8,653 research outputs found

    Limit distribution theory for maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density

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    We find limiting distributions of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of a log-concave density, that is, a density of the form f0=expφ0f_0=\exp\varphi_0 where φ0\varphi_0 is a concave function on R\mathbb{R}. The pointwise limiting distributions depend on the second and third derivatives at 0 of HkH_k, the "lower invelope" of an integrated Brownian motion process minus a drift term depending on the number of vanishing derivatives of φ0=logf0\varphi_0=\log f_0 at the point of interest. We also establish the limiting distribution of the resulting estimator of the mode M(f0)M(f_0) and establish a new local asymptotic minimax lower bound which shows the optimality of our mode estimator in terms of both rate of convergence and dependence of constants on population values.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS609 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    An adjoint for likelihood maximization

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    The process of likelihood maximization can be found in many different areas of computational modelling. However, the construction of such models via likelihood maximization requires the solution of a difficult multi-modal optimization problem involving an expensive O(n3) factorization. The optimization techniques used to solve this problem may require many such factorizations and can result in a significant bottle-neck. This article derives an adjoint formulation of the likelihood employed in the construction of a kriging model via reverse algorithmic differentiation. This adjoint is found to calculate the likelihood and all of its derivatives more efficiently than the standard analytical method and can therefore be utilised within a simple local search or within a hybrid global optimization to accelerate convergence and therefore reduce the cost of the likelihood optimization

    Bi-log-concave distribution functions

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    Nonparametric statistics for distribution functions F or densities f=F' under qualitative shape constraints provides an interesting alternative to classical parametric or entirely nonparametric approaches. We contribute to this area by considering a new shape constraint: F is said to be bi-log-concave, if both log(F) and log(1 - F) are concave. Many commonly considered distributions are compatible with this constraint. For instance, any c.d.f. F with log-concave density f = F' is bi-log-concave. But in contrast to the latter constraint, bi-log-concavity allows for multimodal densities. We provide various characterizations. It is shown that combining any nonparametric confidence band for F with the new shape-constraint leads to substantial improvements, particularly in the tails. To pinpoint this, we show that these confidence bands imply non-trivial confidence bounds for arbitrary moments and the moment generating function of F

    Partially Adaptive Estimation via Maximum Entropy Densities

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    We propose a partially adaptive estimator based on information theoretic maximum entropy estimates of the error distribution. The maximum entropy (maxent) densities have simple yet flexible functional forms to nest most of the mathematical distributions. Unlike the nonparametric fully adaptive estimators, our parametric estimators do not involve choosing a bandwidth or trimming, and only require estimating a small number of nuisance parameters, which is desirable when the sample size is small. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the proposed estimators fare well with non-normal error distributions. When the errors are normal, the efficiency loss due to redundant nuisance parameters is negligible as the proposed error densities nest the normal. The proposed partially adaptive estimator compares favorably with existing methods, especially when the sample size is small. We apply the estimator to a bio-pharmaceutical example and a stochastic frontier model.