3 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in Smart Grids with Solar Photovoltaic: A Threat Modelling and Risk Assessment Approach

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    Cybersecurity is a growing concern for smart grids, especially with the integration of solar photovoltaics (PVs). With the installation of more solar and the advancement of inverters, utilities are provided with real-time solar power generation and other information through various tools. However, these tools must be properly secured to prevent the grid from becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This study proposes a threat modeling and risk assessment approach tailored to smart grids incorporating solar PV systems. The approach involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks through threat modeling and risk assessment. A threat model is designed by adapting and applying general threat modeling steps to the context of smart grids with solar PV. The process involves the identification of device assets and access points within the smart grid infrastructure. Subsequently, the threats to these devices were classified utilizing the STRIDE model. To further prioritize the identified threat, the DREAD threat-risk ranking model is employed. The threat modeling stage reveals several high-risk threats to the smart grid infrastructure, including Information Disclosure, Elevation of Privilege, and Tampering. Targeted recommendations in the form of mitigation controls are formulated to secure the smart grid’s posture against these identified threats. The risk ratings provided in this study offer valuable insights into the cybersecurity risks associated with smart grids incorporating solar PV systems, while also providing practical guidance for risk mitigation. Tailored mitigation strategies are proposed to address these vulnerabilities. By taking proactive measures, energy sector stakeholders may strengthen the security of their smart grid infrastructure and protect critical operations from potential cyber threats

    Risk analysis of water grid systems using threat modeling

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    Critical infrastructure systems consist of physical and cyber assets that are essential to the operation of the economy and the government. As one of the most important critical infrastructures worldwide, the water sector has become vulnerable to new risks in the form of cyber threats that can severely impact public health, and are difficult to detect. A water grid system (WGS) plays an important role in guarding the business processes of the water sector against possible threats and risks. Threat modeling can be used to analyze threats to the WGS. It is applied to identify points of access to the assets and devices of the system, classify threats to them, assess the risks posed by them, and suggest mitigation measures. Each threat is classified based on its type according to the STRIDE methodology, and the results of the threat classification can be used to assess the level of risk by using the DREAD methodology. This yields a risk rating for each threat that can be used to devise mitigation measures to minimize the risk posed by it. Through the threat modeling stage, it is known that the high-risk threats on WGSs are tampering with a risk score of 14, denial of service threats with a risk score of 13, and repudiation threats with a risk score of 12. The results of the ranking are used to formulate recommendations in the form of mitigation controls against these threats

    Mitigation of SQL Injection Attacks using Threat Modeling

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