151 research outputs found

    Mobile Crowd Sensing Services for Tinnitus Assessment, Therapy and Research

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    Tinnitus, the phantom sensation of sound, is a highly prevalent disorder that is difficult to treat; i.e., available treatments are only effective for patient subgroups. Sufficiently large and qualitative longitudinal data sets, which aggregate the individuals’ demographic and clinical characteristics, together with their response to specific therapeutic interventions, would therefore facilitate evidence-based treatment suggestions for individual patients. Currently, clinical trials are the standard instrument for realizing evidence-based medicine. However, the related information gathering is limited. For example, clinical trials try to reduce the complexity of the individual case by generating homogeneous groups to obtain significant results. From the latter, individual treatment decisions are inferred. A complementary approach would be to assess the effect of specific interventions in large samples considering the individual peculiarity of each subject. This allows providing individualized treatment decisions. Recently, mobile crowd sensing emerged as an approach for collecting large and ecological valid datasets at rather low costs. By providing mobile crowd sensing services to large numbers of patients, large datasets can be gathered cheaply on a daily basis. In the TrackYourTinnitus project, we implemented a mobile crowd sensing platform to reveal new medical aspects on tinnitus and its treatment. Additionally, we work on mobile services exploring approaches for understanding tinnitus and for improving its diagnostic and therapeutic management. We present the TrackYourTinnitus platform as well as its goals, architecture and preliminary results. Overall, the platform and its mobile services offer promising perspectives for tinnitus research and treatment

    Mobile Crowdsensing Services for Tinnitus Assessment and Patient Feedback

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    Assessment of chronic disorders requires new ways of data collection compared to the traditional pen & paper based approaches. For example, tinnitus, the phantom sensation of sound, is a highly prevalent disorder that is difficult to treat; i.e., available treatments are only effective for patient subgroups. In most individuals with tinnitus, loudness and annoyance of tinnitus varies over time. Currently, established assessment methods of tinnitus neither systematically assess this moment-to-moment variability nor environmental factors having an effect on tinnitus loudness and distress. However, information of individual fluctuations and the effect of envi-ronmental factors on the tinnitus might represent important information for tinnitus subtyping and for individualized treat-ment. In this context, a promising approach for collecting ecological valid longitudinal datasets at rather low costs is mobile crowdsensing. In the TrackYourTinnitus project, we developed an advanced mobile crowdsensing platform to reveal more detailed information about the course of tinnitus over time. In this paper, the patient mobile feedback service as a particular component of the platform is presented. It was developed to provide patients with aggregated information about the variation of their tinnitus over time. This mobile feedback service shall help a patient to demystify the tinnitus and to get better control of it, which should facilitate coping with this chronic health condition. As the basic principles and design of this mobile services are also applicable to other chronic disorders, promising perspectives for disorder management and clinical research arise

    Comprehensive insights into the TrackYourTinnitus database

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    The ubiquity of smart mobile devices facilitates data collection in the healthcare domain. Two of the concepts, which can be applied in this context, are mobile crowdsensing (MCS) and ecological momentary assessment (EMA). TrackYourTinnitus (TYT) is an advanced mobile healthcare platform that combines both concepts enabling the monitoring and evaluation of the users’ individual variability of tinnitus symptoms. This paper describes the underlying data set and structure of the TYT mobile platform and highlights selected issues whose investigation provides advanced insights into the users of this mobile platform as well as their data

    Ecological Momentary Assessment based Differences between Android and iOS Users of the TrackYourHearing mHealth Crowdsensing Platform

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    mHealth technologies are increasingly utilized in various medical contexts. Mobile crowdsensing is such a technology, which is often used for data collection scenarios related to questions on chronic disorders. One prominent reason for the latter setting is based on the fact that powerful Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMA) can be performed. Notably, when mobile crowdsensing solutions are used to integrate EMA measurements, many new challenges arise. For example, the measurements must be provided in the same way on different mobile operating systems. However, the newly given possibilities can surpass the challenges. For example, if different mobile operating systems must be technically provided, one direction could be to investigate whether users of different mobile operating systems pose a different behaviour when performing EMA measurements. In a previous work, we investigated differences between iOS and Android users from the TrackYourTinnitus mHealth crowdsensing platform, which has the goal to reveal insights on the daily fluctuations of tinnitus patients. In this work, we investigated differences between iOS and Android users from the TrackYourHearing mHealth crowdsensing platform, which aims at insights on the daily fluctuations of patients with hearing loss. We analyzed 3767 EMA measurements based on a daily applied questionnaire of 84 patients. Statistical analyses have been conducted to see whether these 84 patients differ with respect to the used mobile operating system and their given answers to the EMA measurements. We present the obtained results and compare them to the previous mentioned study. Our insights show the differences in the two studies and that the overall results are worth being investigated in a more indepth manner. Particularly, it must be investigated whether the used mobile operating system constitutes a confounder when gathering EMA-based data through a crowdsensing platform

    Mobile Crowdsensing for the Juxtaposition of Realtime Assessments and Retrospective Reporting for Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

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    Many symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders such as tinnitus are subjective and vary over time. Usually, in interviews or self-report questionnaires, patients are asked to report symptoms as well as their severity and duration retrospectively. However, only little is known to what degree such retrospective reports reflect the symptoms experienced in daily life some time ago. Mobile technologies can help to bridge this gap: mobile self-help services allow patients to record their symptoms prospectively when (or shortly after) they occur in daily life. In this study, we present results that we obtained with the mobile crowdsensing platform TrackYourTinnitus to show that there is a discrepancy between the prospective assessment of symptom variability and the retrospective report thereof. To be more precise, we evaluated the real-time entries provided to the platform by individuals experiencing tinnitus. The results indicate that mobile technologies like the TrackYourTinnitus crowdsensing platform may go beyond the role of an assistive service for patients by contributing to more accurate diagnosis and, hence, to a more elaborated treatment

