4 research outputs found

    Mitigating Jamming Attacks Using Energy Harvesting

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    The use of energy harvesting as a counter-jamming measure is investigated on the premise that part of the harmful interference can be harvested to increase the transmit power. We formulate the strategic interaction between a pair of legitimate nodes and a malicious jammer as a zero-sum game. Our analysis demonstrates that the legitimate nodes are able to neutralize the jammer. However, this policy is not necessarily a Nash equilibrium and hence is sub-optimal. Instead, harvesting the jamming interference can lead to relative gains of up to 95%, on average, in terms of Shannon capacity, when the jamming interference is high

    Energy harvesting towards self-powered iot devices

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    The internet of things (IoT) manages a large infrastructure of web-enabled smart devices, small devices that use embedded systems, such as processors, sensors, and communication hardware to collect, send, and elaborate on data acquired from their environment. Thus, from a practical point of view, such devices are composed of power-efficient storage, scalable, and lightweight nodes needing power and batteries to operate. From the above reason, it appears clear that energy harvesting plays an important role in increasing the efficiency and lifetime of IoT devices. Moreover, from acquiring energy by the surrounding operational environment, energy harvesting is important to make the IoT device network more sustainable from the environmental point of view. Different state-of-the-art energy harvesters based on mechanical, aeroelastic, wind, solar, radiofrequency, and pyroelectric mechanisms are discussed in this review article. To reduce the power consumption of the batteries, a vital role is played by power management integrated circuits (PMICs), which help to enhance the system's life span. Moreover, PMICs from different manufacturers that provide power management to IoT devices have been discussed in this paper. Furthermore, the energy harvesting networks can expose themselves to prominent security issues putting the secrecy of the system to risk. These possible attacks are also discussed in this review article

    Mitigating Jamming Attacks Using Energy Harvesting

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