14,232 research outputs found

    Predictive Reduced Order Modeling of Chaotic Multi-scale Problems Using Adaptively Sampled Projections

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    An adaptive projection-based reduced-order model (ROM) formulation is presented for model-order reduction of problems featuring chaotic and convection-dominant physics. An efficient method is formulated to adapt the basis at every time-step of the on-line execution to account for the unresolved dynamics. The adaptive ROM is formulated in a Least-Squares setting using a variable transformation to promote stability and robustness. An efficient strategy is developed to incorporate non-local information in the basis adaptation, significantly enhancing the predictive capabilities of the resulting ROMs. A detailed analysis of the computational complexity is presented, and validated. The adaptive ROM formulation is shown to require negligible offline training and naturally enables both future-state and parametric predictions. The formulation is evaluated on representative reacting flow benchmark problems, demonstrating that the ROMs are capable of providing efficient and accurate predictions including those involving significant changes in dynamics due to parametric variations, and transient phenomena. A key contribution of this work is the development and demonstration of a comprehensive ROM formulation that targets predictive capability in chaotic, multi-scale, and transport-dominated problems

    An adaptive, training-free reduced-order model for convection-dominated problems based on hybrid snapshots

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    The vast majority of reduced-order models (ROMs) first obtain a low dimensional representation of the problem from high-dimensional model (HDM) training data which is afterwards used to obtain a system of reduced complexity. Unfortunately, convection-dominated problems generally have a slowly decaying Kolmogorov n-width, which makes obtaining an accurate ROM built solely from training data very challenging. The accuracy of a ROM can be improved through enrichment with HDM solutions; however, due to the large computational expense of HDM evaluations for complex problems, they can only be used parsimoniously to obtain relevant computational savings. In this work, we exploit the local spatial and temporal coherence often exhibited by these problems to derive an accurate, cost-efficient approach that repeatedly combines HDM and ROM evaluations without a separate training phase. Our approach obtains solutions at a given time step by either fully solving the HDM or by combining partial HDM and ROM solves. A dynamic sampling procedure identifies regions that require the HDM solution for global accuracy and the reminder of the flow is reconstructed using the ROM. Moreover, solutions combining both HDM and ROM solves use spatial filtering to eliminate potential spurious oscillations that may develop. We test the proposed method on inviscid compressible flow problems and demonstrate speedups up to an order of magnitude.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    Accelerated solutions of convection-dominated partial differential equations using implicit feature tracking and empirical quadrature

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    This work introduces an empirical quadrature-based hyperreduction procedure and greedy training algorithm to effectively reduce the computational cost of solving convection-dominated problems with limited training. The proposed approach circumvents the slowly decaying nn-width limitation of linear model reduction techniques applied to convection-dominated problems by using a nonlinear approximation manifold systematically defined by composing a low-dimensional affine space with bijections of the underlying domain. The reduced-order model is defined as the solution of a residual minimization problem over the nonlinear manifold. An online-efficient method is obtained by using empirical quadrature to approximate the optimality system such that it can be solved with mesh-independent operations. The proposed reduced-order model is trained using a greedy procedure to systematically sample the parameter domain. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on two shock-dominated computational fluid dynamics benchmarks.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Registration-based model reduction of parameterized two-dimensional conservation laws

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    We propose a nonlinear registration-based model reduction procedure for rapid and reliable solution of parameterized two-dimensional steady conservation laws. This class of problems is challenging for model reduction techniques due to the presence of nonlinear terms in the equations and also due to the presence of parameter-dependent discontinuities that cannot be adequately represented through linear approximation spaces. Our approach builds on a general (i.e., independent of the underlying equation) registration procedure for the computation of a mapping Φ that tracks moving features of the solution field and on an hyper-reduced least-squares Petrov-Galerkin reduced-order model for the rapid and reliable computation of the solution coefficients. The contributions of this work are twofold. First, we investigate the application of registration-based methods to two-dimensional hyperbolic systems. Second, we propose a multi-fidelity approach to reduce the offline costs associated with the construction of the parameterized mapping and the reduced-order model. We discuss the application to an inviscid supersonic flow past a parameterized bump, to illustrate the many features of our method and to demonstrate its effectiveness
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