266 research outputs found

    New Security Definitions, Constructions and Applications of Proxy Re-Encryption

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    La externalización de la gestión de la información es una práctica cada vez más común, siendo la computación en la nube (en inglés, cloud computing) el paradigma más representativo. Sin embargo, este enfoque genera también preocupación con respecto a la seguridad y privacidad debido a la inherente pérdida del control sobre los datos. Las soluciones tradicionales, principalmente basadas en la aplicación de políticas y estrategias de control de acceso, solo reducen el problema a una cuestión de confianza, que puede romperse fácilmente por los proveedores de servicio, tanto de forma accidental como intencionada. Por lo tanto, proteger la información externalizada, y al mismo tiempo, reducir la confianza que es necesario establecer con los proveedores de servicio, se convierte en un objetivo inmediato. Las soluciones basadas en criptografía son un mecanismo crucial de cara a este fin. Esta tesis está dedicada al estudio de un criptosistema llamado recifrado delegado (en inglés, proxy re-encryption), que constituye una solución práctica a este problema, tanto desde el punto de vista funcional como de eficiencia. El recifrado delegado es un tipo de cifrado de clave pública que permite delegar en una entidad la capacidad de transformar textos cifrados de una clave pública a otra, sin que pueda obtener ninguna información sobre el mensaje subyacente. Desde un punto de vista funcional, el recifrado delegado puede verse como un medio de delegación segura de acceso a información cifrada, por lo que representa un candidato natural para construir mecanismos de control de acceso criptográficos. Aparte de esto, este tipo de cifrado es, en sí mismo, de gran interés teórico, ya que sus definiciones de seguridad deben balancear al mismo tiempo la seguridad de los textos cifrados con la posibilidad de transformarlos mediante el recifrado, lo que supone una estimulante dicotomía. Las contribuciones de esta tesis siguen un enfoque transversal, ya que van desde las propias definiciones de seguridad del recifrado delegado, hasta los detalles específicos de potenciales aplicaciones, pasando por construcciones concretas

    KBD-Share: Key Aggregation, Blockchain, and Differential Privacy based Secured Data Sharing for Multi-User Cloud Computing

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    In today's era of widespread cloud computing and data sharing, the demand for secure and privacy-preserving techniques to facilitate multi-user data sharing is rapidly increasing. However, traditional approaches struggle to effectively address the twin objectives of ensuring privacy protection while preserving the utility of shared data. This predicament holds immense significance due to the pivotal role data sharing plays in diverse domains and applications. However, it also brings about significant privacy vulnerabilities. Consequently, innovative approaches are imperative to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between the utility of shared data and the protection of privacy in scenarios involving multiple users. This paper presents KBD-Share, an innovative framework that addresses the intricacies of ensuring data security and privacy in the context of sharing data among multiple users in cloud computing environments. By seamlessly integrating key aggregation, blockchain technology, and differential privacy techniques, KBD-Share offers an efficient and robust solution to protect sensitive data while facilitating seamless sharing and utilization. Extensive experimental evaluations convincingly establish the superiority of KBD-Share in aspects of data privacy preservation and utility, outperforming existing approaches. This approach achieves the highest R2 value of 0.9969 exhibiting best data utility, essential for multi-user data sharing in diverse cloud computing applications

    Toward Effective Access Control Using Attributes and Pseudoroles

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    Sharing of information is fundamental to modern computing environments across many application domains. Such information sharing, however, raises security and privacy concerns that require effective access control to prevent unauthorized access and ensure compliance with various laws and regulations. Current approaches such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) and their variants are inadequate. Although it provides simple administration of access control and user revocation and permission review, RBAC demands complex initial role engineering and makes access control static. ABAC, on the other hand, simplifies initial security setup and enables flexible access control, but increases the complexity of managing privileges, user revocation and user permissions review. These limitations of RBAC and ABAC have thus motivated research into the development of newer models that use attributes and policies while preserving RBAC\u27s advantages. This dissertation explores the role of attributes---characteristics of entities in the system---in achieving effective access control. The first contribution of this dissertation is the design and development of a secure access system using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE). The second contribution is the design and validation of a two-step access control approach, the BiLayer Access Control (BLAC) model. The first layer in BLAC checks whether subjects making access requests have the right BLAC pseudoroles---a pseudorole is a predefined subset of a subject\u27s static attributes. If requesting subjects hold the right pseudoroles, the second layer checks rule(s) within associated BLAC policies for further constraints on access. BLAC thus makes use of attributes effectively while preserving RBAC\u27s advantages. The dissertation\u27s third contribution is the design and definition of an evaluation framework for time complexity analysis, and uses this framework to compare BLAC model with RBAC and ABAC. The fourth contribution is the design and construction of a generic access control threat model, and applying it to assess the effectiveness of BLAC, RBAC and ABAC in mitigating insider threats

