9 research outputs found

    Modeling Grasp Type Improves Learning-Based Grasp Planning

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    Different manipulation tasks require different types of grasps. For example, holding a heavy tool like a hammer requires a multi-fingered power grasp offering stability, while holding a pen to write requires a multi-fingered precision grasp to impart dexterity on the object. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic grasp planner that explicitly models grasp type for planning high-quality precision and power grasps in real-time. We take a learning approach in order to plan grasps of different types for previously unseen objects when only partial visual information is available. Our work demonstrates the first supervised learning approach to grasp planning that can explicitly plan both power and precision grasps for a given object. Additionally, we compare our learned grasp model with a model that does not encode type and show that modeling grasp type improves the success rate of generated grasps. Furthermore we show the benefit of learning a prior over grasp configurations to improve grasp inference with a learned classifier

    Planning Multi-Fingered Grasps as Probabilistic Inference in a Learned Deep Network

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    We propose a novel approach to multi-fingered grasp planning leveraging learned deep neural network models. We train a convolutional neural network to predict grasp success as a function of both visual information of an object and grasp configuration. We can then formulate grasp planning as inferring the grasp configuration which maximizes the probability of grasp success. We efficiently perform this inference using a gradient-ascent optimization inside the neural network using the backpropagation algorithm. Our work is the first to directly plan high quality multifingered grasps in configuration space using a deep neural network without the need of an external planner. We validate our inference method performing both multifinger and two-finger grasps on real robots. Our experimental results show that our planning method outperforms existing planning methods for neural networks; while offering several other benefits including being data-efficient in learning and fast enough to be deployed in real robotic applications.Comment: International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR) 2017. Project page: https://robot-learning.cs.utah.edu/project/grasp_inference . Video link: https://youtu.be/7Sg1uw_szl

    Increasing the Generalisation Capacity of Conditional VAEs

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    We address the problem of one-to-many mappings in supervised learning, where a single instance has many different solutions of possibly equal cost. The framework of conditional variational autoencoders describes a class of methods to tackle such structured-prediction tasks by means of latent variables. We propose to incentivise informative latent representations for increasing the generalisation capacity of conditional variational autoencoders. To this end, we modify the latent variable model by defining the likelihood as a function of the latent variable only and introduce an expressive multimodal prior to enable the model for capturing semantically meaningful features of the data. To validate our approach, we train our model on the Cornell Robot Grasping dataset, and modified versions of MNIST and Fashion-MNIST obtaining results that show a significantly higher generalisation capability

    Action Image Representation: Learning Scalable Deep Grasping Policies with Zero Real World Data

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    This paper introduces Action Image, a new grasp proposal representation that allows learning an end-to-end deep-grasping policy. Our model achieves 84%84\% grasp success on 172172 real world objects while being trained only in simulation on 4848 objects with just naive domain randomization. Similar to computer vision problems, such as object detection, Action Image builds on the idea that object features are invariant to translation in image space. Therefore, grasp quality is invariant when evaluating the object-gripper relationship; a successful grasp for an object depends on its local context, but is independent of the surrounding environment. Action Image represents a grasp proposal as an image and uses a deep convolutional network to infer grasp quality. We show that by using an Action Image representation, trained networks are able to extract local, salient features of grasping tasks that generalize across different objects and environments. We show that this representation works on a variety of inputs, including color images (RGB), depth images (D), and combined color-depth (RGB-D). Our experimental results demonstrate that networks utilizing an Action Image representation exhibit strong domain transfer between training on simulated data and inference on real-world sensor streams. Finally, our experiments show that a network trained with Action Image improves grasp success (84%84\% vs. 53%53\%) over a baseline model with the same structure, but using actions encoded as vectors.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, and 3 tables. To be published in International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 202

    AdaGrasp: Learning an Adaptive Gripper-Aware Grasping Policy

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    This paper aims to improve robots' versatility and adaptability by allowing them to use a large variety of end-effector tools and quickly adapt to new tools. We propose AdaGrasp, a method to learn a single grasping policy that generalizes to novel grippers. By training on a large collection of grippers, our algorithm is able to acquire generalizable knowledge of how different grippers should be used in various tasks. Given a visual observation of the scene and the gripper, AdaGrasp infers the possible grasp poses and their grasp scores by computing the cross convolution between the shape encodings of the gripper and scene. Intuitively, this cross convolution operation can be considered as an efficient way of exhaustively matching the scene geometry with gripper geometry under different grasp poses (i.e., translations and orientations), where a good "match" of 3D geometry will lead to a successful grasp. We validate our methods in both simulation and real-world environments. Our experiment shows that AdaGrasp significantly outperforms the existing multi-gripper grasping policy method, especially when handling cluttered environments and partial observations. Video is available at https://youtu.be/kknTYTbORfsComment: ICRA 2021. Project page: https://adagrasp.cs.columbia.ed

