30,153 research outputs found

    Perceptual Attention-based Predictive Control

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    In this paper, we present a novel information processing architecture for safe deep learning-based visual navigation of autonomous systems. The proposed information processing architecture is used to support a perceptual attention-based predictive control algorithm that leverages model predictive control (MPC), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and uncertainty quantification methods. The novelty of our approach lies in using MPC to learn how to place attention on relevant areas of the visual input, which ultimately allows the system to more rapidly detect unsafe conditions. We accomplish this by using MPC to learn to select regions of interest in the input image, which are used to output control actions as well as estimates of epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty in the attention-aware visual input. We use these uncertainty estimates to quantify the safety of our network controller under the current navigation condition. The proposed architecture and algorithm is tested on a 1:5 scale terrestrial vehicle. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms previous approaches on early detection of unsafe conditions, such as when novel obstacles are present in the navigation environment. The proposed architecture is the first step towards using deep learning-based perceptual control policies in safety-critical domains

    Emotion in Reinforcement Learning Agents and Robots: A Survey

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    This article provides the first survey of computational models of emotion in reinforcement learning (RL) agents. The survey focuses on agent/robot emotions, and mostly ignores human user emotions. Emotions are recognized as functional in decision-making by influencing motivation and action selection. Therefore, computational emotion models are usually grounded in the agent's decision making architecture, of which RL is an important subclass. Studying emotions in RL-based agents is useful for three research fields. For machine learning (ML) researchers, emotion models may improve learning efficiency. For the interactive ML and human-robot interaction (HRI) community, emotions can communicate state and enhance user investment. Lastly, it allows affective modelling (AM) researchers to investigate their emotion theories in a successful AI agent class. This survey provides background on emotion theory and RL. It systematically addresses 1) from what underlying dimensions (e.g., homeostasis, appraisal) emotions can be derived and how these can be modelled in RL-agents, 2) what types of emotions have been derived from these dimensions, and 3) how these emotions may either influence the learning efficiency of the agent or be useful as social signals. We also systematically compare evaluation criteria, and draw connections to important RL sub-domains like (intrinsic) motivation and model-based RL. In short, this survey provides both a practical overview for engineers wanting to implement emotions in their RL agents, and identifies challenges and directions for future emotion-RL research.Comment: To be published in Machine Learning Journa

    Improving Coordination in Small-Scale Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning through Memory-driven Communication

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    Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have recently been used to train multiple interacting agents in a centralised manner whilst keeping their execution decentralised. When the agents can only acquire partial observations and are faced with tasks requiring coordination and synchronisation skills, inter-agent communication plays an essential role. In this work, we propose a framework for multi-agent training using deep deterministic policy gradients that enables concurrent, end-to-end learning of an explicit communication protocol through a memory device. During training, the agents learn to perform read and write operations enabling them to infer a shared representation of the world. We empirically demonstrate that concurrent learning of the communication device and individual policies can improve inter-agent coordination and performance in small-scale systems. Our experimental results show that the proposed method achieves superior performance in scenarios with up to six agents. We illustrate how different communication patterns can emerge on six different tasks of increasing complexity. Furthermore, we study the effects of corrupting the communication channel, provide a visualisation of the time-varying memory content as the underlying task is being solved and validate the building blocks of the proposed memory device through ablation studies

    Evolving Indoor Navigational Strategies Using Gated Recurrent Units In NEAT

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    Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms are expensive to run on smaller robotic platforms such as Micro-Aerial Vehicles. Bug algorithms are an alternative that use relatively little processing power, and avoid high memory consumption by not building an explicit map of the environment. Bug Algorithms achieve relatively good performance in simulated and robotic maze solving domains. However, because they are hand-designed, a natural question is whether they are globally optimal control policies. In this work we explore the performance of Neuroevolution - specifically NEAT - at evolving control policies for simulated differential drive robots carrying out generalised maze navigation. We extend NEAT to include Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) to help deal with long term dependencies. We show that both NEAT and our NEAT-GRU can repeatably generate controllers that outperform I-Bug (an algorithm particularly well-suited for use in real robots) on a test set of 209 indoor maze like environments. We show that NEAT-GRU is superior to NEAT in this task but also that out of the 2 systems, only NEAT-GRU can continuously evolve successful controllers for a much harder task in which no bearing information about the target is provided to the agent

