77 research outputs found

    Pareto-based Multi-Objective Recommender System with Forgetting Curve

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    Recommender systems with cascading architecture play an increasingly significant role in online recommendation platforms, where the approach to dealing with negative feedback is a vital issue. For instance, in short video platforms, users tend to quickly slip away from candidates that they feel aversive, and recommender systems are expected to receive these explicit negative feedbacks and make adjustments to avoid these recommendations. Considering recency effect in memories, we propose a forgetting model based on Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve to cope with negative feedback. In addition, we introduce a Pareto optimization solver to guarantee a better trade-off between recency and model performance. In conclusion, we propose Pareto-based Multi-Objective Recommender System with forgetting curve (PMORS), which can be applied to any multi-objective recommendation and show sufficiently superiority when facing explicit negative feedback. We have conducted evaluations of PMORS and achieved favorable outcomes in short-video scenarios on both public dataset and industrial dataset. After being deployed on an online short video platform named WeChat Channels in May, 2023, PMORS has not only demonstrated promising results for both consistency and recency but also achieved an improvement of up to +1.45% GMV

    Making Small Language Models Better Multi-task Learners with Mixture-of-Task-Adapters

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    Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved amazing zero-shot learning performance over a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, especially for text generative tasks. Yet, the large size of LLMs often leads to the high computational cost of model training and online deployment. In our work, we present ALTER, a system that effectively builds the multi-tAsk Learners with mixTure-of-task-adaptERs upon small language models (with <1B parameters) to address multiple NLP tasks simultaneously, capturing the commonalities and differences between tasks, in order to support domain-specific applications. Specifically, in ALTER, we propose the Mixture-of-Task-Adapters (MTA) module as an extension to the transformer architecture for the underlying model to capture the intra-task and inter-task knowledge. A two-stage training method is further proposed to optimize the collaboration between adapters at a small computational cost. Experimental results over a mixture of NLP tasks show that our proposed MTA architecture and the two-stage training method achieve good performance. Based on ALTER, we have also produced MTA-equipped language models for various domains

    Automatically Extracting Information in Medical Dialogue: Expert System And Attention for Labelling

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    Medical dialogue information extraction is becoming an increasingly significant problem in modern medical care. It is difficult to extract key information from electronic medical records (EMRs) due to their large numbers. Previously, researchers proposed attention-based models for retrieving features from EMRs, but their limitations were reflected in their inability to recognize different categories in medical dialogues. In this paper, we propose a novel model, Expert System and Attention for Labelling (ESAL). We use mixture of experts and pre-trained BERT to retrieve the semantics of different categories, enabling the model to fuse the differences between them. In our experiment, ESAL was applied to a public dataset and the experimental results indicated that ESAL significantly improved the performance of Medical Information Classification

    Curriculum Modeling the Dependence among Targets with Multi-task Learning for Financial Marketing

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    Multi-task learning for various real-world applications usually involves tasks with logical sequential dependence. For example, in online marketing, the cascade behavior pattern of impression→click→conversionimpression \rightarrow click \rightarrow conversion is usually modeled as multiple tasks in a multi-task manner, where the sequential dependence between tasks is simply connected with an explicitly defined function or implicitly transferred information in current works. These methods alleviate the data sparsity problem for long-path sequential tasks as the positive feedback becomes sparser along with the task sequence. However, the error accumulation and negative transfer will be a severe problem for downstream tasks. Especially, at the beginning stage of training, the optimization for parameters of former tasks is not converged yet, and thus the information transferred to downstream tasks is negative. In this paper, we propose a prior information merged model (\textbf{PIMM}), which explicitly models the logical dependence among tasks with a novel prior information merged (\textbf{PIM}) module for multiple sequential dependence task learning in a curriculum manner. Specifically, the PIM randomly selects the true label information or the prior task prediction with a soft sampling strategy to transfer to the downstream task during the training. Following an easy-to-difficult curriculum paradigm, we dynamically adjust the sampling probability to ensure that the downstream task will get the effective information along with the training. The offline experimental results on both public and product datasets verify that PIMM outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. Moreover, we deploy the PIMM in a large-scale FinTech platform, and the online experiments also demonstrate the effectiveness of PIMM

    Gradient Coordination for Quantifying and Maximizing Knowledge Transference in Multi-Task Learning

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    Multi-task learning (MTL) has been widely applied in online advertising and recommender systems. To address the negative transfer issue, recent studies have proposed optimization methods that thoroughly focus on the gradient alignment of directions or magnitudes. However, since prior study has proven that both general and specific knowledge exist in the limited shared capacity, overemphasizing on gradient alignment may crowd out task-specific knowledge, and vice versa. In this paper, we propose a transference-driven approach CoGrad that adaptively maximizes knowledge transference via Coordinated Gradient modification. We explicitly quantify the transference as loss reduction from one task to another, and then derive an auxiliary gradient from optimizing it. We perform the optimization by incorporating this gradient into original task gradients, making the model automatically maximize inter-task transfer and minimize individual losses. Thus, CoGrad can harmonize between general and specific knowledge to boost overall performance. Besides, we introduce an efficient approximation of the Hessian matrix, making CoGrad computationally efficient and simple to implement. Both offline and online experiments verify that CoGrad significantly outperforms previous methods.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Reweighting Clicks with Dwell Time in Recommendation

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    The click behavior is the most widely-used user positive feedback in recommendation. However, simply considering each click equally in training may suffer from clickbaits and title-content mismatching, and thus fail to precisely capture users' real satisfaction on items. Dwell time could be viewed as a high-quality quantitative indicator of user preferences on each click, while existing recommendation models do not fully explore the modeling of dwell time. In this work, we focus on reweighting clicks with dwell time in recommendation. Precisely, we first define a new behavior named valid read, which helps to select high-quality click instances for different users and items via dwell time. Next, we propose a normalized dwell time function to reweight click signals in training, which could better guide our model to provide a high-quality and efficient reading. The Click reweighting model achieves significant improvements on both offline and online evaluations in a real-world system.Comment: 5 pages, under revie
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