3 research outputs found

    Model Checking PSL using HOL and SMV

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    Abstract. In our previous work, we formally validated the correctness of a translation from a subset of Accellera’s Property Specification Language (PSL) to linear temporal logic (LTL) using the HOL theorem prover. We also built an interface from HOL to the SMV model checker based on a formal translation of LTL to ω-automata. In the present paper, we describe how this work has been extended and combined to produce a model checking infrastructure for a significant subset of PSL that works by translating model checking problems to equivalent checks for the existence of fair paths through a Kripke structure specified in higher order logic. This translation is done by theorem proving in HOL, so it is proven to be correct. The existence check is carried out using the interface from HOL to SMV. Moreover, we have applied our infrastructure to implement a tool for validating the soundness of a separate PSL model checker.