    Multi-Fingered Grasp Planning via Inference in Deep Neural Networks

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    We propose a novel approach to multi-fingered grasp planning leveraging learned deep neural network models. We train a voxel-based 3D convolutional neural network to predict grasp success probability as a function of both visual information of an object and grasp configuration. We can then formulate grasp planning as inferring the grasp configuration which maximizes the probability of grasp success. In addition, we learn a prior over grasp configurations as a mixture density network conditioned on our voxel-based object representation. We show that this object conditional prior improves grasp inference when used with the learned grasp success prediction network when compared to a learned, object-agnostic prior, or an uninformed uniform prior. Our work is the first to directly plan high quality multi-fingered grasps in configuration space using a deep neural network without the need of an external planner. We validate our inference method performing multi-finger grasping on a physical robot. Our experimental results show that our planning method outperforms existing grasp planning methods for neural networks

    UniGrasp: Learning a Unified Model to Grasp with Multifingered Robotic Hands

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    To achieve a successful grasp, gripper attributes such as its geometry and kinematics play a role as important as the object geometry. The majority of previous work has focused on developing grasp methods that generalize over novel object geometry but are specific to a certain robot hand. We propose UniGrasp, an efficient data-driven grasp synthesis method that considers both the object geometry and gripper attributes as inputs. UniGrasp is based on a novel deep neural network architecture that selects sets of contact points from the input point cloud of the object. The proposed model is trained on a large dataset to produce contact points that are in force closure and reachable by the robot hand. By using contact points as output, we can transfer between a diverse set of multifingered robotic hands. Our model produces over 90% valid contact points in Top10 predictions in simulation and more than 90% successful grasps in real world experiments for various known two-fingered and three-fingered grippers. Our model also achieves 93%, 83% and 90% successful grasps in real world experiments for an unseen two-fingered gripper and two unseen multi-fingered anthropomorphic robotic hands.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters with ICRA 2020 optio

    Deep Dexterous Grasping of Novel Objects from a Single View

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    Dexterous grasping of a novel object given a single view is an open problem. This paper makes several contributions to its solution. First, we present a simulator for generating and testing dexterous grasps. Second we present a data set, generated by this simulator, of 2.4 million simulated dexterous grasps of variations of 294 base objects drawn from 20 categories. Third, we present a basic architecture for generation and evaluation of dexterous grasps that may be trained in a supervised manner. Fourth, we present three different evaluative architectures, employing ResNet-50 or VGG16 as their visual backbone. Fifth, we train, and evaluate seventeen variants of generative-evaluative architectures on this simulated data set, showing improvement from 69.53% grasp success rate to 90.49%. Finally, we present a real robot implementation and evaluate the four most promising variants, executing 196 real robot grasps in total. We show that our best architectural variant achieves a grasp success rate of 87.8% on real novel objects seen from a single view, improving on a baseline of 57.1%.Comment: Submitted for IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO). 14 page

    Learning better generative models for dexterous, single-view grasping of novel objects

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    This paper concerns the problem of how to learn to grasp dexterously, so as to be able to then grasp novel objects seen only from a single view-point. Recently, progress has been made in data-efficient learning of generative grasp models which transfer well to novel objects. These generative grasp models are learned from demonstration (LfD). One weakness is that, as this paper shall show, grasp transfer under challenging single view conditions is unreliable. Second, the number of generative model elements rises linearly in the number of training examples. This, in turn, limits the potential of these generative models for generalisation and continual improvement. In this paper, it is shown how to address these problems. Several technical contributions are made: (i) a view-based model of a grasp; (ii) a method for combining and compressing multiple grasp models; (iii) a new way of evaluating contacts that is used both to generate and to score grasps. These, together, improve both grasp performance and reduce the number of models learned for grasp transfer. These advances, in turn, also allow the introduction of autonomous training, in which the robot learns from self-generated grasps. Evaluation on a challenging test set shows that, with innovations (i)-(iii) deployed, grasp transfer success rises from 55.1% to 81.6%. By adding autonomous training this rises to 87.8%. These differences are statistically significant. In total, across all experiments, 539 test grasps were executed on real objects.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 7 table