3 research outputs found

    Modeling Latent Sentence Structure in Neural Machine Translation

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    Recently it was shown that linguistic structure predicted by a supervised parser can be beneficial for neural machine translation (NMT). In this work we investigate a more challenging setup: we incorporate sentence structure as a latent variable in a standard NMT encoder-decoder and induce it in such a way as to benefit the translation task. We consider German-English and Japanese-English translation benchmarks and observe that when using RNN encoders the model makes no or very limited use of the structure induction apparatus. In contrast, CNN and word-embedding-based encoders rely on latent graphs and force them to encode useful, potentially long-distance, dependencies.Comment: Accepted as an extended abstract to ACL NMT workshop 201

    Findings of the Second Workshop on Neural Machine Translation and Generation

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    This document describes the findings of the Second Workshop on Neural Machine Translation and Generation, held in concert with the annual conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018). First, we summarize the research trends of papers presented in the proceedings, and note that there is particular interest in linguistic structure, domain adaptation, data augmentation, handling inadequate resources, and analysis of models. Second, we describe the results of the workshop's shared task on efficient neural machine translation, where participants were tasked with creating MT systems that are both accurate and efficient.Comment: WNMT 201

    Neural Machine Translation: A Review and Survey

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    The field of machine translation (MT), the automatic translation of written text from one natural language into another, has experienced a major paradigm shift in recent years. Statistical MT, which mainly relies on various count-based models and which used to dominate MT research for decades, has largely been superseded by neural machine translation (NMT), which tackles translation with a single neural network. In this work we will trace back the origins of modern NMT architectures to word and sentence embeddings and earlier examples of the encoder-decoder network family. We will conclude with a survey of recent trends in the field.Comment: Extended version of "Neural Machine Translation: A Review" accepted by the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR