2 research outputs found

    Verification of Logs - Revealing Faulty Processes of a Medical Laboratory

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    Abstract. If there is a suspicion of Lyme disease, a blood sample of a patient is sent to a medical laboratory. The laboratory performs a number of dierent blood examinations testing for antibodies against the Lyme disease bacteria. The total number of dierent examinations depends on the intermediate results of the blood count. The costs of each examination is paid by the health insurance company of the patient. To control and restrict the number of performed examinations the health insurance companies provide a charges regulation document. If a health insurance company disagrees with the charges of a laboratory it is the job of the public prosecution service to validate the charges according to the regulation document. In this paper we present a case study showing a systematic approach to reveal faulty processes of a medical laboratory. First, files produced by the information system of the respective laboratory are analysed and consolidated in a database. An excerpt from this database is translated into an event log describing a sequential language of events performed by the information system. With the help of the regulation document this language can be split in two sets- the set of valid and the set of faulty words. In a next step, we build a coloured Petri net model corre-sponding to the set of valid words in a sense that only the valid words are executable in the Petri net model. In a last step we translated the coloured Petri net into a PL/SQL-program. This program can automat-ically reveal all faulty processes stored in the database.