5 research outputs found

    Device Caching for Network Offloading: Delay Minimization with Presence of User Mobility

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    A delay-optimal caching problem (DOCP) in deviceto- device (D2D) networks with moblity is modelled. The problem arises in the context of achieving offloading using device caching, and the offloading effect is represented by the expected network load ratio (NLR) which is the percentage of data that has to be downloaded from the network. Compared with the related studies, this work considers minimizing delay with NLR guarantee in mobility scenarios. A lower bound of global optimum is derived, thus enabling performance benchmarking of any sub-optimal algorithm. For problem-solving, an effective search algorithm (ESA) is proposed based on the bound. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the ESA algorithm.Comment: To appear in IEEE Wireless Communication Letter

    Cost-optimal caching for D2D networks with user mobility: Modeling, analysis, and computational approaches

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    Caching popular files at user equipments (UEs) provides an effective way to alleviate the burden of the backhaul networks. Generally, popularity-based caching is not a system-wide optimal strategy, especially for user mobility scenarios. Motivated by this observation, we consider optimal caching with presence of mobility. A cost-optimal caching problem (COCP) for device-to-device (D2D) networks is modelled, in which the impact of user mobility, cache size, and total number of encoded segments are all accounted for. Compared with the related studies, our investigation guarantees that the collected segments are non-overlapping, takes into account the cost of downloading from the network, and provides a rigorous problem complexity analysis. The hardness of the problem is proved via a reduction from the satisfiability problem. Next, a lower-bounding function of the objective function is derived. By the function, an approximation of COCP (ACOCP) achieving linearization is obtained, which features two advantages. First, the ACOCP approach can use an off-the-shelf integer linear programming algorithm to obtain the global optimal solution, and it can effectively deliver solutions for small-scale and mediumscale system scenarios. Second, and more importantly, based on the ACOCP approach, one can derive the lower bound of global optimum of COCP, thus enabling performance benchmarking of any suboptimal algorithm. To tackle large scenarios with low complexity, we first prove that the optimal caching placement of one user, giving other users' caching placements, can be derived in polynomial time. Then, based on this proof, a mobility aware user-by-user (MAUU) algorithm is developed. Simulation results verify the effectivenesses of the two approaches by comparing them to the lower bound of global optimum and conventional caching algorithms

    Design and Implementation of SMARTHO -- A Network Initiated Handover mechanism in NG-RAN, on P4-based Xilinx NetFPGA switches

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    This report deals with the design of handover schemes for radio access networks (RAN) in 5G networks, using programmable data plane switches. In 5G networks, the NG-RAN architecture splits the Base Band Unit (BBU) into Central and Distributed Units (CU and DU). This structure has created a mid-haul Network, connecting CUs and DUs. The recent advancements in dataplane programmability can be used to enhance system performance. We show how P4 switches can be used to parse the packets between DU, CU, and Back Haul (Core Network) for potential system improvements. In particular, we consider the scenario of mobile handover. The proposed protocol is called SMARTHO, illustrating a smart handover. Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors (P4) is a programming language designed to support specification and programming the forwarding plane behavior of network switches/routers. In SMARTHO, we use P4 Switches to intervene in the handover process for fixed-path mobile users. A resource pre-allocation scheme that reserves resources before the UE reaches a future cell, is proposed. The solution is implemented using a P4-based switch introduced between the CU and the DU. The P4 switch is used to spoof the behavior of User Equipment (UE) and perform the resource allocation in advance. The proposed SMARTHO framework is implemented in the mininet emulation environment and in a reconfigurable hardware environment using NetFPGA-SUME boards. The emulation results show a handover response time improvement of 18% for a tandem of two HOs and 25% for a tandem of three HOs. For testbed implementation, we used NetFPGA-SUME boards as P4 switches. The handover time was measured to be approximately 50~milliseconds in the experiments conducted

    A Survey on Mobile Edge Networks: Convergence of Computing, Caching and Communications

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    As the explosive growth of smart devices and the advent of many new applications, traffic volume has been growing exponentially. The traditional centralized network architecture cannot accommodate such user demands due to heavy burden on the backhaul links and long latency. Therefore, new architectures which bring network functions and contents to the network edge are proposed, i.e., mobile edge computing and caching. Mobile edge networks provide cloud computing and caching capabilities at the edge of cellular networks. In this survey, we make an exhaustive review on the state-of-the-art research efforts on mobile edge networks. We first give an overview of mobile edge networks including definition, architecture and advantages. Next, a comprehensive survey of issues on computing, caching and communication techniques at the network edge is presented respectively. The applications and use cases of mobile edge networks are discussed. Subsequently, the key enablers of mobile edge networks such as cloud technology, SDN/NFV and smart devices are discussed. Finally, open research challenges and future directions are presented as well

    Mobility Management in Emerging Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks: A Survey, Outlook, and Future Research Directions

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    The exponential rise in mobile traffic originating from mobile devices highlights the need for making mobility management in future networks even more efficient and seamless than ever before. Ultra-Dense Cellular Network vision consisting of cells of varying sizes with conventional and mmWave bands is being perceived as the panacea for the eminent capacity crunch. However, mobility challenges in an ultra-dense heterogeneous network with motley of high frequency and mmWave band cells will be unprecedented due to plurality of handover instances, and the resulting signaling overhead and data interruptions for miscellany of devices. Similarly, issues like user tracking and cell discovery for mmWave with narrow beams need to be addressed before the ambitious gains of emerging mobile networks can be realized. Mobility challenges are further highlighted when considering the 5G deliverables of multi-Gbps wireless connectivity, <1ms latency and support for devices moving at maximum speed of 500km/h, to name a few. Despite its significance, few mobility surveys exist with the majority focused on adhoc networks. This paper is the first to provide a comprehensive survey on the panorama of mobility challenges in the emerging ultra-dense mobile networks. We not only present a detailed tutorial on 5G mobility approaches and highlight key mobility risks of legacy networks, but also review key findings from recent studies and highlight the technical challenges and potential opportunities related to mobility from the perspective of emerging ultra-dense cellular networks.Comment: in IEEE Acces