3 research outputs found

    Gamificaci贸n y aprendizaje colaborativo en l铆nea: un an谩lisis de estrategias en una universidad mexicana

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    Aunque la educaci贸n a distancia ha demostrado sus beneficios en el proceso de ense帽anza, una de sus principales carencias es la falta de estrategias propias; sin embargo, la gamificaci贸n se considera como una herramienta efectiva para trabajar en esta modalidad. Por ello, se realiz贸 una investigaci贸n de enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance exploratorio del tipo preexperimental en una universidad mexicana con los siguientes objetivos: identificar el nivel de incidencia que tienen las estrategias de gamificaci贸n en el aprendizaje colaborativo en un curso a distancia desde la perspectiva del estudiantado universitario; y comprobar si existen diferencias significativas entre las diferentes estrategias de gamificaci贸n en el aprendizaje colaborativo del estudiantado universitario. Se utiliz贸 un curso a distancia donde se emplearon tres estrategias de gamificaci贸n (Tr铆ada PET, Digital StoryTelling y Escape Room); el alumnado contest贸 el instrumento COLLES al finalizar cada una de estas para contrastar las respuestas obtenidas, por lo que se compararon las medias, desviaciones est谩ndar y la ANOVA de un factor para muestras repetidas. Los resultados indicaron que las tres estrategias incidieron en el aprendizaje colaborativo, aunque existieron diferencias significativas en sus escalas. Se concluye que las caracter铆sticas de cada estrategia son determinantes para lograr el aprendizaje colaborativo en l铆nea. Se recomienda seleccionar y articular las estrategias de gamificaci贸n en el dise帽o de un curso a distancia y realizar mediciones constantes para identificar y mantener los niveles de aprendizaje colaborativo.//Despite distance education has proved its benefits in the teaching process, one of its main shortcomings is the lack of its own strategies, however, gamification is considered as an effective tool to work with on this modality. Based on the above, a pre-experimental, exploratory, quantitative research study was carried out in a Mexican university following the next objectives: identifying the level of incidence that gamification strategies have regarding collaborative learning in a distance course from the perspective of university students; as well as checking if there are significant differences between the different gamification strategies in collaborative learning of university students. A distance course was used, for this purpose where three gamification strategies were performed (PBL, Digital StoryTelling and Escape Room); students answered then the COLLES instrument at the end of each of these strategies to find contrast to the responses obtained. Thus, the means, standard deviations and ANOVA of one factor for repeated samples were compared. The results indicated that all three strategies had a positive impact on collaborative learning, however, there are significant differences in their scales. It is concluded that the characteristics of each strategy are key in achieving online collaborative learning. It is recommended to select and articulate gamification strategies when designing a distance course considering constant measurements to identify and maintain the levels of collaborative learning

    Model Driven Development of Gamified Applications

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    Model-Driven Development of Gamified Applications

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    Gamification is defined as the injection of game elements in applications with non-gaming purposes. This technique has shown outstanding results in promoting the engagement and activity on communities of users, in both business and non-for-profits fields. Often, gamification features are added late in the application life-cycle and must be weaved into the existing functions. In this paper, we present a model-driven approach to the design of gamified applications, which accelerates the introduction of gamification elements in pre-existing or new applications. The approach relies on a data model of gamification features and on design patterns for the front-end, which encode the essential elements of gamification in a platform-independent way