2 research outputs found

    Searching for Pneumothorax in Half a Million Chest X-Ray Images

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    Pneumothorax, a collapsed or dropped lung, is a fatal condition typically detected on a chest X-ray by an experienced radiologist. Due to shortage of such experts, automated detection systems based on deep neural networks have been developed. Nevertheless, applying such systems in practice remains a challenge. These systems, mostly compute a single probability as output, may not be enough for diagnosis. On the contrary, content-based medical image retrieval (CBIR) systems, such as image search, can assist clinicians for diagnostic purposes by enabling them to compare the case they are examining with previous (already diagnosed) cases. However, there is a lack of study on such attempt. In this study, we explored the use of image search to classify pneumothorax among chest X-ray images. All chest X-ray images were first tagged with deep pretrained features, which were obtained from existing deep learning models. Given a query chest X-ray image, the majority voting of the top K retrieved images was then used as a classifier, in which similar cases in the archive of past cases are provided besides the probability output. In our experiments, 551,383 chest X-ray images were obtained from three large recently released public datasets. Using 10-fold cross-validation, it is shown that image search on deep pretrained features achieved promising results compared to those obtained by traditional classifiers trained on the same features. To the best of knowledge, it is the first study to demonstrate that deep pretrained features can be used for CBIR of pneumothorax in half a million chest X-ray images.Comment: AIME 2020 International Conference on AI in Medicine, US

    Continual Learning for Domain Adaptation in Chest X-ray Classification

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    Over the last years, Deep Learning has been successfully applied to a broad range of medical applications. Especially in the context of chest X-ray classification, results have been reported which are on par, or even superior to experienced radiologists. Despite this success in controlled experimental environments, it has been noted that the ability of Deep Learning models to generalize to data from a new domain (with potentially different tasks) is often limited. In order to address this challenge, we investigate techniques from the field of Continual Learning (CL) including Joint Training (JT), Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) and Learning Without Forgetting (LWF). Using the ChestX-ray14 and the MIMIC-CXR datasets, we demonstrate empirically that these methods provide promising options to improve the performance of Deep Learning models on a target domain and to mitigate effectively catastrophic forgetting for the source domain. To this end, the best overall performance was obtained using JT, while for LWF competitive results could be achieved - even without accessing data from the source domain