanced grid voltage conditions, respectively. The operation and performance of the two current-control methods were verified by experimental results from the laboratory test bench at Tampere University Hervanta campus

    Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Grid-Scale Applications

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    Lithium-ion batteries have become universally present in daily life, being used across a wide range of portable consumer electronics. These batteries are advantageous compared to other forms of energy storage due to their high energy density and long cycle life. These characteristics make lithium-ion batteries advantageous for many new and developing applications that require large scale energy storage such as electric vehicles and the utility grid. Typical uses for lithium-ion batteries require consistent cycling patterns that are predictable and easy to approximate across all uses, but new large scale applications will have much more dynamic demands. The cycling patterns for electric vehicles will vary based on each individuals driving patterns and batteries used for energy storage in the grid must be flexible enough to account for continuous fluctuations in demand and generation with little advanced notice. Along with these requirements, large scale applications do not want to sacrifice on cycle life and need to know that adding batteries will make operational and economic sense in specific cases. It is not possible to experimentally validate every possible driving pattern or grid storage need because of the great expense of these large systems and the long timescale required for testing. Therefore modeling of these systems is advantageous to help study specific application constraints and understand how lithium-ion batteries operate under those constraints. A systems level model is developed to study lithium-ion battery systems for use with solar energy (in a solar-battery hybrid system) and electric vehicles. Electrochemical based battery models are used as a component within larger systems. To facilitate fast simulation a single step perturbation and switch method is outlined for increasing the speed and robustness of solving the systems of DAEs that result from the systems level model. Operational characteristics are studied for lithium-ion batteries used to store solar energy within the electric grid. Different grid demands are tested against the system model to better understand the best uses for the solar-battery hybrid system. Both generic site studies and site specific studies were conducted. Solar irradiance data from 2010-2014 was obtained from 10 US based sites and used as an input to the system model to understand how the same system will operate differently at various locations. Technological benefits such as system autonomy were simulated for each site as well as economic benefits based on a time-of-use pricing scenario. These models included the growth of the solid-electrolyte interface layer on the battery electrodes to measure capacity fade during operation. This capacity fade mechanism allowed tracking of the site specific effects on battery life. A systems level model for an electric vehicle was also developed to simulate the growth of the SEI layer caused from different types of driving cycles and charging patterns. Results from both system models are presented along with an optimization method for the solar-battery hybrid model. In addition to modeling, experimental tests of LiFePO4 lithium-ion battery cells were conducted to measure capacity fade associated with different types of cycling throughout a batterys life. Cycling protocols were tested to study traditional capacity fade and also to focus on increasing a cells lifetime benefit through application switching

    Coordinated active power reduction strategy for voltage rise mitigation in LV distribution network

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    Integration of renewable energy systems by the utility, customers, and the third party into the electric power system, most especially in the MV and LV distribution networks grew over the last decade due to the liberalization of the electricity market, rising energy demand, and increasing environmental concern. The distributed rooftop PV system contributes to relieve the overall load, reduce losses, avoid conventional generation upgrade, and better matching of demand on the LV distribution network. Originally, the LV distribution network is designed for unidirectional current flow, that is from the substation to customers. However, a high penetration of rooftop solar PVs (with power levels typically ranging from 1 – 10 kW) may lead to the current flowing in the reverse direction and this could result in a sudden voltage rise. These negative impacts on the network have discouraged the distribution network operators (DNOs) to allow increased PV penetration in the LV distribution network because some customers load, and equipment are sensitive to voltage perturbation. Presently, the most applied voltage rise mitigation strategy for high rooftop solar PV penetration is the total disconnect from the LV distribution network when the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) goes above statutory voltage limits. However, the sudden disconnection of the PV system from the grid can cause network perturbation and affect the security of the network. This action may also cause voltage instability in the network and can reduce the lifetime of grid equipment such as voltage regulators, air conditioner etc. Due to this negative impact, different voltage rise mitigation strategies such as the active transformer with on load tap changers (OLTC), distributed battery energy storage system and reactive power support (D-STATCOM, etc.) have been used to curtail voltage rise in the distribution network. However, the implementation of D-STATCOM device on a radial LV distribution network results in high line current and losses. This may be detrimental to the distribution network. Therefore, in this thesis, a coordinated active power reduction (CAPR) strategy is proposed using a modified PWM PI current control strategy to ramp down the output power and voltage of a grid-tied voltage source inverter (VSI). In the proposed strategy, a reactive reference is generated based on the measured voltage level at the PCC using a threshold voltage algorithm to regulate the amplitude of the modulating signal to increase the off time of the high frequency signal which shut down the PV array momentary in an extremely short time and allow the VSI to absorb some reactive power through the freewheeling diode and reduce voltage. The proposed CAPR strategy was designed and simulated on a scaled down simple radial LV distribution network in MATLAB®/Simulink® software environment. The results show that the CAPR can ramp down the PV output power, reduce reverse power flow and reduce the sudden voltage rise at the point of common coupling (PCC) within ±5% of the standard voltage limit. The study also compares the performance of the proposed CAPR strategy to that of the distributed static compensator (D-STATCOM) and battery energy storage system (BESS) with respect to response time to curtail sudden voltage rise, losses and reverse power flow. The investigation shows that the D-STATCOM has the faster response time to curtail voltage rise. However, the voltage rise reduction is accompanied by high current, losses and reverse active power flow. The introduction of the BESS demonstrates better performance than the D- STATCOM device in terms of reverse power flow and losses. The CAPR strategy performs better than both D-STATCOM and BESS in terms of line losses and reverse power flow reduction
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