    When Autonomous Systems Meet Accuracy and Transferability through AI: A Survey

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    With widespread applications of artificial intelligence (AI), the capabilities of the perception, understanding, decision-making and control for autonomous systems have improved significantly in the past years. When autonomous systems consider the performance of accuracy and transferability, several AI methods, like adversarial learning, reinforcement learning (RL) and meta-learning, show their powerful performance. Here, we review the learning-based approaches in autonomous systems from the perspectives of accuracy and transferability. Accuracy means that a well-trained model shows good results during the testing phase, in which the testing set shares a same task or a data distribution with the training set. Transferability means that when a well-trained model is transferred to other testing domains, the accuracy is still good. Firstly, we introduce some basic concepts of transfer learning and then present some preliminaries of adversarial learning, RL and meta-learning. Secondly, we focus on reviewing the accuracy or transferability or both of them to show the advantages of adversarial learning, like generative adversarial networks (GANs), in typical computer vision tasks in autonomous systems, including image style transfer, image superresolution, image deblurring/dehazing/rain removal, semantic segmentation, depth estimation, pedestrian detection and person re-identification (re-ID). Then, we further review the performance of RL and meta-learning from the aspects of accuracy or transferability or both of them in autonomous systems, involving pedestrian tracking, robot navigation and robotic manipulation. Finally, we discuss several challenges and future topics for using adversarial learning, RL and meta-learning in autonomous systems

    A Comprehensive Review of Shepherding as a Bio-inspired Swarm-Robotics Guidance Approach

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    The simultaneous control of multiple coordinated robotic agents represents an elaborate problem. If solved, however, the interaction between the agents can lead to solutions to sophisticated problems. The concept of swarming, inspired by nature, can be described as the emergence of complex system-level behaviors from the interactions of relatively elementary agents. Due to the effectiveness of solutions found in nature, bio-inspired swarming-based control techniques are receiving a lot of attention in robotics. One method, known as swarm shepherding, is founded on the sheep herding behavior exhibited by sheepdogs, where a swarm of relatively simple agents are governed by a shepherd (or shepherds) which is responsible for high-level guidance and planning. Many studies have been conducted on shepherding as a control technique, ranging from the replication of sheep herding via simulation, to the control of uninhabited vehicles and robots for a variety of applications. We present a comprehensive review of the literature on swarm shepherding to reveal the advantages and potential of the approach to be applied to a plethora of robotic systems in the future.Comment: Copyright 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    A Brief Survey of Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Deep reinforcement learning is poised to revolutionise the field of AI and represents a step towards building autonomous systems with a higher level understanding of the visual world. Currently, deep learning is enabling reinforcement learning to scale to problems that were previously intractable, such as learning to play video games directly from pixels. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are also applied to robotics, allowing control policies for robots to be learned directly from camera inputs in the real world. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the general field of reinforcement learning, then progress to the main streams of value-based and policy-based methods. Our survey will cover central algorithms in deep reinforcement learning, including the deep QQ-network, trust region policy optimisation, and asynchronous advantage actor-critic. In parallel, we highlight the unique advantages of deep neural networks, focusing on visual understanding via reinforcement learning. To conclude, we describe several current areas of research within the field.Comment: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Special Issue on Deep Learning for Image Understanding (arXiv extended version

    A Survey of Deep Learning Techniques for Mobile Robot Applications

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    Advancements in deep learning over the years have attracted research into how deep artificial neural networks can be used in robotic systems. This research survey will present a summarization of the current research with a specific focus on the gains and obstacles for deep learning to be applied to mobile robotics

    Exploring applications of deep reinforcement learning for real-world autonomous driving systems

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has become increasingly powerful in recent years, with notable achievements such as Deepmind's AlphaGo. It has been successfully deployed in commercial vehicles like Mobileye's path planning system. However, a vast majority of work on DRL is focused on toy examples in controlled synthetic car simulator environments such as TORCS and CARLA. In general, DRL is still at its infancy in terms of usability in real-world applications. Our goal in this paper is to encourage real-world deployment of DRL in various autonomous driving (AD) applications. We first provide an overview of the tasks in autonomous driving systems, reinforcement learning algorithms and applications of DRL to AD systems. We then discuss the challenges which must be addressed to enable further progress towards real-world deployment.Comment: Accepted for Oral Presentation at VISAPP 201

    Using Digital Twins and Intelligent Cognitive Agencies to Build Platforms for Automated CxO Future of Work

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    AI, Algorithms and Machine based automation of executive functions in enterprises and institutions is an important niche in the current considerations about the impact of digitalization on the future of work. Building platforms for CxO automation is challenging. In this paper, design principles based on computational thinking are used to engineer the architecture and infrastructure for such CxO automation platforms
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