168 research outputs found

    A low-order decomposition of turbulent channel flow via resolvent analysis and convex optimization

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    We combine resolvent-mode decomposition with techniques from convex optimization to optimally approximate velocity spectra in a turbulent channel. The velocity is expressed as a weighted sum of resolvent modes that are dynamically significant, non-empirical, and scalable with Reynolds number. To optimally represent DNS data at friction Reynolds number 20032003, we determine the weights of resolvent modes as the solution of a convex optimization problem. Using only 1212 modes per wall-parallel wavenumber pair and temporal frequency, we obtain close agreement with DNS-spectra, reducing the wall-normal and temporal resolutions used in the simulation by three orders of magnitude

    Applying engineering feedback analysis tools to climate dynamics

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    The application of feedback analysis tools from engineering control theory to problems in climate dynamics is discussed through two examples. First, the feedback coupling between the thermohaline circulation and wind-driven circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean is analyzed with a relatively simple model, in order to better understand the coupled system dynamics. The simulation behavior is compared with analysis using root locus (in the linear regime) and describing functions (to predict limit cycle amplitude). The second example does not directly involve feedback, but rather uses simulation-based identification of low-order dynamics to understand parameter sensitivity in a model of El Nino/Southern Oscillation dynamics. The eigenvalue and eigenvector sensitivity can be used both to better understand physics and to tune more complex models. Finally, additional applications are discussed where control tools may be relevant to understand existing feedbacks in the climate system, or even to introduce new ones

    An efficient algorithm for the parallel solution of high-dimensional differential equations

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    The study of high-dimensional differential equations is challenging and difficult due to the analytical and computational intractability. Here, we improve the speed of waveform relaxation (WR), a method to simulate high-dimensional differential-algebraic equations. This new method termed adaptive waveform relaxation (AWR) is tested on a communication network example. Further we propose different heuristics for computing graph partitions tailored to adaptive waveform relaxation. We find that AWR coupled with appropriate graph partitioning methods provides a speedup by a factor between 3 and 16

    Why may reduced order models based on global modes not work for closed loop control?

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    National audienceIn this article, we use a reduced model based on global modes to stabilize a globally unstable cavity flow. We show that although the full-state control is successful, the partial state controller cannot stabilize the perturbations. We introduce the notion of full-state measurement control to analyze this failure and show that it is due to a lack of information of the reduced model about the stable subspace. In particular, the input-output behavior is identified as the key parameter to be captured by the reduced model. A criterion is then derived in order to select the stable global modes which are likely to contribute to the input-output behavior. These critical modes are found to be impossible to compute because of the non-normality of the Navier-Stokes operator, which leads us to the conclusion that global modes are not suitable for control based reduced models

    Koopman operator-based model reduction for switched-system control of PDEs

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    We present a new framework for optimal and feedback control of PDEs using Koopman operator-based reduced order models (K-ROMs). The Koopman operator is a linear but infinite-dimensional operator which describes the dynamics of observables. A numerical approximation of the Koopman operator therefore yields a linear system for the observation of an autonomous dynamical system. In our approach, by introducing a finite number of constant controls, the dynamic control system is transformed into a set of autonomous systems and the corresponding optimal control problem into a switching time optimization problem. This allows us to replace each of these systems by a K-ROM which can be solved orders of magnitude faster. By this approach, a nonlinear infinite-dimensional control problem is transformed into a low-dimensional linear problem. In situations where the Koopman operator can be computed exactly using Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition (EDMD), the proposed approach yields optimal control inputs. Furthermore, a recent convergence result for EDMD suggests that the approach can be applied to more complex dynamics as well. To illustrate the results, we consider the 1D Burgers equation and the 2D Navier--Stokes equations. The numerical experiments show remarkable performance concerning both solution times and accuracy.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1801.0641

    Reduced order models for control of fluids using the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm

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    In feedback flow control, one of the challenges is to develop mathematical models that describe the fluid physics relevant to the task at hand, while neglecting irrelevant details of the flow in order to remain computationally tractable. A number of techniques are presently used to develop such reduced-order models, such as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and approximate snapshot-based balanced truncation, also known as balanced POD. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses: for instance, POD models can behave unpredictably and perform poorly, but they can be computed directly from experimental data; approximate balanced truncation often produces vastly superior models to POD, but requires data from adjoint simulations, and thus cannot be applied to experimental data. In this paper, we show that using the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) \citep{JuPa-85}, one can theoretically obtain exactly the same reduced order models as by balanced POD. Moreover, the models can be obtained directly from experimental data, without the use of adjoint information. The algorithm can also substantially improve computational efficiency when forming reduced-order models from simulation data. If adjoint information is available, then balanced POD has some advantages over ERA: for instance, it produces modes that are useful for multiple purposes, and the method has been generalized to unstable systems. We also present a modified ERA procedure that produces modes without adjoint information, but for this procedure, the resulting models are not balanced, and do not perform as well in examples. We present a detailed comparison of the methods, and illustrate them on an example of the flow past an inclined flat plate at a low Reynolds number.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure