46 research outputs found

    Mode Seeking Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Image Synthesis

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    Most conditional generation tasks expect diverse outputs given a single conditional context. However, conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs) often focus on the prior conditional information and ignore the input noise vectors, which contribute to the output variations. Recent attempts to resolve the mode collapse issue for cGANs are usually task-specific and computationally expensive. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective regularization term to address the mode collapse issue for cGANs. The proposed method explicitly maximizes the ratio of the distance between generated images with respect to the corresponding latent codes, thus encouraging the generators to explore more minor modes during training. This mode seeking regularization term is readily applicable to various conditional generation tasks without imposing training overhead or modifying the original network structures. We validate the proposed algorithm on three conditional image synthesis tasks including categorical generation, image-to-image translation, and text-to-image synthesis with different baseline models. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed regularization method for improving diversity without loss of quality.Comment: CVPR 2019. Code: https://github.com/HelenMao/MSGA

    KG-GAN: Knowledge-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Can generative adversarial networks (GANs) generate roses of various colors given only roses of red petals as input? The answer is negative, since GANs' discriminator would reject all roses of unseen petal colors. In this study, we propose knowledge-guided GAN (KG-GAN) to fuse domain knowledge with the GAN framework. KG-GAN trains two generators; one learns from data whereas the other learns from knowledge with a constraint function. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of KG-GAN in generating unseen flower categories from seen categories given textual descriptions of the unseen ones

    Dual Variational Generation for Low-Shot Heterogeneous Face Recognition

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    Heterogeneous Face Recognition (HFR) is a challenging issue because of the large domain discrepancy and a lack of heterogeneous data. This paper considers HFR as a dual generation problem, and proposes a novel Dual Variational Generation (DVG) framework. It generates large-scale new paired heterogeneous images with the same identity from noise, for the sake of reducing the domain gap of HFR. Specifically, we first introduce a dual variational autoencoder to represent a joint distribution of paired heterogeneous images. Then, in order to ensure the identity consistency of the generated paired heterogeneous images, we impose a distribution alignment in the latent space and a pairwise identity preserving in the image space. Moreover, the HFR network reduces the domain discrepancy by constraining the pairwise feature distances between the generated paired heterogeneous images. Extensive experiments on four HFR databases show that our method can significantly improve state-of-the-art results. The related code is available at https://github.com/BradyFU/DVG.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 201

    PI-REC: Progressive Image Reconstruction Network With Edge and Color Domain

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    We propose a universal image reconstruction method to represent detailed images purely from binary sparse edge and flat color domain. Inspired by the procedures of painting, our framework, based on generative adversarial network, consists of three phases: Imitation Phase aims at initializing networks, followed by Generating Phase to reconstruct preliminary images. Moreover, Refinement Phase is utilized to fine-tune preliminary images into final outputs with details. This framework allows our model generating abundant high frequency details from sparse input information. We also explore the defects of disentangling style latent space implicitly from images, and demonstrate that explicit color domain in our model performs better on controllability and interpretability. In our experiments, we achieve outstanding results on reconstructing realistic images and translating hand drawn drafts into satisfactory paintings. Besides, within the domain of edge-to-image translation, our model PI-REC outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on evaluations of realism and accuracy, both quantitatively and qualitatively.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    DRIT++: Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations

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    Image-to-image translation aims to learn the mapping between two visual domains. There are two main challenges for this task: 1) lack of aligned training pairs and 2) multiple possible outputs from a single input image. In this work, we present an approach based on disentangled representation for generating diverse outputs without paired training images. To synthesize diverse outputs, we propose to embed images onto two spaces: a domain-invariant content space capturing shared information across domains and a domain-specific attribute space. Our model takes the encoded content features extracted from a given input and attribute vectors sampled from the attribute space to synthesize diverse outputs at test time. To handle unpaired training data, we introduce a cross-cycle consistency loss based on disentangled representations. Qualitative results show that our model can generate diverse and realistic images on a wide range of tasks without paired training data. For quantitative evaluations, we measure realism with user study and Fr\'{e}chet inception distance, and measure diversity with the perceptual distance metric, Jensen-Shannon divergence, and number of statistically-different bins.Comment: IJCV Journal extension for ECCV 2018 "Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations" arXiv:1808.00948. Project Page: http://vllab.ucmerced.edu/hylee/DRIT_pp/ Code: https://github.com/HsinYingLee/DRI

    Unified cross-modality feature disentangler for unsupervised multi-domain MRI abdomen organs segmentation

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    Our contribution is a unified cross-modality feature disentagling approach for multi-domain image translation and multiple organ segmentation. Using CT as the labeled source domain, our approach learns to segment multi-modal (T1-weighted and T2-weighted) MRI having no labeled data. Our approach uses a variational auto-encoder (VAE) to disentangle the image content from style. The VAE constrains the style feature encoding to match a universal prior (Gaussian) that is assumed to span the styles of all the source and target modalities. The extracted image style is converted into a latent style scaling code, which modulates the generator to produce multi-modality images according to the target domain code from the image content features. Finally, we introduce a joint distribution matching discriminator that combines the translated images with task-relevant segmentation probability maps to further constrain and regularize image-to-image (I2I) translations. We performed extensive comparisons to multiple state-of-the-art I2I translation and segmentation methods. Our approach resulted in the lowest average multi-domain image reconstruction error of 1.34±\pm0.04. Our approach produced an average Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.85 for T1w and 0.90 for T2w MRI for multi-organ segmentation, which was highly comparable to a fully supervised MRI multi-organ segmentation network (DSC of 0.86 for T1w and 0.90 for T2w MRI).Comment: This paper has been accepted by MICCAI202

    Annealing Genetic GAN for Minority Oversampling

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    The key to overcome class imbalance problems is to capture the distribution of minority class accurately. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown some potentials to tackle class imbalance problems due to their capability of reproducing data distributions given ample training data samples. However, the scarce samples of one or more classes still pose a great challenge for GANs to learn accurate distributions for the minority classes. In this work, we propose an Annealing Genetic GAN (AGGAN) method, which aims to reproduce the distributions closest to the ones of the minority classes using only limited data samples. Our AGGAN renovates the training of GANs as an evolutionary process that incorporates the mechanism of simulated annealing. In particular, the generator uses different training strategies to generate multiple offspring and retain the best. Then, we use the Metropolis criterion in the simulated annealing to decide whether we should update the best offspring for the generator. As the Metropolis criterion allows a certain chance to accept the worse solutions, it enables our AGGAN steering away from the local optimum. According to both theoretical analysis and experimental studies on multiple imbalanced image datasets, we prove that the proposed training strategy can enable our AGGAN to reproduce the distributions of minority classes from scarce samples and provide an effective and robust solution for the class imbalance problem

    Unsupervised Eyeglasses Removal in the Wild

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    Eyeglasses removal is challenging in removing different kinds of eyeglasses, e.g., rimless glasses, full-rim glasses and sunglasses, and recovering appropriate eyes. Due to the large visual variants, the conventional methods lack scalability. Most existing works focus on the frontal face images in the controlled environment, such as the laboratory, and need to design specific systems for different eyeglass types. To address the limitation, we propose a unified eyeglass removal model called Eyeglasses Removal Generative Adversarial Network (ERGAN), which could handle different types of glasses in the wild. The proposed method does not depend on the dense annotation of eyeglasses location but benefits from the large-scale face images with weak annotations. Specifically, we study the two relevant tasks simultaneously, i.e., removing and wearing eyeglasses. Given two facial images with and without eyeglasses, the proposed model learns to swap the eye area in two faces. The generation mechanism focuses on the eye area and invades the difficulty of generating a new face. In the experiment, we show the proposed method achieves a competitive removal quality in terms of realism and diversity. Furthermore, we evaluate ERGAN on several subsequent tasks, such as face verification and facial expression recognition. The experiment shows that our method could serve as a pre-processing method for these tasks

    Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation with Adaptive Inference Graph

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    In this work, we address the problem of multi-domain image-to-image translation with particular attention paid to computational cost. In particular, current state of the art models require a large and deep model in order to handle the visual diversity of multiple domains. In a context of limited computational resources, increasing the network size may not be possible. Therefore, we propose to increase the network capacity by using an adaptive graph structure. At inference time, the network estimates its own graph by selecting specific sub-networks. Sub-network selection is implemented using Gumbel-Softmax in order to allow end-to-end training. This approach leads to an adjustable increase in number of parameters while preserving an almost constant computational cost. Our evaluation on two publicly available datasets of facial and painting images shows that our adaptive strategy generates better images with fewer artifacts than literature methodsComment: Accepted at ICPR 202

    Impressions2Font: Generating Fonts by Specifying Impressions

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    Various fonts give us various impressions, which are often represented by words. This paper proposes Impressions2Font (Imp2Font) that generates font images with specific impressions. Imp2Font is an extended version of conditional generative adversarial networks (GANs). More precisely, Imp2Font accepts an arbitrary number of impression words as the condition to generate the font images. These impression words are converted into a soft-constraint vector by an impression embedding module built on a word embedding technique. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations prove that Imp2Font generates font images with higher quality than comparative methods by providing multiple impression words or even unlearned words.Comment: submitted ICDAR 202