2 research outputs found

    Modeling and simulation of structure of complex manufacturing systems

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    Proizvodni sistem je kompleksna struktura koja se sastoji od niza povezanih elemenata, kao što su pripremak, izradak, alati, strojevi i opreme ili radnih resursa, operatera, entiteta odlučivanja i proizvodnih procesa. Proizvodni sistemi sa svojim strukturama u vremenu četvrte industrijske revolucije sve su kompleksniji. Modeliranjem struktura kompleksnih proizvodnih sistema teži se obvladavanju kompleksnošću unutar kompleksnih proizvodnih sistema, koja nastaje prije svega uslijed interakcije proizvodnog sistema sa okolinom i sve zahtjevnijim tržištem. U ovom radu prikazane su metode modeliranja kompleksnih proizvodnih sistema, kao i različiti pristupi modeliranju preko razvijenog modelirnog okvira ADMO do modeliranja agentima u kompleksnim mrežama. Modeliranje proizvodnih sistema samo za sebe nije dovoljno, pa je potrebno kontinuirano raditi na razvijanju metoda i oruđa te njihovom učinkovitom djelovanje tijekom cjelokupnog životnog ciklusa proizvodnog sistema. Za to je potrebno razvijanje i usvajanje novog znanja iz područja modeliranja i simulacije kompleksnih proizvodnih sistema.Manufacturing system is a complex structure which comprises of several connected elements, such as preparation, construction, tools, machines and equipment, or working resources, operators, deciding entities and production processes. Production systems, with their structures in the time of the fourth industrial revolution, are more and more complex. Structure modeling of complex production systems strives towards overcoming the complexity within the complex production systems, caused primarily by the interaction of the production system with the environment and increasingly demanding market. This paper presents modeling methods of complex production systems, as well as different approaches to modeling through developed modeling ADMO frame and agent modeling within complex networks. Modeling of production systems is not sufficient on its own, and it is necessary to work continuously on the methods and tools development for their efficient action throughout the entire lifecycle of the production system. This requires the development and obtaining new knowledge in the area of modeling and complex production systems simulation