140 research outputs found

    Mobile Conductance in Sparse Networks and Mobility-Connectivity Tradeoff

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    In this paper, our recently proposed mobile-conductance based analytical framework is extended to the sparse settings, thus offering a unified tool for analyzing information spreading in mobile networks. A penalty factor is identified for information spreading in sparse networks as compared to the connected scenario, which is then intuitively interpreted and verified by simulations. With the analytical results obtained, the mobility-connectivity tradeoff is quantitatively analyzed to determine how much mobility may be exploited to make up for network connectivity deficiency.Comment: Accepted to ISIT 201

    On the Role of Mobility for Multi-message Gossip

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    We consider information dissemination in a large nn-user wireless network in which kk users wish to share a unique message with all other users. Each of the nn users only has knowledge of its own contents and state information; this corresponds to a one-sided push-only scenario. The goal is to disseminate all messages efficiently, hopefully achieving an order-optimal spreading rate over unicast wireless random networks. First, we show that a random-push strategy -- where a user sends its own or a received packet at random -- is order-wise suboptimal in a random geometric graph: specifically, Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) times slower than optimal spreading. It is known that this gap can be closed if each user has "full" mobility, since this effectively creates a complete graph. We instead consider velocity-constrained mobility where at each time slot the user moves locally using a discrete random walk with velocity v(n)v(n) that is much lower than full mobility. We propose a simple two-stage dissemination strategy that alternates between individual message flooding ("self promotion") and random gossiping. We prove that this scheme achieves a close to optimal spreading rate (within only a logarithmic gap) as long as the velocity is at least v(n)=ω(logn/k)v(n)=\omega(\sqrt{\log n/k}). The key insight is that the mixing property introduced by the partial mobility helps users to spread in space within a relatively short period compared to the optimal spreading time, which macroscopically mimics message dissemination over a complete graph.Comment: accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Epidemic Spreading with External Agents

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    We study epidemic spreading processes in large networks, when the spread is assisted by a small number of external agents: infection sources with bounded spreading power, but whose movement is unrestricted vis-\`a-vis the underlying network topology. For networks which are `spatially constrained', we show that the spread of infection can be significantly speeded up even by a few such external agents infecting randomly. Moreover, for general networks, we derive upper-bounds on the order of the spreading time achieved by certain simple (random/greedy) external-spreading policies. Conversely, for certain common classes of networks such as line graphs, grids and random geometric graphs, we also derive lower bounds on the order of the spreading time over all (potentially network-state aware and adversarial) external-spreading policies; these adversarial lower bounds match (up to logarithmic factors) the spreading time achieved by an external agent with a random spreading policy. This demonstrates that random, state-oblivious infection-spreading by an external agent is in fact order-wise optimal for spreading in such spatially constrained networks

    Gossip in a Smartphone Peer-to-Peer Network

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    In this paper, we study the fundamental problem of gossip in the mobile telephone model: a recently introduced variation of the classical telephone model modified to better describe the local peer-to-peer communication services implemented in many popular smartphone operating systems. In more detail, the mobile telephone model differs from the classical telephone model in three ways: (1) each device can participate in at most one connection per round; (2) the network topology can undergo a parameterized rate of change; and (3) devices can advertise a parameterized number of bits about their state to their neighbors in each round before connection attempts are initiated. We begin by describing and analyzing new randomized gossip algorithms in this model under the harsh assumption of a network topology that can change completely in every round. We prove a significant time complexity gap between the case where nodes can advertise 00 bits to their neighbors in each round, and the case where nodes can advertise 11 bit. For the latter assumption, we present two solutions: the first depends on a shared randomness source, while the second eliminates this assumption using a pseudorandomness generator we prove to exist with a novel generalization of a classical result from the study of two-party communication complexity. We then turn our attention to the easier case where the topology graph is stable, and describe and analyze a new gossip algorithm that provides a substantial performance improvement for many parameters. We conclude by studying a relaxed version of gossip in which it is only necessary for nodes to each learn a specified fraction of the messages in the system.Comment: Extended Abstract to Appear in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on the Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2017

    Rateless-Coding-Assisted Multi-Packet Spreading over Mobile Networks

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    A novel Rateless-coding-assisted Multi-Packet Relaying (RMPR) protocol is proposed for large-size data spreading in mobile wireless networks. With this lightweight and robust protocol, the packet redundancy is reduced by a factor of n\sqrt n, while the spreading time is reduced at least by a factor of ln(n)\ln (n). Closed-form bounds and explicit non-asymptotic results are presented, which are further validated through simulations. Besides, the packet duplication phenomenon in the network setting is analyzed for the first time