9 research outputs found

    Conservative objective models are a special kind of contrastive divergence-based energy model

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    In this work we theoretically show that conservative objective models (COMs) for offline model-based optimisation (MBO) are a special kind of contrastive divergence-based energy model, one where the energy function represents both the unconditional probability of the input and the conditional probability of the reward variable. While the initial formulation only samples modes from its learned distribution, we propose a simple fix that replaces its gradient ascent sampler with a Langevin MCMC sampler. This gives rise to a special probabilistic model where the probability of sampling an input is proportional to its predicted reward. Lastly, we show that better samples can be obtained if the model is decoupled so that the unconditional and conditional probabilities are modelled separately

    Towards good validation metrics for generative models in offline model-based optimisation

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    In this work we propose a principled evaluation framework for model-based optimisation to measure how well a generative model can extrapolate. We achieve this by interpreting the training and validation splits as draws from their respective `truncated' ground truth distributions, where examples in the validation set contain scores much larger than those in the training set. Model selection is performed on the validation set for some prescribed validation metric. A major research question however is in determining what validation metric correlates best with the expected value of generated candidates with respect to the ground truth oracle; work towards answering this question can translate to large economic gains since it is expensive to evaluate the ground truth oracle in the real world. We compare various validation metrics for generative adversarial networks using our framework. We also discuss limitations with our framework with respect to existing datasets and how progress can be made to mitigate them

    Causal Graphs Underlying Generative Models: Path to Learning with Limited Data

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    Training generative models that capture rich semantics of the data and interpreting the latent representations encoded by such models are very important problems in unsupervised learning. In this work, we provide a simple algorithm that relies on perturbation experiments on latent codes of a pre-trained generative autoencoder to uncover a causal graph that is implied by the generative model. We leverage pre-trained attribute classifiers and perform perturbation experiments to check for influence of a given latent variable on a subset of attributes. Given this, we show that one can fit an effective causal graph that models a structural equation model between latent codes taken as exogenous variables and attributes taken as observed variables. One interesting aspect is that a single latent variable controls multiple overlapping subsets of attributes unlike conventional approach that tries to impose full independence. Using a pre-trained RNN-based generative autoencoder trained on a dataset of peptide sequences, we demonstrate that the learnt causal graph from our algorithm between various attributes and latent codes can be used to predict a specific property for sequences which are unseen. We compare prediction models trained on either all available attributes or only the ones in the Markov blanket and empirically show that in both the unsupervised and supervised regimes, typically, using the predictor that relies on Markov blanket attributes generalizes better for out-of-distribution sequences

    Parallel-mentoring for Offline Model-based Optimization

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    We study offline model-based optimization to maximize a black-box objective function with a static dataset of designs and scores. These designs encompass a variety of domains, including materials, robots and DNA sequences. A common approach trains a proxy on the static dataset to approximate the black-box objective function and performs gradient ascent to obtain new designs. However, this often results in poor designs due to the proxy inaccuracies for out-of-distribution designs. Recent studies indicate that: (a) gradient ascent with a mean ensemble of proxies generally outperforms simple gradient ascent, and (b) a trained proxy provides weak ranking supervision signals for design selection. Motivated by (a) and (b), we propose \textit{parallel-mentoring} as an effective and novel method that facilitates mentoring among parallel proxies, creating a more robust ensemble to mitigate the out-of-distribution issue. We focus on the three-proxy case and our method consists of two modules. The first module, \textit{voting-based pairwise supervision}, operates on three parallel proxies and captures their ranking supervision signals as pairwise comparison labels. These labels are combined through majority voting to generate consensus labels, which incorporate ranking supervision signals from all proxies and enable mutual mentoring. However, label noise arises due to possible incorrect consensus. To alleviate this, we introduce an \textit{adaptive soft-labeling} module with soft-labels initialized as consensus labels. Based on bi-level optimization, this module fine-tunes proxies in the inner level and learns more accurate labels in the outer level to adaptively mentor proxies, resulting in a more robust ensemble. Experiments validate the effectiveness of our method. Our code is available here.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    ROMO: Retrieval-enhanced Offline Model-based Optimization

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    Data-driven black-box model-based optimization (MBO) problems arise in a great number of practical application scenarios, where the goal is to find a design over the whole space maximizing a black-box target function based on a static offline dataset. In this work, we consider a more general but challenging MBO setting, named constrained MBO (CoMBO), where only part of the design space can be optimized while the rest is constrained by the environment. A new challenge arising from CoMBO is that most observed designs that satisfy the constraints are mediocre in evaluation. Therefore, we focus on optimizing these mediocre designs in the offline dataset while maintaining the given constraints rather than further boosting the best observed design in the traditional MBO setting. We propose retrieval-enhanced offline model-based optimization (ROMO), a new derivable forward approach that retrieves the offline dataset and aggregates relevant samples to provide a trusted prediction, and use it for gradient-based optimization. ROMO is simple to implement and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in the CoMBO setting. Empirically, we conduct experiments on a synthetic Hartmann (3D) function dataset, an industrial CIO dataset, and a suite of modified tasks in the Design-Bench benchmark. Results show that ROMO performs well in a wide range of constrained optimization tasks.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Physics-Driven ML-Based Modelling for Correcting Inverse Estimation

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    When deploying machine learning estimators in science and engineering (SAE) domains, it is critical to avoid failed estimations that can have disastrous consequences, e.g., in aero engine design. This work focuses on detecting and correcting failed state estimations before adopting them in SAE inverse problems, by utilizing simulations and performance metrics guided by physical laws. We suggest to flag a machine learning estimation when its physical model error exceeds a feasible threshold, and propose a novel approach, GEESE, to correct it through optimization, aiming at delivering both low error and high efficiency. The key designs of GEESE include (1) a hybrid surrogate error model to provide fast error estimations to reduce simulation cost and to enable gradient based backpropagation of error feedback, and (2) two generative models to approximate the probability distributions of the candidate states for simulating the exploitation and exploration behaviours. All three models are constructed as neural networks. GEESE is tested on three real-world SAE inverse problems and compared to a number of state-of-the-art optimization/search approaches. Results show that it fails the least number of times in terms of finding a feasible state correction, and requires physical evaluations less frequently in general.Comment: 19 pages, the paper is accepted by Neurips 2023 as a spotligh

    Denevil: Towards Deciphering and Navigating the Ethical Values of Large Language Models via Instruction Learning

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have made unprecedented breakthroughs, yet their increasing integration into everyday life might raise societal risks due to generated unethical content. Despite extensive study on specific issues like bias, the intrinsic values of LLMs remain largely unexplored from a moral philosophy perspective. This work delves into ethical values utilizing Moral Foundation Theory. Moving beyond conventional discriminative evaluations with poor reliability, we propose DeNEVIL, a novel prompt generation algorithm tailored to dynamically exploit LLMs' value vulnerabilities and elicit the violation of ethics in a generative manner, revealing their underlying value inclinations. On such a basis, we construct MoralPrompt, a high-quality dataset comprising 2,397 prompts covering 500+ value principles, and then benchmark the intrinsic values across a spectrum of LLMs. We discovered that most models are essentially misaligned, necessitating further ethical value alignment. In response, we develop VILMO, an in-context alignment method that substantially enhances the value compliance of LLM outputs by learning to generate appropriate value instructions, outperforming existing competitors. Our methods are suitable for black-box and open-source models, offering a promising initial step in studying the ethical values of LLMs