3 research outputs found

    A Deep Ordinal Distortion Estimation Approach for Distortion Rectification

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    Distortion is widely existed in the images captured by popular wide-angle cameras and fisheye cameras. Despite the long history of distortion rectification, accurately estimating the distortion parameters from a single distorted image is still challenging. The main reason is these parameters are implicit to image features, influencing the networks to fully learn the distortion information. In this work, we propose a novel distortion rectification approach that can obtain more accurate parameters with higher efficiency. Our key insight is that distortion rectification can be cast as a problem of learning an ordinal distortion from a single distorted image. To solve this problem, we design a local-global associated estimation network that learns the ordinal distortion to approximate the realistic distortion distribution. In contrast to the implicit distortion parameters, the proposed ordinal distortion have more explicit relationship with image features, and thus significantly boosts the distortion perception of neural networks. Considering the redundancy of distortion information, our approach only uses a part of distorted image for the ordinal distortion estimation, showing promising applications in the efficient distortion rectification. To our knowledge, we first unify the heterogeneous distortion parameters into a learning-friendly intermediate representation through ordinal distortion, bridging the gap between image feature and distortion rectification. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin, with approximately 23% improvement on the quantitative evaluation while displaying the best performance on visual appearance

    Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching: Reconstructing Stitched Features to Images

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    Traditional feature-based image stitching technologies rely heavily on feature detection quality, often failing to stitch images with few features or low resolution. The learning-based image stitching solutions are rarely studied due to the lack of labeled data, making the supervised methods unreliable. To address the above limitations, we propose an unsupervised deep image stitching framework consisting of two stages: unsupervised coarse image alignment and unsupervised image reconstruction. In the first stage, we design an ablation-based loss to constrain an unsupervised homography network, which is more suitable for large-baseline scenes. Moreover, a transformer layer is introduced to warp the input images in the stitching-domain space. In the second stage, motivated by the insight that the misalignments in pixel-level can be eliminated to a certain extent in feature-level, we design an unsupervised image reconstruction network to eliminate the artifacts from features to pixels. Specifically, the reconstruction network can be implemented by a low-resolution deformation branch and a high-resolution refined branch, learning the deformation rules of image stitching and enhancing the resolution simultaneously. To establish an evaluation benchmark and train the learning framework, a comprehensive real-world image dataset for unsupervised deep image stitching is presented and released. Extensive experiments well demonstrate the superiority of our method over other state-of-the-art solutions. Even compared with the supervised solutions, our image stitching quality is still preferred by users.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    Wide-angle Image Rectification: A Survey

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    Wide field-of-view (FOV) cameras, which capture a larger scene area than narrow FOV cameras, are used in many applications including 3D reconstruction, autonomous driving, and video surveillance. However, wide-angle images contain distortions that violate the assumptions underlying pinhole camera models, resulting in object distortion, difficulties in estimating scene distance, area, and direction, and preventing the use of off-the-shelf deep models trained on undistorted images for downstream computer vision tasks. Image rectification, which aims to correct these distortions, can solve these problems. In this paper, we comprehensively survey progress in wide-angle image rectification from transformation models to rectification methods. Specifically, we first present a detailed description and discussion of the camera models used in different approaches. Then, we summarize several distortion models including radial distortion and projection distortion. Next, we review both traditional geometry-based image rectification methods and deep learning-based methods, where the former formulate distortion parameter estimation as an optimization problem and the latter treat it as a regression problem by leveraging the power of deep neural networks. We evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art methods on public datasets and show that although both kinds of methods can achieve good results, these methods only work well for specific camera models and distortion types. We also provide a strong baseline model and carry out an empirical study of different distortion models on synthetic datasets and real-world wide-angle images. Finally, we discuss several potential research directions that are expected to further advance this area in the future.Comment: Accepted by the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). Both the datasets and source code are available at https://github.com/loong8888/WAI