    Towards Secure Identity-Based Cryptosystems for Cloud Computing

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    The convenience provided by cloud computing has led to an increasing trend of many business organizations, government agencies and individual customers to migrate their services and data into cloud environments. However, once clients’ data is migrated to the cloud, the overall security control will be immediately shifted from data owners to the hands of service providers. When data owners decide to use the cloud environment, they rely entirely on third parties to make decisions about their data and, therefore, the main challenge is how to guarantee that the data is accessible by data owners and authorized users only. Remote user authentication to cloud services is traditionally achieved using a combination of ID cards and passwords/PINs while public key infrastructure and symmetric key encryptions are still the most common techniques for enforcing data security despite the missing link between the identity of data owners and the cryptographic keys. Furthermore, the key management in terms of the generation, distribution, and storage are still open challenges to traditional public-key systems. Identity-Based Cryptosystems (IBCs) are new generations of public key encryptions that can potentially solve the problems associated with key distribution in public key infrastructure in addition to providing a clear link between encryption keys and the identities of data owners. In IBCs, the need for pre-distributed keys before any encryption/decryption will be illuminated, which gives a great deal of flexibility required in an environment such as the cloud. Fuzzy identity-based cryptosystems are promising extensions of IBCs that rely on biometric modalities in generating the encryption and decryption keys instead of traditional identities such as email addresses. This thesis argues that the adoption of fuzzy identity-based cryptosystems seems an ideal option to secure cloud computing after addressing a number of vulnerabilities related to user verification, key generation, and key validation stages. The thesis is mainly concerned with enhancing the security and the privacy of fuzzy identity-based cryptosystems by proposing a framework with multiple security layers. The main contributions of the thesis can be summarised as follows. 1. Improving user verification based on using a Challenge-Response Multifactor Biometric Authentication (CR-MFBA) in fuzzy identity-based cryptosystems that reduce the impacts of impersonators attacks. 2. Reducing the dominance of the “trusted authority” in traditional fuzzy identity-based cryptosystems by making the process of generating the decryption keys a cooperative process between the trusted authority server and data owners. This leads to shifting control over the stored encrypted data from the trusted authority to the data owners. 3. Proposing a key-validity method that relies on employing the Shamir Secret Sharing, which also contributes to giving data owners more control over their data. 4. Further improving the control of data owners in fuzzy identity-based cryptosystems by linking the decryption keys parameters with their biometric modalities. 5. Proposing a new asymmetric key exchange protocol based on utilizing the scheme of fuzzy identity-based cryptosystems to shared encrypted data stored on cloud computing

    Crowdfunding Non-fungible Tokens on the Blockchain

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    Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been used as a way of rewarding content creators. Artists publish their works on the blockchain as NFTs, which they can then sell. The buyer of an NFT then holds ownership of a unique digital asset, which can be resold in much the same way that real-world art collectors might trade paintings. However, while a deal of effort has been spent on selling works of art on the blockchain, very little attention has been paid to using the blockchain as a means of fundraising to help finance the artist’s work in the first place. Additionally, while blockchains like Ethereum are ideal for smaller works of art, additional support is needed when the artwork is larger than is feasible to store on the blockchain. In this paper, we propose a fundraising mechanism that will help artists to gain financial support for their initiatives, and where the backers can receive a share of the profits in exchange for their support. We discuss our prototype implementation using the SpartanGold framework. We then discuss how this system could be expanded to support large NFTs with the 0Chain blockchain, and describe how we could provide support for ongoing storage of these NFTs

    Fake Malware Generation Using HMM and GAN

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    In the past decade, the number of malware attacks have grown considerably and, more importantly, evolved. Many researchers have successfully integrated state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to combat this ever present and rising threat to information security. However, the lack of enough data to appropriately train these machine learning models is one big challenge that is still present. Generative modelling has proven to be very efficient at generating image-like synthesized data that can match the actual data distribution. In this paper, we aim to generate malware samples as opcode sequences and attempt to differentiate them from the real ones with the goal to build fake malware data that can be used to effectively train the machine learning models. We use and compare different Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) algorithms and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to generate such fake samples obtaining promising results

    Efficient Ciphertext-policy Attribute Based Encryption for Cloud-Based Access Control

