3 research outputs found

    The Role of Edge Robotics As-a-Service in Monitoring COVID-19 Infection

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    Deep learning technology has been widely used in edge computing. However, pandemics like covid-19 require deep learning capabilities at mobile devices (detect respiratory rate using mobile robotics or conduct CT scan using a mobile scanner), which are severely constrained by the limited storage and computation resources at the device level. To solve this problem, we propose a three-tier architecture, including robot layers, edge layers, and cloud layers. We adopt this architecture to design a non-contact respiratory monitoring system to break down respiratory rate calculation tasks. Experimental results of respiratory rate monitoring show that the proposed approach in this paper significantly outperforms other approaches. It is supported by computation time costs with 2.26 ms per frame, 27.48 ms per frame, 0.78 seconds for convolution operation, similarity calculation, processing one-minute length respiratory signals, respectively. And the computation time costs of our three-tier architecture are less than that of edge+cloud architecture and cloud architecture. Moreover, we use our three-tire architecture for CT image diagnosis task decomposition. The evaluation of a CT image dataset of COVID-19 proves that our three-tire architecture is useful for resolving tasks on deep learning networks by edge equipment. There are broad application scenarios in smart hospitals in the future

    Agent Teaming Situation Awareness (ATSA): A Situation Awareness Framework for Human-AI Teaming

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    The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to a growing trend of human-AI teaming (HAT) in various fields. As machines continue to evolve from mere automation to a state of autonomy, they are increasingly exhibiting unexpected behaviors and human-like cognitive/intelligent capabilities, including situation awareness (SA). This shift has the potential to enhance the performance of mixed human-AI teams over all-human teams, underscoring the need for a better understanding of the dynamic SA interactions between humans and machines. To this end, we provide a review of leading SA theoretical models and a new framework for SA in the HAT context based on the key features and processes of HAT. The Agent Teaming Situation Awareness (ATSA) framework unifies human and AI behavior, and involves bidirectional, and dynamic interaction. The framework is based on the individual and team SA models and elaborates on the cognitive mechanisms for modeling HAT. Similar perceptual cycles are adopted for the individual (including both human and AI) and the whole team, which is tailored to the unique requirements of the HAT context. ATSA emphasizes cohesive and effective HAT through structures and components, including teaming understanding, teaming control, and the world, as well as adhesive transactive part. We further propose several future research directions to expand on the distinctive contributions of ATSA and address the specific and pressing next steps.Comment: 52 pages,5 figures, 1 tabl