481 research outputs found

    Performance of voice and video conferencing over ATM and gigabit ethernet backbone networks

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    Gigabit Ethernet and ATM network technologies have been modeled as campus network backbones for the simulation-based comparison of their performance. Real-time voice and video conferencing traffic is used to compare the performance of both backbone technologies in terms of response times and packet end-to-end delays. Simulation results show that Gigabit Ethernet has been able to perform the same and in some cases better than ATM as a backbone network for video and voice conferencing providing network designers with a cheaper solution to meet the growing needs of bandwidth-hungry applications in a campus environment

    Performance study of voice over frame relay : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Information Engineering, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Frame Relay (FR) represents an important paradigm shift in modern telecommunication. This technology is beginning to evolve from data only application to broad spectrum of multimedia users and potential to provide end users with cost effective transport of voice traffic for intra office communication. In this project the recent development in voice communication over Frame relay is investigated. Simulations were carried out using OPNET, a powerful simulation software. Following the simulation model, a practical design of the LAN-to-LAN connectivity experiment was also done in the Net Lab. From the results of the simulation, Performance measures such as delay, jitter, and throughput are reported. It is evident from the results that real-time voice or video across a frame relay network can provide acceptable performance

    Internetworking Transmission in Cells Loss Designing MPLS and ATM Networks

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    ATM is the new generation of computer and communication networks that are being deployed throughout the telecommunication industry as well as in campus black bones. OPNET is a CAD tools which is specialized in communication protocols and networks. We examine its performance and its effect on the traffic pattern in an ATM network. In this paper we also report the studies of simulation efficiency and network performance of simulated network using firewall

    Simulation of LAN Interconnection via ATM

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    An Analysis of flow-based routing

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    Since their development in the early 1970\u27s, the underlying function of IP routers has not changed - they still support a best effort delivery method in order to pass frames from source to destination. With the advent of newer, bandwidth intensive Internet-based services and applications, such as video conferencing and telemedicine, many individuals wonder if the current approach to routing is the most practical. The Internet needs to provide quality of service ( QoS ) as predictably as conventional circuit switching networks. Although some QoS capabilities in an isolated environment have been demonstrated, providing end-to-end QoS at a large scale across the Internet remains an unsolved problem [1]. The alternative to the traditional method of IP routing is a concept known as flow-based routing, whereas traffic is sent across the network as part of a common flow, rather than individually inspecting each packet. As part of this thesis, the differences between flow-based routing and the current standard of IP routing will be investigated. There are many benefits to be had from routing based on flows, for both routers and applications. Some research has already been done on specific aspects of flow-based routing, but because the concept is so cutting-edge, resources are scarce. This study delves into the benefits and obstacles of flow-based routing, and analyzes characteristics such as practicality and security, along with the benefits of this model

    A Novel Simulation Based Methodology for the Congestion Control in ATM Networks

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    © ASEE 2009In this project, we use the OPNET simulation tool for modeling and analysis of packet data networks. Our project is mainly focused on the performance analysis of Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. Specifically, in this project, we simulate two types of high-performance networks namely, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). In the first type of network, we examine the performance of the FDDI protocol by varying network parameters in two network configurations. In the second type, we build a simple ATM network model and measure its performance under various ATM service categories. Finally, we develop an OPNET process model for leaky bucket congestion control algorithm and examine its performance and its relative effect on the traffic patterns (loss and burst size) in an ATM network. Our simulation results show that the ATM network has longer response time than FDDI. On the other hand, it shows that for both token ring and MAC delay, ATM is shorter than FDDI

    ICCS network simulation LDRD project final report summary

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