419 research outputs found

    Tools of the Trade: A Survey of Various Agent Based Modeling Platforms

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    Agent Based Modeling (ABM) toolkits are as diverse as the community of people who use them. With so many toolkits available, the choice of which one is best suited for a project is left to word of mouth, past experiences in using particular toolkits and toolkit publicity. This is especially troublesome for projects that require specialization. Rather than using toolkits that are the most publicized but are designed for general projects, using this paper, one will be able to choose a toolkit that already exists and that may be built especially for one's particular domain and specialized needs. In this paper, we examine the entire continuum of agent based toolkits. We characterize each based on 5 important characteristics users consider when choosing a toolkit, and then we categorize the characteristics into user-friendly taxonomies that aid in rapid indexing and easy reference.Agent Based Modeling, Individual Based Model, Multi Agent Systems

    A CasADi Based Toolchain For JModelica.org

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    Computer-aided modeling for simulation, optimization and analysis is increasingly used for product development in industry today, resulting in high demands on the tools used. A tool chain for transferring interpreted code of the modeling languages Modelica and Optimica from the simulation and optimization tool JModelica.org to CasADi has been implemented. CasADi provides several desirable features, most importantly an integrated and ecient automatic dierentiation engine and the ability to interactively work with the systems expressed using it. The biggest problems solved to enable this were the creation of a representation of the mathematical systems described by Modelica and Optimica code that is integrated with CasADi, and the construction of a transfer scheme for moving information from the Java-based JModelica.org compiler to C++ in which CasADi resides. This was successfully achieved for a continuous subset of Modelica and Optimica that may contain functions

    Integrating Analytical Models with Descriptive System Models: Implementation of the OMG SyML Standard for the Tool-specific Case of MapleSim and MagicDraw

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    AbstractThe Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is investing heavily in the development of an infrastructure for building system models using the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). An essential component is a transformation apparatus that permits diverse models to be integrated independently of their nature (e.g. declarative, analytical and statistical). This paper presents one useful case: the integration of analytical models expressed using the Modelica language. Modelica is an open standard, declarative, multi-domain modeling language that allows for complex dynamic systems to be modeled. Maplesoft's MapleSim is one software tool that supports the Modelica language. The tool-neutral specification for the transformation between the languages Modelica and SysML is defined in the SysML-Modelica transformation specification (SyML) standard published by the Object Management Group (OMG). As part of the development efforts, said specification has been implemented using the Query-View- Transformation Operational (QVTO) language. During the process, several critical changes to the current SyML standard were proposed. Furthermore, a number of current limitations related to MapleSim were identified. Despite these issues, a proof-of- concept transformation was successfully implemented. In conclusion, the integration of complex simulation models conforming to the Modelica language with SysML-based system models has shown great promise and is a highly useful tool to support the decision making process in design

    Integration of CasADi and JModelica.org

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    This paper presents the integration of two open source softwares: CasADi, which is a framework for efficient evaluation of expressions and their derivatives, and the Modelica-based platform JModelica.org. The integration of the tools is based on an XML format for exchange of DAE models. The JModelica.org platform supports export of model in this XML format, whereas CasADi supports import of models expressed in this format. Furthermore, we have carried out comparisons with ACADO, which is a multiple shooting package for solving optimal control problems. CasADi, in turn, has been interfaced with ACADO Toolkit, enabling users to define optimal control problems using Modelica and Optimica specifications, and use solve using direct multiple shooting. In addition, a collocation algorithm targeted at solving large- scale DAE constrained dynamic optimization problems has been implemented. This implementation explores CasADi’s Python and IPOPT interfaces, which offers a convenient, yet highly efficient environment for development of optimization algorithms. The algorithms are evaluated using industrially relevant benchmark problems


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    International audienceThe paper deals with the dynamic modeling of mechatronic devices, which usually need detailed modeling to be described and to take into account the physical properties of the system. VHDL-AMS 1 , which is a powerful unified modeling language for mixed system, allows to describe a large range of physical systems, for their dynamic simulation. It allows to describe models of physical components and then to connect them to obtain the model of a system.. However, this language cannot support the description of some physical phenomena, such local ones, defined by numerical methods (e.g.: finite element method, special numerical integrals). When an aspect of a model cannot be described in VHDL-AMS, the paper proposes to use software components. So, the aim of the paper is to propose a generic way to extend the computation capability of VHDL-AMS, by coupling the models described in VHDL-AMS with external ones specified as software components (where VHDL-AMS fails). The approach has been applied on several applications, among them the time simulation of an electrical plunge

    Hardware Simulation for Testing IEC 61131-3

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    Testing of control code written in IEC 61131-3 has long been a strenuous manual process. The focus in this master's thesis is on building a simulator of an Alfa Laval separator to enable testing of control code. In this particular case, the control code being tested is written and executed in a soft PLC called TwinCAT. The simulator for testing code is written in C#. When testing code, automated tests are preferred because it enables easy regression testing. For this purpose a testing tool using a customized script language has been developed. Testing with a simulator is also beneficial because errors can be found early in the development process, thus reducing the number of errors left to be found when testing on hardware. Comparison tests show that the simulator performs sufficiently well for testing of control code

    Virtual plants in machine automation research and development

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    Computational product development has become the mainstream methodology in modern product development. The same trend has been visible also in research, where computational methods have gained popularity beside the traditional approach relying on theory and experimentations. The objective of this project task was to study and demonstrate a realistic approach for an industrial case to reuse existing mechanical design CAD model as the starting point and the template for mechanical system simulation using multibody system simulation, and to use this MBS model as a virtual test plant for automation and control system testing. In the report, the role of system modelling and simulation in the product process is first dis-cussed and some selected technologies, such as Modelica simulation language and Functional Mock-up Interface specification, are introduced. Then different possible implementations approaches for a test environment of the control and automation system of a multi-technical system are discussed. The latter part of report focuses on describing the selected approach for a demonstration system and its implementation. The demonstration showed that, at least for the selected case, modelling, simulation and post-processing of a multi-technical simulation system is relatively straightforward and fast with the selected tools. The demonstration gives some understanding of the process for implementing one relatively small multi-technical system but does not give realistic feedback about the challenges in industrial-scale process for virtual prototyping of large and complex systems and related data exchange and data management

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2009

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    Languages and Tools for Optimization of Large-Scale Systems

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    Modeling and simulation are established techniques for solving design problems in a wide range of engineering disciplines today. Dedicated computer languages, such as Modelica, and efficient software tools are available. In this thesis, an extension of Modelica, Optimica, targeted at dynamic optimization of Modelica models is proposed. In order to demonstrate the Optimica extension, supporting software has been developed. This includes a modularly extensible Modelica compiler, the JModelica compiler, and an extension that supports also Optimica. A Modelica library for paper machine dryer section modeling, DryLib, has been developed. The classes in the library enable structured and hierarchical modeling of dryer sections at the application user level, while offering extensibility for the expert user. Based on DryLib, a parameter optimization problem, a model reduction problem, and an optimization-based control problem have been formulated and solved. A start-up optimization problem for a plate reactor has been formulated in Optimica, and solved by means of the Optimica compiler. In addition, the robustness properties of the start-up trajectories have been evaluated by means of Monte-Carlo simulation. In many control systems, it is necessary to consider interaction with a user. In this thesis, a manual control scheme for an unstable inverted pendulum system, where the inputs are bounded, is presented. The proposed controller is based on the notion of reachability sets and guarantees semi global stability for all references. An inverted pendulum on a two wheels robot has been developed. A distributed control system, including sensor processing algorithms and a stabilizing control scheme has been implemented on three on-board embedded processors