5 research outputs found

    Concepts of Multi-artefact Systems in Artifact Ecologies

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    Proxemic interactions with multi-artifact systems

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    Abstract — The artifact ecologies emerging from an increasing number of interactive digital artifacts, capable of communicating with each other wirelessly, have created an interaction space where software applications are no longer limited by the physical boundaries of a single device. With the new opportunities follows an added complexity that interaction designers need to address. Previous work have shown the potential of proxemic interactions as one way of dealing with design challenges of ubicomp systems. However, the work focused on interactions involving multiple digital artifacts is limited. In this paper, we analyze two multi-artifact systems from our prior work within the domain of music consumption and identify four concepts of multi-artifact interactions: Plasticity, migration, complementarity, and multi-user. These concepts forms the basis for a discussion on the potential use of proxemic interactions in the design of multi-artifact systems. Keywords- artifact ecology, multi-artifact systems, proxemic interactions, music systems. I

    MuScale: Designing for Tangible Interaction with Weight in Digital Music Experience

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    Department of Creative Design EngineeringNowadays, music streaming services have been most widely used thanks to digital technologies advanced. As physical format (vinyl, tapes, CDs and DVDs) gives way to digital delivery, it also deprives experiences that people used to have in music listening experience such as loss of attachment to and dehumanization of music. Based on this background, the purpose of this study is to explore how to give ???physical properties??? to intangible data to recover ???psychological ownership??? such as effort and confidence. Our main question is how psychological ownership appears through the combination of digital music and tangible weight. For this study, we conducted a user study with "MuScale", a research product created through interviews and concept selection. Six participants used this product for two weeks. MuScale has introduced a way to sustain the value of digital music through the concept of ???psychological ownership??? of digital content. First, while experiment, participants represented desire to create additional music cube or complete playlist through modifying. Second, they satisfied managing their mood through controlled atmosphere and reflected potential goals for their daily life. Reflecting potential goals on the three different weights can lead to increase psychological ownership of digital content by inducing 'self-reflections' that allow one to realize the user???s intentions in the content consumption process. Third, we could find that a MuScale used as a communication tool. MuScale was a method for a conversation which provided a positive experience and the desire to use it in a more social context in the future. From these, we could make a conclusion that four aspect of psychological ownership appears various phenomenon. Combining tangible weight with digital music contents is a new way to improve achievement through reflect potential goals. And through this study, we provided designers with the possibility and opportunity to materialized their tastes and lifestyles in a sharing context.clos

    Experience design in the automotive context

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    Various experiences in modern life are in one or another form connected to car rides. However, the automotive industry so far only regards driving as the only relevant experience, a perspective which consequently dominates the field of interaction design for vehicles. Yet, the car is an exceptionally potential space for experiences that go beyond the actual driving task, such as intensive conversation or exploration. So how is it possible to design for special situations like those, and thereby create positive emotions for drivers and passengers alike? To meet this objective it is necessary to use the human, instead of the function, as the starting point. The design approach of "Experience Design" defined by Marc Hassenzahl provides exactly this focus on the human and concentrates first on their experience. Here, positive emotions are specifically created through the fulfilling of psychological needs. Experience Design enables the precise analysis of experiences in advance of the design by clarifying with the help of psychological needs why a considered experience is viewed as positive. Furthermore, Experience Design supports the composition of an Experience Story, which is attuned to the desired psychological needs and which defines the experience to be designed. This experience can then gradually be translated into an interaction design. Finally, with the help of technology, the created experience can be lived through in situ by participants and later analysed. Based upon this design approach and by means of methods drawn from the fields of human machine-interaction as well as psychology, four studies on the design of experiences through interaction products in the automotive domain are presented. The created experiences are divided into "Experiences at Group Drives in the Car for Pleasure" and "Experiences While Commuting Alone". These experiences take place in different scenarios, namely: in a motorcade, an exploratory cruise, a commuting ride, and while driving considerately. Out of the practical application of Experience Design in these studies a best practice for the use of the employed methods is developed. Thereby, this work brings to light the possibilities for using technology to design experiences that go beyond the mere act of driving. Furthermore, the challenges of designing experiences in usability-focused environments are shown. Thus, this work is aimed at offering inspiration to designers and researchers particularly in the automotive domain for designing experiences and thereby furthering innovation.Viele unterschiedliche Erlebnisse im Leben sind auf die eine oder andere Weise mit Autofahrten verbunden. Jedoch wird in der Automobilindustrie das Erlebnis im Auto bisher gleichgestellt mit dem Fahrerlebnis selbst, was folglich auch das Interaktionsdesign in Fahrzeugen bestimmt. Dahingegen bietet gerade das Auto Raum für Erlebnisse, die über die eigentliche Fahraufgabe hinausgehen, wie intensive Gespräche oder Entdeckungen. Wie also lassen sich derartige Erlebnisse gestalten, und wie kann dies auf eine Art und Weise geschehen, dass bei FahrerIn als auch Mitfahrenden positive Emotionen ausgelöst werden? Zu diesem Ziel sollte beim Menschen und nicht bei der Technologie angesetzt werden. Der von Marc Hassenzahl aufgestellte Designansatz „Experience Design“ bietet eben diesen Fokus auf den Menschen und konzentriert sich auf das Gestalten von deren Erlebnissen. Hierbei werden durch das Erfüllen psychologischer Bedürfnisse gezielt positive Emotionen erzeugt. Experience Design ermöglicht, Erlebnisse im Vorfeld der Gestaltung genauer zu analysieren, indem anhand psychologischer Bedürfnisse geklärt wird, warum ein betreffende Erlebnis positiv empfunden wird. Weiterhin unterstützt Experience Design das Konzipieren einer Erlebnisgeschichte, welche auf die zu erfüllenden psychologischen Bedürfnisse ausgerichtet ist und das zu gestaltende Erlebnis definiert. Dieses Erlebnis lässt sich dann Schritt für Schritt in ein Interaktionsdesign übertragen. Schließlich kann das gestaltete Erlebnis von StudienteilnehmerInnen mithilfe der Technologie in situ durchlebt und analysiert werden. Aufbauend auf diesem Designansatz und mittels Methoden insbesondere aus den Bereichen Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion sowie Psychologie werden vier Studien der Gestaltung von Erlebnissen durch Interaktionsprodukte im automobilen Bereich vorgestellt. Die gestalteten Erlebnisse lassen sich untergliedern in Erlebnisse bei gemeinsamen Fahrten in unbekannten Gegenden sowie in Erlebnisse beim alleine Fahren auf bekannten Strecken. Sie finden in unterschiedlichen Szenarios statt, nämlich in einer Kolonnenfahrt, einer Entdeckungsreise, einer Pendelfahrt und im rücksichtsvollen Straßenverkehr. Aus der praktischen Anwendung von Experience Design in diesen Designstudien wird eine „Best Practice“ zur Verwendung der benutzten Methoden erstellt. Damit werden in dieser Arbeit Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie über die Fahraufgabe hinausgehende Erlebnisse mithilfe von Technologie gestaltet werden können. Diskutiert werden weiterhin Herausforderungen des Gestaltens von Erlebnissen in Umfeldern, die auf Benutzbarkeit spezialisiert sind. So soll diese Arbeit Designer und Forscher insbesondere im automobilen Bereich dahingehend inspirieren, Erlebnisse zu gestalten und damit neue Wege für Innovationen zu finden