1 research outputs found

    Nested Reasoning About Autonomous Agents Using Probabilistic Programs

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    As autonomous agents become more ubiquitous, they will eventually have to reason about the plans of other agents, which is known as theory of mind reasoning. We develop a planning-as-inference framework in which agents perform nested simulation to reason about the behavior of other agents in an online manner. As a concrete application of this framework, we use probabilistic programs to model a high-uncertainty variant of pursuit-evasion games in which an agent must make inferences about the other agents' plans to craft counter-plans. Our probabilistic programs incorporate a variety of complex primitives such as field-of-view calculations and path planners, which enable us to model quasi-realistic scenarios in a computationally tractable manner. We perform extensive experimental evaluations which establish a variety of rational behaviors and quantify how allocating computation across levels of nesting affects the variance of our estimators