33,290 research outputs found

    Hyper RPCA: Joint Maximum Correntropy Criterion and Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling On-the-Fly for Moving Object Detection

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    Moving object detection is critical for automated video analysis in many vision-related tasks, such as surveillance tracking, video compression coding, etc. Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA), as one of the most popular moving object modelling methods, aims to separate the temporally varying (i.e., moving) foreground objects from the static background in video, assuming the background frames to be low-rank while the foreground to be spatially sparse. Classic RPCA imposes sparsity of the foreground component using l1-norm, and minimizes the modeling error via 2-norm. We show that such assumptions can be too restrictive in practice, which limits the effectiveness of the classic RPCA, especially when processing videos with dynamic background, camera jitter, camouflaged moving object, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel RPCA-based model, called Hyper RPCA, to detect moving objects on the fly. Different from classic RPCA, the proposed Hyper RPCA jointly applies the maximum correntropy criterion (MCC) for the modeling error, and Laplacian scale mixture (LSM) model for foreground objects. Extensive experiments have been conducted, and the results demonstrate that the proposed Hyper RPCA has competitive performance for foreground detection to the state-of-the-art algorithms on several well-known benchmark datasets

    Background Subtraction in Real Applications: Challenges, Current Models and Future Directions

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    Computer vision applications based on videos often require the detection of moving objects in their first step. Background subtraction is then applied in order to separate the background and the foreground. In literature, background subtraction is surely among the most investigated field in computer vision providing a big amount of publications. Most of them concern the application of mathematical and machine learning models to be more robust to the challenges met in videos. However, the ultimate goal is that the background subtraction methods developed in research could be employed in real applications like traffic surveillance. But looking at the literature, we can remark that there is often a gap between the current methods used in real applications and the current methods in fundamental research. In addition, the videos evaluated in large-scale datasets are not exhaustive in the way that they only covered a part of the complete spectrum of the challenges met in real applications. In this context, we attempt to provide the most exhaustive survey as possible on real applications that used background subtraction in order to identify the real challenges met in practice, the current used background models and to provide future directions. Thus, challenges are investigated in terms of camera, foreground objects and environments. In addition, we identify the background models that are effectively used in these applications in order to find potential usable recent background models in terms of robustness, time and memory requirements.Comment: Submitted to Computer Science Revie

    AI Oriented Large-Scale Video Management for Smart City: Technologies, Standards and Beyond

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    Deep learning has achieved substantial success in a series of tasks in computer vision. Intelligent video analysis, which can be broadly applied to video surveillance in various smart city applications, can also be driven by such powerful deep learning engines. To practically facilitate deep neural network models in the large-scale video analysis, there are still unprecedented challenges for the large-scale video data management. Deep feature coding, instead of video coding, provides a practical solution for handling the large-scale video surveillance data. To enable interoperability in the context of deep feature coding, standardization is urgent and important. However, due to the explosion of deep learning algorithms and the particularity of feature coding, there are numerous remaining problems in the standardization process. This paper envisions the future deep feature coding standard for the AI oriented large-scale video management, and discusses existing techniques, standards and possible solutions for these open problems.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Real Time Object Tracking Based on Inter-frame Coding: A Review

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    Inter-frame Coding plays significant role for video Compression and Computer Vision. Computer vision systems have been incorporated in many real life applications (e.g. surveillance systems, medical imaging, robot navigation and identity verification systems). Object tracking is a key computer vision topic, which aims at detecting the position of a moving object from a video sequence. The application of Inter-frame Coding for low frame rate video, as well as for low resolution video. Various methods based on Top-down approach just like kernel based or mean shift technique are used to track the object for video, So, Inter-frame Coding algorithms are widely adopted by video coding standards, mainly due to their simplicity and good distortion performance for object tracking.Comment: 4 page

    Unsupervised Object-Level Video Summarization with Online Motion Auto-Encoder

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    Unsupervised video summarization plays an important role on digesting, browsing, and searching the ever-growing videos every day, and the underlying fine-grained semantic and motion information (i.e., objects of interest and their key motions) in online videos has been barely touched. In this paper, we investigate a pioneer research direction towards the fine-grained unsupervised object-level video summarization. It can be distinguished from existing pipelines in two aspects: extracting key motions of participated objects, and learning to summarize in an unsupervised and online manner. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel online motion Auto-Encoder (online motion-AE) framework that functions on the super-segmented object motion clips. Comprehensive experiments on a newly-collected surveillance dataset and public datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method