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    Outsourcing data to some cloud servers enables a massive, flexible usage of cloud computing resources and it is typically held by different organizations and data owners. However, various security concerns have been raised due to hosting sensitive data on an untrusted cloud environment, and the control over such data by their owners is lost after uploading to the cloud. Access control is the first defensive line that forbids unauthorized access to the stored data. Moreover, fine-grained access control on the untrusted cloud can be enforced using advanced cryptographic mechanisms. Some schemes have been proposed to deliver such access control using Ciphertext-policy attribute based encryption (CP-ABE) that can enforce data owners’ access policies to achieve such cryptographic access control and tackle the majority of those concerns. However, some challenges are still outstanding due to the complexity of frequently changing the cryptographic enforcements of the owners’ access policies in the hosted cloud data files, which poses computational and communicational overheads to data owners. These challenges are: 1) making dynamic decisions to grant access rights to the cloud resources, 2) solving the issue of the revocation process that is considered as a performance killer, and 3) building a collusion resistant system. The aim of our work is to construct an access control scheme that provides secure storing and sharing sensitive data on the cloud and suits limited-resources devices. In this thesis, we analyse some of the existing, related issues and propose a scheme that extends the relevant existing techniques to resolve the inherent problems in CP-ABE without incurring heavy computation overhead. In particular, most existing revocation techniques require re-issuing many private keys for all non-revoked users as well as re-encrypting the related ciphertexts. Our proposed scheme offers a solution to perform a novel technique that dynamically changes the access privileges of legitimate users. The scheme drives the access privileges in a specific way by updating the access policy and activating a user revocation property. Our technique assigns processing-intensive tasks to cloud servers without any information leakage to reduce the computation cost on resource-limited computing devices. Our analytical theoretical and experimental findings and comparisons of our work with related existing systems indicate that our scheme is efficient, secure and more practical compared to the current related systems, particularly in terms of policy updating and ciphertext re-encryption. Therefore, our proposed scheme is suited to Internet of Things (IoT) applications that need a practical, secure access control scheme. Moreover, to achieve secure, public cloud storage and minimise the limitations of CP-ABE which mainly supports storing data only on a private cloud storage system managed by only one single authority, our proposed access control scheme is extended to a secure, critical access control scheme with multiple authorities. This scheme ought to be carefully designed to achieve fine-grained access control and support outsourced-data confidentiality. In addition, most existing multi-authority access control schemes do not properly consider the revocation issue due to the difficulty of addressing it in distributed settings. Therefore, building a multi-authority CP-ABE scheme along with addressing changes to policy attributes and users, have motivated many researchers to develop more suitable schemes with limited success. By leveraging the existing work, in this thesis, we propose a second CP-ABE scheme that tackles most of the existing work’s limitations and allows storing data securely on a public cloud storage system by employing multiple authorities which manage a joint set of attributes. Furthermore, the proposed scheme efficiently maintains the revocation by adapting the two techniques used in the first proposed single authority access control scheme to allow dynamic policy update and invalidate a revoked user’s secret key that eliminates collusion attacks. In terms of computation overhead, the proposed multi-authority scheme outsources expensive operations of encryption and decryption to a cloud server to mitigate the burden on a data owner and data users, respectively. Our scheme analysis and the theoretical and implemented results demonstrate that our scheme is scalable and efficient

    A blockchain-based Shamir's Threshold Cryptography Scheme for data protection in Industrial internet of Things settings

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    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a typical Internet of Things (IoT) application, integrates the global industrial system with other advanced computing, analysis, and sensing technologies through Internet connectivity. Due to the limited storage and computing capacity of edge and IIoT devices, data sensed and collected by these devices are usually stored in the cloud. Encryption is commonly used to ensure privacy and confidentiality of IIoT data. However, the key used for data encryption and decryption is usually directly stored and managed by users or third-party organizations, which has security and privacy implications. To address this potential security and privacy risk, we propose a Shamir threshold cryptography scheme for IIoT data protection using blockchain: STCChain. Specifically, in our solution, the edge gateway uses a symmetric key to encrypt the data uploaded by the IoT device and stores it in the cloud. The symmetric key is protected by a private key generated by the edge gateway. To prevent the loss of the private key and privacy leakage, we use a Shamir secret sharing algorithm to divide the private key, encrypt it, and publish it on the blockchain. We implement a prototype of STCChain using Xuperchain, and the results show that STCChain can effectively prevent attackers from stealing data as well as ensuring the security of the encryption key