8,568 research outputs found

    Mobile Social Networking aided content dissemination in heterogeneous networks

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    Since more and more mobile applications are based on the proliferation of social information, the study of Mobile Social Net-works (MSNs) combines social sciences and wireless communications. Operating wireless networks more efficiently by exploiting social relationships between MSN users is an appealing but challenging option for network operators. An MSN-aided content dissemination technique is presented as a potential ex-tension of conventional cellular wireless net-works in order to satisfy growing data traffic. By allowing the MSN users to create a self-organized ad hoc network for spontaneously disseminating contents, the network operator may be able to reduce the operational costs and simultaneously achieve an improved network performance. In this paper, we first summarize the basic features of the MSN architecture, followed by a survey of the factors which may affect MSN-aided content dissemination. Using a case study, we demonstrate that one can save resources of the Base Station (BS) while substantially lowering content dissemination delay. Finally, other potential applications of MSN-aided content dissemination are introduced, and a range of future challenges are summarized

    Mobile social networking aided content dissemination in heterogeneous networks

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    Socially aware integrated centralized infrastructure and opportunistic networking: a powerful content dissemination catalyst

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    The classic centralized infrastructure (CI) exhibits low efficiency in disseminating the content of common interest across its requesters. In order to overcome the limitations of CI-based content dissemination, smart mobile devices are capable of activating direct opportunistic communications among mobile users, which returns in integrated cellular and opportunistic networks. During the content dissemination process, the social characteristics of multiple users, including their common interest in the content, their mobility patterns, their social ties, and their altruistic forwarding behaviors, should be carefully considered in order to design an efficient content dissemination scheme. We demonstrate that the integrated network-based content dissemination scheme outperforms its CI-based counterpart in terms of both content delivery ratio and its various energy and delay metrics. Furthermore, the opportunistic network is capable of offloading a large fraction of tele-traffic from the overloaded CI-based network

    Delay analysis of social group multicast-aided content dissemination in cellular system

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    Based on the common interest of mobile users (MUs) in a social group, the dissemination of content across the social group is studied as a powerful supplement to conventional cellular communication with the goal of improving the delay performance of the content dissemination process. The content popularity is modelled by a Zipf distribution in order to characterize the MUs’ different interests in different contents. The Factor of Altruism (FA) terminology is introduced for quantifying the willingness of content owners to share their content. We model the dissemination process of a specific packet by a pure-birth based Markov chain and evaluate the statistical properties of both the network’s dissemination delay as well as of the individual user-delay. Compared to the conventional base station (BS)- aided multicast, our scheme is capable of reducing the average dissemination delay by about 56.5%. Moreover, in contrast to the BS-aided multicast, increasing the number of MUs in the target social group is capable of reducing the average individual userdelay by 44.1% relying on our scheme. Furthermore, our scheme is more suitable for disseminating a popular piece of content

    Cooperative Local Caching under Heterogeneous File Preferences

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    Local caching is an effective scheme for leveraging the memory of the mobile terminal (MT) and short range communications to save the bandwidth usage and reduce the download delay in the cellular communication system. Specifically, the MTs first cache in their local memories in off-peak hours and then exchange the requested files with each other in the vicinity during peak hours. However, prior works largely overlook MTs' heterogeneity in file preferences and their selfish behaviours. In this paper, we practically categorize the MTs into different interest groups according to the MTs' preferences. Each group of MTs aims to increase the probability of successful file discovery from the neighbouring MTs (from the same or different groups). Hence, we define the groups' utilities as the probability of successfully discovering the file in the neighbouring MTs, which should be maximized by deciding the caching strategies of different groups. By modelling MTs' mobilities as homogeneous Poisson point processes (HPPPs), we analytically characterize MTs' utilities in closed-form. We first consider the fully cooperative case where a centralizer helps all groups to make caching decisions. We formulate the problem as a weighted-sum utility maximization problem, through which the maximum utility trade-offs of different groups are characterized. Next, we study two benchmark cases under selfish caching, namely, partial and no cooperation, with and without inter-group file sharing, respectively. The optimal caching distributions for these two cases are derived. Finally, numerical examples are presented to compare the utilities under different cases and show the effectiveness of the fully cooperative local caching compared to the two benchmark cases

    A review on green caching strategies for next generation communication networks

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    © 2020 IEEE. In recent years, the ever-increasing demand for networking resources and energy, fueled by the unprecedented upsurge in Internet traffic, has been a cause for concern for many service providers. Content caching, which serves user requests locally, is deemed to be an enabling technology in addressing the challenges offered by the phenomenal growth in Internet traffic. Conventionally, content caching is considered as a viable solution to alleviate the backhaul pressure. However, recently, many studies have reported energy cost reductions contributed by content caching in cache-equipped networks. The hypothesis is that caching shortens content delivery distance and eventually achieves significant reduction in transmission energy consumption. This has motivated us to conduct this study and in this article, a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art green caching techniques is provided. This review paper extensively discusses contributions of the existing studies on green caching. In addition, the study explores different cache-equipped network types, solution methods, and application scenarios. We categorically present that the optimal selection of the caching nodes, smart resource management, popular content selection, and renewable energy integration can substantially improve energy efficiency of the cache-equipped systems. In addition, based on the comprehensive analysis, we also highlight some potential research ideas relevant to green content caching

    Delay Analysis of Social Group Multicast-Aided Content Dissemination in Cellular System

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    Based on the common interest of mobile users (MUs) in a social group, the dissemination of content across the social group is studied as a powerful supplement to conventional cellular communication with the goal of improving the delay performance of the content dissemination process. The content popularity is modelled by a Zipf distribution in order to characterize the MUs’ different interests in different contents. The Factor of Altruism (FA) terminology is introduced for quantifying the willingness of content owners to share their content. We model the dissemination process of a specific packet by a pure-birth based Markov chain and evaluate the statistical properties of both the network’s dissemination delay as well as of the individual user-delay. Compared to the conventional base station (BS)- aided multicast, our scheme is capable of reducing the average dissemination delay by about 56.5%. Moreover, in contrast to the BS-aided multicast, increasing the number of MUs in the target social group is capable of reducing the average individual userdelay by 44.1% relying on our scheme. Furthermore, our scheme is more suitable for disseminating a popular piece of content
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