1,748 research outputs found

    Basic tasks of sentiment analysis

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    Subjectivity detection is the task of identifying objective and subjective sentences. Objective sentences are those which do not exhibit any sentiment. So, it is desired for a sentiment analysis engine to find and separate the objective sentences for further analysis, e.g., polarity detection. In subjective sentences, opinions can often be expressed on one or multiple topics. Aspect extraction is a subtask of sentiment analysis that consists in identifying opinion targets in opinionated text, i.e., in detecting the specific aspects of a product or service the opinion holder is either praising or complaining about

    Modeling Multi-Targets Sentiment Classification via Graph Convolutional Networks and Auxiliary Relation

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    Existing solutions do not work well when multi-targets coexist in a sentence. The reason is that the existing solution is usually to separate multiple targets and process them separately. If the original sentence has N target, the original sentence will be repeated for N times, and only one target will be processed each time. To some extent, this approach degenerates the fine-grained sentiment classification task into the sentencelevel sentiment classification task, and the research method of processing the target separately ignores the internal relation and interaction between the targets. Based on the above considerations, we proposes to use Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to model and process multi-targets appearing in sentences at the same time based on the positional relationship, and then to construct a graph of the sentiment relationship between targets based on the difference of the sentiment polarity between target words. In addition to the standard target-dependent sentiment classification task, an auxiliary node relation classification task is constructed. Experiments demonstrate that our model achieves new comparable performance on the benchmark datasets: SemEval-2014 Task 4, i.e., reviews for restaurants and laptops. Furthermore, the method of dividing the target words into isolated individuals has disadvantages, and the multi-task learning model is beneficial to enhance the feature extraction ability and expression ability of the model

    Text Classification: A Review, Empirical, and Experimental Evaluation

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    The explosive and widespread growth of data necessitates the use of text classification to extract crucial information from vast amounts of data. Consequently, there has been a surge of research in both classical and deep learning text classification methods. Despite the numerous methods proposed in the literature, there is still a pressing need for a comprehensive and up-to-date survey. Existing survey papers categorize algorithms for text classification into broad classes, which can lead to the misclassification of unrelated algorithms and incorrect assessments of their qualities and behaviors using the same metrics. To address these limitations, our paper introduces a novel methodological taxonomy that classifies algorithms hierarchically into fine-grained classes and specific techniques. The taxonomy includes methodology categories, methodology techniques, and methodology sub-techniques. Our study is the first survey to utilize this methodological taxonomy for classifying algorithms for text classification. Furthermore, our study also conducts empirical evaluation and experimental comparisons and rankings of different algorithms that employ the same specific sub-technique, different sub-techniques within the same technique, different techniques within the same category, and categorie
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