7 research outputs found

    Reasoning about Knowledge and Strategies under Hierarchical Information

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    Two distinct semantics have been considered for knowledge in the context of strategic reasoning, depending on whether players know each other's strategy or not. The problem of distributed synthesis for epistemic temporal specifications is known to be undecidable for the latter semantics, already on systems with hierarchical information. However, for the other, uninformed semantics, the problem is decidable on such systems. In this work we generalise this result by introducing an epistemic extension of Strategy Logic with imperfect information. The semantics of knowledge operators is uninformed, and captures agents that can change observation power when they change strategies. We solve the model-checking problem on a class of "hierarchical instances", which provides a solution to a vast class of strategic problems with epistemic temporal specifications on hierarchical systems, such as distributed synthesis or rational synthesis

    Model Checking an Epistemic mu-calculus with Synchronous and Perfect Recall Semantics

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    We identify a subproblem of the model-checking problem for the epistemic \mu-calculus which is decidable. Formulas in the instances of this subproblem allow free variables within the scope of epistemic modalities in a restricted form that avoids embodying any form of common knowledge. Our subproblem subsumes known decidable fragments of epistemic CTL/LTL, may express winning strategies in two-player games with one player having imperfect information and non-observable objectives, and, with a suitable encoding, decidable instances of the model-checking problem for ATLiR.Comment: 10 pages, Poster presentation at TARK 2013 (arXiv:1310.6382) http://www.tark.or

    Changing Observations in Epistemic Temporal Logic

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    We study dynamic changes of agents' observational power in logics of knowledge and time. We consider CTL*K, the extension of CTL* with knowledge operators, and enrich it with a new operator that models a change in an agent's way of observing the system. We extend the classic semantics of knowledge for perfect-recall agents to account for changes of observation, and we show that this new operator strictly increases the expressivity of CTL*K. We reduce the model-checking problem for our logic to that for CTL*K, which is known to be decidable. This provides a solution to the model-checking problem for our logic, but its complexity is not optimal. Indeed we provide a direct decision procedure with better complexity

    Arrows for knowledge-based circuits

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    Knowledge-based programs (KBPs) are a formalism for directly relating agents' knowledge and behaviour in a way that has proven useful for specifying distributed systems. Here we present a scheme for compiling KBPs to executable automata in finite environments with a proof of correctness in Isabelle/HOL. We use Arrows, a functional programming abstraction, to structure a prototype domain-specific synchronous language embedded in Haskell. By adapting our compilation scheme to use symbolic representations we can apply it to several examples of reasonable size