732 research outputs found

    Beyond Model-Checking CSL for QBDs: Resets, Batches and Rewards

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    We propose and discuss a number of extensions to quasi-birth-death models (QBDs) for which CSL model checking is still possible, thus extending our recent work on CSL model checking of QBDs. We then equip the QBDs with rewards, and discuss algorithms and open research issues for model checking CSRL for QBDs with rewards

    GCSRL - A Logic for Stochastic Reward Models with Timed and Untimed Behaviour

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    In this paper we define the logic GCSRL (generalised continuous stochastic reward logic) that provides means to reason about systems that have states which sojourn times are either greater zero, in which case this sojourn time is exponentially distributed (tangible states), or zero (vanishing states).\ud In case of generalised stochastic Petri nets (GSPNs) and stochastic process algebras it turned out that these vanishing states can be very useful when it comes to define system behaviour. In the same way these states are useful for defining system properties using stochastic logics. We extend both the semantic model and the semantics of CSRL such that it allows to attach impulse rewards to transitions emanating from vanishing states. We show by means of a small example how model checking GCSRL formulae works

    Extending the Logic IM-SPDL with Impulse and State Rewards

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    This report presents the logic SDRL (Stochastic Dynamic Reward Logic), an extension of the stochastic logic IM-SPDL, which supports the specication of complex performance and dependability requirements. SDRL extends IM-SPDL with the possibility to express impulse- and state reward measures.\ud The logic is interpreted over extended action-based Markov reward model (EMRM), i.e. transition systems containing both immediate and Markovian transitions, where additionally the states and transitions can be enriched with rewards.\ud We define ne the syntax and semantics of the new logic and show that SDRL provides powerful means to specify path-based properties with timing and reward-based restrictions.\ud In general, paths can be characterised by regular expressions, also called programs, where the executability of a program may depend on the validity of test formulae. For the model checking of SDRL time- and reward-bounded path formulae, a deterministic program automaton is constructed from the requirement. Afterwards the product transition\ud system between this automaton and the EMRM is built and subsequently transformed into a continuous time Markov reward model (MRM) on which numerical\ud analysis is performed.\u

    Discrete-time rewards model-checked

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    This paper presents a model-checking approach for analyzing discrete-time Markov reward models. For this purpose, the temporal logic probabilistic CTL is extended with reward constraints. This allows to formulate complex measures – involving expected as well as accumulated rewards – in a precise and succinct way. Algorithms to efficiently analyze such formulae are introduced. The approach is illustrated by model-checking a probabilistic cost model of the IPv4 zeroconf protocol for distributed address assignment in ad-hoc networks

    Computing Battery Lifetime Distributions

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    The usage of mobile devices like cell phones, navigation systems, or laptop computers, is limited by the lifetime of the included batteries. This lifetime depends naturally on the rate at which energy is consumed, however, it also depends on the usage pattern of the battery. Continuous drawing of a high current results in an excessive drop of residual capacity. However, during \ud intervals with no or very small currents, batteries do recover to a certain extend. We model this complex behaviour with an inhomogeneous Markov reward model, following the approach of the so-called Kinetic battery Model (KiBaM). \ud The state-dependent reward rates thereby correspond to the power consumption of the attached device and to the available charge, respectively. We develop a tailored numerical algorithm for the computation of the distribution of the consumed energy and show how different workload patterns influence the overall lifetime of a battery

    A versatile infinite-state Markov reward model to study bottlenecks in 2-hop ad hoc networks

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    In a 2-hop IEEE 801.11-based wireless LAN, the distributed coordination function (DCF) tends to equally share the available capacity among the contending stations. Recently alternative capacity sharing strategies have been made possible. We propose a versatile infinite-state Markov reward model to study the bottleneck node in a 2-hop IEEE 801.11-based ad hoc network for different adaptive capacity sharing strategies. We use infinite-state stochastic Petri nets (iSPNs) to specify our model, from which the underlying QBD-type Markov-reward models are automatically derived. The impact of the different capacity sharing strategies is analyzed by CSRL model checking of the underlying infinite-state QBD, for which we provide new techniques. Our modeling approach helps in deciding under which circumstances which adaptive capacity sharing strategy is most appropriate

    Model Checking Markov Chains with Actions and State Labels

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    In the past, logics of several kinds have been proposed for reasoning about discrete- or continuous-time Markov chains. Most of these logics rely on either state labels (atomic propositions) or on transition labels (actions). However, in several applications it is useful to reason about both state-properties and action-sequences. For this purpose, we introduce the logic asCSL which provides powerful means to characterize execution paths of Markov chains with actions and state labels. asCSL can be regarded as an extension of the purely state-based logic asCSL (continuous stochastic logic). \ud In asCSL, path properties are characterized by regular expressions over actions and state-formulas. Thus, the truth value of path-formulas does not only depend on the available actions in a given time interval, but also on the validity of certain state formulas in intermediate states.\ud We compare the expressive power of CSL and asCSL and show that even the state-based fragment of asCSL is strictly more expressive than CSL if time intervals starting at zero are employed. Using an automaton-based technique, an asCSL formula and a Markov chain with actions and state labels are combined into a product Markov chain. For time intervals starting at zero we establish a reduction of the model checking problem for asCSL to CSL model checking on this product Markov chain. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated by through an elaborate model of a scalable cellular communication system for which several properties are formalized by means of asCSL-formulas, and checked using the new procedure

    A model checker for performance and dependability properties

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    Markov chains are widely used in the context of performance and reliability evaluation of systems of various nature. Model checking of such chains with respect to a given (branching) temporal logic formula has been proposed for both the discrete [8] and the continuous time setting [1], [3]. In this short paper, we describe the prototype model checker EMC2E \vdash M C^2 for discrete and continuous-time Markov chains, where properties are expressed in appropriate extensions of CTL.We illustrate the general benefits of this approach and discuss the structure of the tool

    Construction and Verification of Performance and Reliability Models

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    Over the last two decades formal methods have been extended towards performance and reliability evaluation. This paper tries to provide a rather intuitive explanation of the basic concepts and features in this area. Instead of striving for mathematical rigour, the intention is to give an illustrative introduction to the basics of stochastic models, to stochastic modelling using process algebra, and to model checking as a technique to analyse stochastic models

    Bottlenecks in Two-Hop Ad Hoc Networks - Dividing Radio Capacity in a Smart Way

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    In two-hop ad hoc networks the available radio capacity tends to be equally shard among the contending stations, which may lead to bottleneck situations in case of unbalanced traffic routing. We propose a generic model for evaluating adaptive capacity sharing strategies. We use infinite-state stochastic Petri nets for modeling the system and use the logic CSRL for specifying the measures of interest