10 research outputs found

    Investigating the validity of IEEE 802.11 MAC modeling hypotheses

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    As WLANs employing IEEE 802.11 have become pervasive, many analytic models for predicting their performance have been developed in recent years. Due to the complicated nature of the 802.11 MAC operation, approximations must be made to enable tractable mathematical models. In this article, through simulation we investigate the veracity of the approximations shared by many models that have been developed starting with the fundamental hypotheses in Bianchipsilas (1998 and 2000) seminal papers. We find that even for small numbers of station these assumptions that hold true for saturated stations (those that always have a packet to send) and for unsaturated stations with small buffers. However, despite their widespread adoption, we find that the commonly adopted assumptions that are used to incorporate station buffers are not appropriate. This raises questions about the predictive power of models based on these hypotheses

    Achieving end-to-end fairness in 802.11e based wireless multi-hop mesh networks

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    To mitigate the damaging impacts caused by interference and hidden terminals, it has proposed to use orthogonal channels in multi-hop wireless mesh networks. We demonstrate however that even if these issues are completely eliminated with perfectly assigned channels, gross unfairness can still exist amongst competing flows which traverse multiple hops. We propose the use of 802.lle's TXOP mechanism to restore/enforce fairness. The proposed scheme is simple, implementable using off-the-shelf devices and fully decentralised (requires no message passing)

    Achieving end-to-end fairness in 802.11e based wireless multi-hop mesh networks

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    To mitigate the damaging impacts caused by interference and hidden terminals, it has proposed to use orthogonal channels in multi-hop wireless mesh networks. We demonstrate however that even if these issues are completely eliminated with perfectly assigned channels, gross unfairness can still exist amongst competing flows which traverse multiple hops. We propose the use of 802.lle's TXOP mechanism to restore/enforce fairness. The proposed scheme is simple, implementable using off-the-shelf devices and fully decentralised (requires no message passing)

    Improving Performance for CSMA/CA Based Wireless Networks

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    Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) based wireless networks are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. With the aim of supporting rich multimedia applications such as high-definition television (HDTV, 20Mbps) and DVD (9.8Mbps), one of the technology trends is towards increasingly higher bandwidth. Some recent IEEE 802.11n proposals seek to provide PHY rates of up to 600 Mbps. In addition to increasing bandwidth, there is also strong interest in extending the coverage of CSMA/CA based wireless networks. One solution is to relay traffic via multiple intermediate stations if the sender and the receiver are far apart. The so called “mesh” networks based on this relay-based approach, if properly designed, may feature both “high speed” and “large coverage” at the same time. This thesis focusses on MAC layer performance enhancements in CSMA/CA based networks in this context. Firstly, we observe that higher PHY rates do not necessarily translate into corresponding increases in MAC layer throughput due to the overhead of the CSMA/CA based MAC/PHY layers. To mitigate the overhead, we propose a novel MAC scheme whereby transported information is partially acknowledged and retransmitted. Theoretical analysis and extensive simulations show that the proposed MAC approach can achieve high efficiency (low MAC overhead) for a wide range of channel variations and realistic traffic types. Secondly, we investigate the close interaction between the MAC layer and the buffer above it to improve performance for real world traffic such as TCP. Surprisingly, the issue of buffer sizing in 802.11 wireless networks has received little attention in the literature yet it poses fundamentally new challenges compared to buffer sizing in wired networks. We propose a new adaptive buffer sizing approach for 802.11e WLANs that maintains a high level of link utilisation, while minimising queueing delay. Thirdly, we highlight that gross unfairness can exist between competing flows in multihop mesh networks even if we assume that orthogonal channels are used in neighbouring hops. That is, even without inter-channel interference and hidden terminals, multi-hop mesh networks which aim to offer a both “high speed” and “large coverage” are not achieved. We propose the use of 802.11e’s TXOP mechanism to restore/enfore fairness. The proposed approach is implementable using off-the-shelf devices and fully decentralised (requires no message passing)

    Optimization of the interoperability and dynamic spectrum management in mobile communications systems beyond 3G

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    The future wireless ecosystem will heterogeneously integrate a number of overlapped Radio Access Technologies (RATs) through a common platform. A major challenge arising from the heterogeneous network is the Radio Resource Management (RRM) strategy. A Common RRM (CRRM) module is needed in order to provide a step toward network convergence. This work aims at implementing HSDPA and IEEE 802.11e CRRM evaluation tools. Innovative enhancements to IEEE 802.11e have been pursued on the application of cross-layer signaling to improve Quality of Service (QoS) delivery, and provide more efficient usage of radio resources by adapting such parameters as arbitrary interframe spacing, a differentiated backoff procedure and transmission opportunities, as well as acknowledgment policies (where the most advised block size was found to be 12). Besides, the proposed cross-layer algorithm dynamically changes the size of the Arbitration Interframe Space (AIFS) and the Contention Window (CW) duration according to a periodically obtained fairness measure based on the Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and transmission time, a delay constraint and the collision rate of a given machine. The throughput was increased in 2 Mb/s for all the values of the load that have been tested whilst satisfying more users than with the original standard. For the ad hoc mode an analytical model was proposed that allows for investigating collision free communications in a distributed environment. The addition of extra frequency spectrum bands and an integrated CRRM that enables spectrum aggregation was also addressed. RAT selection algorithms allow for determining the gains obtained by using WiFi as a backup network for HSDPA. The proposed RAT selection algorithm is based on the load of each system, without the need for a complex management system. Simulation results show that, in such scenario, for high system loads, exploiting localization while applying load suitability optimization based algorithm, can provide a marginal gain of up to 450 kb/s in the goodput. HSDPA was also studied in the context of cognitive radio, by considering two co-located BSs operating at different frequencies (in the 2 and 5 GHz bands) in the same cell. The system automatically chooses the frequency to serve each user with an optimal General Multi-Band Scheduling (GMBS) algorithm. It was shown that enabling the access to a secondary band, by using the proposed Integrated CRRM (iCRRM), an almost constant gain near 30 % was obtained in the throughput with the proposed optimal solution, compared to a system where users are first allocated in one of the two bands and later not able to handover between the bands. In this context, future cognitive radio scenarios where IEEE 802.11e ad hoc modes will be essential for giving access to the mobile users have been proposed

    Modeling 802.11 Mesh Networks

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    We introduce a tractable analytic model of throughput performance for general 802.11 multi-hop multi-radio networks subject to finite loads. The model’s accuracy and utility is illustrated by comparison with simulation

    Modeling 802.11 Mesh Networks

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    We introduce a tractable analytic model of throughput performance for general 802.11 multi-hop multi-radio networks subject to finite loads. The model's accuracy and utility is illustrated by comparison with simulation