119,977 research outputs found

    Transient Resetting: A Novel Mechanism for Synchrony and Its Biological Examples

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    The study of synchronization in biological systems is essential for the understanding of the rhythmic phenomena of living organisms at both molecular and cellular levels. In this paper, by using simple dynamical systems theory, we present a novel mechanism, named transient resetting, for the synchronization of uncoupled biological oscillators with stimuli. This mechanism not only can unify and extend many existing results on (deterministic and stochastic) stimulus-induced synchrony, but also may actually play an important role in biological rhythms. We argue that transient resetting is a possible mechanism for the synchronization in many biological organisms, which might also be further used in medical therapy of rhythmic disorders. Examples on the synchronization of neural and circadian oscillators are presented to verify our hypothesis.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Shot noise in resonant tunneling structures

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    We propose a quantum mechanical approach to noise in resonant tunneling structures, that can be applied in the whole range of transport regimes, from completely coherent to completely incoherent. In both limiting cases, well known results which have appeared in the literature are recovered. Shot noise reduction due to both Pauli exclusion and Coulomb repulsion, and their combined effect, are studied as a function of the rate of incoherent processes in the well (which are taken into account by means of a phenomenological relaxation time), and of temperature. Our approach allows the study of noise in a variety of operating conditions (i.e., equilibrium, sub-peak voltages, second resonance voltages), and as a function of temperature, explaining experimental results and predicting interesting new results.Comment: RevTeX file, 26 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Double expansion in asymptotically free theories

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    I propose an approximation scheme for asymptotically free field theories combining both weak coupling and strong coupling series. The weak coupling expansion is used to integrate the high frequency modes and the resulting low energy effective theory is solved using the strong coupling expansion. In some models there exists an intermediate scale at which both expansions make sense. The method is tested on few low dimensional models for which an exact solution is known.Comment: 15 pages, written in LaTeX, figures generated using FEYNMANN are commented and can be obtained upon request

    Negative magnetoresistance in the nearest-neighbour hopping conduction in granular gold film

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    The low temperature (0.5-55 K) conduction of semicontinuous gold film vacuum deposited at T \approx 50 K is studied. The film is near the percolation threshold (thickness 3.25 nm). Its resistance is extremely sensitive to the applied voltage U. At low enough U the film behaves as an insulator (two-dimensional granular metal). In this state the dependences R(T) \propto \exp (1/T) (for T \leq 20 K) and R(U) \propto \exp (1/U)) (for T \leq 1 K and U > 0.1 V) are observed. Magnetoresistance (MR) is negative and can be described by \Delta R(H)/R(0) \propto -H^2/T. This negative MR which manifests itself for nearest-neighbour hopping is rather uncommon and, up to now, has not been clarified. The possible mechanisms of such case of negative MR are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, LATEX, 6 figures. To be published in Physica B. Fig.4 is JPG file, in case of troubles with it, appeal for help and advice to: [email protected]

    Improved Perturbation Method and its Application to the IIB Matrix Model

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    We present a new scheme for extracting approximate values in ``the improved perturbation method'', which is a sort of resummation technique capable of evaluating a series outside the radius of convergence. We employ the distribution profile of the series that is weighted by nth-order derivatives with respect to the artificially introduced parameters. By those weightings the distribution becomes more sensitive to the ``plateau'' structure in which the consistency condition of the method is satisfied. The scheme works effectively even in such cases that the system involves many parameters. We also propose that this scheme has to be applied to each observables separately and be analyzed comprehensively. We apply this scheme to the analysis of the IIB matrix model by the improved perturbation method obtained up to eighth order of perturbation in the former works. We consider here the possibility of spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry, and evaluate the free energy and the anisotropy of space-time extent. In the present analysis, we find an SO(10)-symmetric vacuum besides the SO(4)- and SO(7)-symmetric vacua that have been observed. It is also found that there are two distinct SO(4)-symmetric vacua that have almost the same value of free energy but the extent of space-time is different. From the approximate values of free energy, we conclude that the SO(4)-symmetric vacua are most preferred among those three types of vacua.Comment: 52 pages, published versio