    Using Wearables in the Context of Chronic Disorders - Results of a Pre-Study

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    Smart mobile devices are variously used in the health sector. Some mobile applications empower patients to better understand their health problems, others guide them in health behavior. Moreover, smart mobile devices can be used in clinical research. Mobile crowd sensing has proven high usefulness for collecting health data with high ecological validity in this context. As the core idea, individually recorded health data are evaluated and fed back to individuals to better control their symptoms. For this purpose, the Track- YourTinnitus mobile crowd sensing platform was developed to empower patients to cope better with their tinnitus. So far, the platform has solely gathered patient data based on mobile questionnaires. When filling in a questionnaire, however, the analysis of the heartrate might provide novel information to medical experts. As monitoring the heartrate with smart mobile devices is costly, the trend towards wearables offers promising perspectives. Using smartwatches instead of smartphones in TrackYourTinnitus, however, requires questionnaire management on smartwatches. This work presents results of a prestudy related to the feasibility of sophisticated questionnaires on smartwatches. A prototype was developed and evaluated with 24 subjects. The obtained results are promising regarding the use of smartwatches for mobile crowd sensing in the context of chronic disorders

    Prospective crowdsensing versus retrospective ratings of tinnitus variability and tinnitus–stress associations based on the TrackYourTinnitus mobile platform

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    Many symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as tinnitus, are subjective and vary over time. Usually, in interviews or self-report questionnaires, patients are asked to retrospectively report symptoms as well as their severity, duration and influencing factors. However, only little is known to what degree such retrospective reports reflect the actual experiences made in daily life. Mobile technologies can remedy this deficiency. In particular, mobile self-help services allow patients to prospectively record symptoms and their severity at the time (or shortly after) they occur in daily life. In this study, we present results we obtained with the mobile crowdsensing platform TrackYourTinnitus. In particular, we show that there is a discrepancy between prospective and retrospective assessments. To be more precise, we show that the prospective variation of tinnitus loudness does not differ between the users who retrospectively rate tinnitus loudness as “varying” and the ones who retrospectively rate it as “non-varying.” As another result, the subjectively reported stress-level was positively correlated with tinnitus (loudness and distress) in the prospective assessments, even for users who retrospectively rated that stress reduces their tinnitus or has no effect on it. The results indicate that mobile technologies, like the TrackYourTinnitus crowdsensing platform, go beyond the role of an assistive service for patients by contributing to more detailed information about symptom variability over time and, hence, to more elaborated diagnostics and treatments

    From Personalized Medicine to Population Health: A Survey of mHealth Sensing Techniques

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    Mobile Sensing Apps have been widely used as a practical approach to collect behavioral and health-related information from individuals and provide timely intervention to promote health and well-beings, such as mental health and chronic cares. As the objectives of mobile sensing could be either \emph{(a) personalized medicine for individuals} or \emph{(b) public health for populations}, in this work we review the design of these mobile sensing apps, and propose to categorize the design of these apps/systems in two paradigms -- \emph{(i) Personal Sensing} and \emph{(ii) Crowd Sensing} paradigms. While both sensing paradigms might incorporate with common ubiquitous sensing technologies, such as wearable sensors, mobility monitoring, mobile data offloading, and/or cloud-based data analytics to collect and process sensing data from individuals, we present a novel taxonomy system with two major components that can specify and classify apps/systems from aspects of the life-cycle of mHealth Sensing: \emph{(1) Sensing Task Creation \& Participation}, \emph{(2) Health Surveillance \& Data Collection}, and \emph{(3) Data Analysis \& Knowledge Discovery}. With respect to different goals of the two paradigms, this work systematically reviews this field, and summarizes the design of typical apps/systems in the view of the configurations and interactions between these two components. In addition to summarization, the proposed taxonomy system also helps figure out the potential directions of mobile sensing for health from both personalized medicines and population health perspectives.Comment: Submitted to a journal for revie

    Towards Automated Smart Mobile Crowdsensing for Tinnitus Research

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    Tinnitus is a disorder that is not entirely understood, and many of its correlations are still unknown. On the other hand, smartphones became ubiquitous. Their modern versions provide high computational capabilities, reasonable battery size, and a bunch of embedded high-quality sensors, combined with an accepted user interface and an application ecosystem. For tinnitus, as for many other health problems, there are a number of apps trying to help patients, therapists, and researchers to get insights into personal characteristics but also into scientific correlations as such. In this paper, we present the first approach to an app in this context, called TinnituSense that does automatic sensing of related characteristics and enables correlations to the current condition of the patient by a combined participatory sensing, e.g., a questionnaire. For tinnitus, there is a strong hypothesis that weather conditions have some influence. Our proof-of-concept implementation records weather-related sensor data and correlates them to the standard Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) questionnaire. Thus, TinnituSense enables therapists and researchers to collect evidence for unknown facts, as this is the first opportunity to correlate weather to patient conditions on a larger scale. Our concept as such is limited neither to tinnitus nor to built-in sensors, e.g., in the tinnitus domain, we are experimenting with mobile EEG sensors. TinnituSense is faced with several challenges of which we already solved principle architecture, sensor management, and energy consumption