    Region of Interest (ROI) Coding for Aerial Surveillance Video using AVC & HEVC

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    Aerial surveillance from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), i.e. with moving cameras, is of growing interest for police as well as disaster area monitoring. For more detailed ground images the camera resolutions are steadily increasing. Simultaneously the amount of video data to transmit is increasing significantly, too. To reduce the amount of data, Region of Interest (ROI) coding systems were introduced which mainly encode some regions in higher quality at the cost of the remaining image regions. We employ an existing ROI coding system relying on global motion compensation to retain full image resolution over the entire image. Different ROI detectors are used to automatically classify a video image on board of the UAV in ROI and non-ROI. We propose to replace the modified Advanced Video Coding (AVC) video encoder by a modified High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoder. Without any change of the detection system itself, but by replacing the video coding back-end we are able to improve the coding efficiency by 32% on average although regular HEVC provides coding gains of 12-30% only for the same test sequences and similar PSNR compared to regular AVC coding. Since the employed ROI coding mainly relies on intra mode coding of new emerging image areas, gains of HEVC-ROI coding over AVC-ROI coding compared to regular coding of the entire frames including predictive modes (inter) depend on sequence characteristics. We present a detailed analysis of bit distribution within the frames to explain the gains. In total we can provide coding data rates of 0.7-1.0 Mbit/s for full HDTV video sequences at 30 fps at reasonable quality of more than 37 dB.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    VStore: A Data Store for Analytics on Large Videos

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    We present VStore, a data store for supporting fast, resource-efficient analytics over large archival videos. VStore manages video ingestion, storage, retrieval, and consumption. It controls video formats along the video data path. It is challenged by i) the huge combinatorial space of video format knobs; ii) the complex impacts of these knobs and their high profiling cost; iii) optimizing for multiple resource types. It explores an idea called backward derivation of configuration: in the opposite direction along the video data path, VStore passes the video quantity and quality expected by analytics backward to retrieval, to storage, and to ingestion. In this process, VStore derives an optimal set of video formats, optimizing for different resources in a progressive manner. VStore automatically derives large, complex configurations consisting of more than one hundred knobs over tens of video formats. In response to queries, VStore selects video formats catering to the executed operators and the target accuracy. It streams video data from disks through decoder to operators. It runs queries as fast as 362x of video realtime

    Unsupervised Synthesis of Anomalies in Videos: Transforming the Normal

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    Abnormal activity recognition requires detection of occurrence of anomalous events that suffer from a severe imbalance in data. In a video, normal is used to describe activities that conform to usual events while the irregular events which do not conform to the normal are referred to as abnormal. It is far more common to observe normal data than to obtain abnormal data in visual surveillance. In this paper, we propose an approach where we can obtain abnormal data by transforming normal data. This is a challenging task that is solved through a multi-stage pipeline approach. We utilize a number of techniques from unsupervised segmentation in order to synthesize new samples of data that are transformed from an existing set of normal examples. Further, this synthesis approach has useful applications as a data augmentation technique. An incrementally trained Bayesian convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to carefully select the set of abnormal samples that can be added. Finally through this synthesis approach we obtain a comparable set of abnormal samples that can be used for training the CNN for the classification of normal vs abnormal samples. We show that this method generalizes to multiple settings by evaluating it on two real world datasets and achieves improved performance over other probabilistic techniques that have been used in the past for this task.Comment: Accepted in IJCNN 201

    Evaluation of Object Trackers in Distorted Surveillance Videos

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    Object tracking in realistic scenarios is a difficult problem affected by various image factors such as occlusion, clutter, confusion, object shape, unstable speed, and zooming. While these conditions do affect tracking performance, there is no clear distinction between the scene dependent challenges like occlusion, clutter, etc., and the challenges imposed by traditional notions of impairments from capture, compression, processing, and transmission. This paper is concerned with the latter interpretation of quality as it affects video tracking performance. In this work we aim to evaluate two state-of-the-art trackers (STRUCK and TLD) systematically and experimentally in surveillance videos affected by in-capture distortions such as under-exposure and defocus. We evaluate these trackers with the area under curve (AUC) values of success plots and precision curves. In spite of the fact that STRUCK and TLD have ranked high in video tracking surveys. This study concludes that incapture distortions severely affect the performance of these trackers. For this reason, the design and construction of a robust tracker with respect to these distortions remains an open question that can be answered by creating algorithms that makes use of perceptual features to compensate the degradations provided by these distortions.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, presented in SPSWSIVA 201

    Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes by Motion-field Shape Description and Similarity-based Statistical Learning

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    In crowded scenes, detection and localization of abnormal behaviors is challenging in that high-density people make object segmentation and tracking extremely difficult. We associate the optical flows of multiple frames to capture short-term trajectories and introduce the histogram-based shape descriptor referred to as shape contexts to describe such short-term trajectories. Furthermore, we propose a K-NN similarity-based statistical model to detect anomalies over time and space, which is an unsupervised one-class learning algorithm requiring no clustering nor any prior assumption. Firstly, we retrieve the K-NN samples from the training set in regard to the testing sample, and then use the similarities between every pair of the K-NN samples to construct a Gaussian model. Finally, the probabilities of the similarities from the testing sample to the K-NN samples under the Gaussian model are calculated in the form of a joint probability. Abnormal events can be detected by judging whether the joint probability is below predefined thresholds in terms of time and space, separately. Such a scheme can adapt to the whole scene, since the probability computed as such is not affected by motion distortions arising from perspective distortion. We conduct experiments on real-world surveillance videos, and the results demonstrate that the proposed method can reliably detect and locate the abnormal events in the video sequences, outperforming the state-of-the-art approaches
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