1,724 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal rainfall forecasting models for agricultural management

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    The main aim of the current PhD thesis is to develop forecast systems for Australia over medium time scales such as weekly, monthly, seasonal and annual for Agricultural planning. Common data driven algorithms in hydrology and climate studies including statistical methods, Artificial Intelligent (AI), machine learning and data mining techniques are sought to improve the rainfall prediction using historical data from land and oceans. First, spatiotemporal monthly rainfall forecasting is developed for south-eastern and eastern Australia using climatic and non-climatic variables. To improve model performance, climate regionalization and regionalization of the climate drivers are considered as initial steps for Neural Network model. The outcome of this study indicates that climate regionalization can improve performance of space-time prediction model for monthly rainfall in eastern and south-eastern Australia. The second part of the study investigates the stability and reliability of the lagged relationship between climate drivers and leading modes of seasonal rainfall in south-eastern Australia. Strength and polarity of correlation between climatic indices and leading mode of seasonal rainfall vary in different seasons and over time. This suggests using suitable lagged climatic indices rather than fixed climatic indices for each season leads to better rainfall predictions. Finally, annual rainfall, using Gene Expression Programming (GEP) method, significant predictors that were identified are Geographic Information System (GIS) variables, long-term mean and median annual rainfall, seasonal rainfall, previous annual rainfall and lagged climatic indices. The results indicate that the best predictors for modelling Australian annual rainfall in space-time are climatology (median and mean of rainfall) in comparison with GIS variables

    Relationship between Ocean-Atmospheric Climate Variables and Regional Streamflow of the Conterminous United States

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    Understanding the interconnections between oceanic-atmospheric climate variables and regional streamflow of the conterminous United States may aid in improving regional long lead-time streamflow forecasting. The current research evaluates the time-lagged relationship between streamflow of six geographical regions defined from National Climate Assessment and sea surface temperature (SST), 500-mbar geopotential height (Z500), 500-mbar specific humidity (SH500), and 500-mbar east-west wind (U500) of the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean using singular value decomposition (SVD). The spatio-temporal correlation between streamflow and SST was developed first from SVD and thus obtained correlation was later associated with Z500, SH500, and U500 separately to evaluate the coupled interconnections between the climate variables. Furthermore, the associations between regional streamflow and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation were evaluated using the derivatives of continuous wavelet transform. Regional SVD analysis revealed significant teleconnection between several regions and climate variables. The warm phase of equatorial SST had shown a stronger correlation with the majority of streamflow. Both SVD and wavelet analyses concluded that the streamflow variability of the regions in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean was strongly associated with the ENSO. Improved knowledge of teleconnection of climate variables with regional streamflow variability may help in regional water management and streamflow prediction studies

    A Multi-Stage Machine Learning Approach to Predict Dengue Incidence: A Case Study in Mexico

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    © 2013 IEEE. The mosquito-borne dengue fever is a major public health problem in tropical countries, where it is strongly conditioned by climate factors such as temperature. In this paper, we formulate a holistic machine learning strategy to analyze the temporal dynamics of temperature and dengue data and use this knowledge to produce accurate predictions of dengue, based on temperature on an annual scale. The temporal dynamics are extracted from historical data by utilizing a novel multi-stage combination of auto-encoding, window-based data representation and trend-based temporal clustering. The prediction is performed with a trend association-based nearest neighbour predictor. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is evaluated in a case study that comprises the number of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever cases collected over the period 1985-2010 in 32 federal states of Mexico. The empirical study proves the viability of the proposed strategy and confirms that it outperforms various state-of-the-art competitor methods formulated both in regression and in time series forecasting analysis

    Towards Causal Inference for Spatio-Temporal Data: Conflict and Forest Loss in Colombia

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    In many data scientific problems, we are interested not only in modeling the behaviour of a system that is passively observed, but also in inferring how the system reacts to changes in the data generating mechanism. Given knowledge of the underlying causal structure, such behaviour can be estimated from purely observational data. To do so, one typically assumes that the causal structure of the data generating mechanism can be fully specified. Furthermore, many methods assume that data are generated as independent replications from that mechanism. Both of these assumptions are usually hard to justify in practice: datasets often have complex dependence structures, as is the case for spatio-temporal data, and the full causal structure between all involved variables is hardly known. Here, we present causal models that are adapted to the characteristics of spatio-temporal data, and which allow us to define and quantify causal effects despite incomplete causal background knowledge. We further introduce a simple approach for estimating causal effects, and a non-parametric hypothesis test for these effects being zero. The proposed methods do not rely on any distributional assumptions on the data, and allow for arbitrarily many latent confounders, given that these confounders do not vary across time (or, alternatively, they do not vary across space). Our theoretical findings are supported by simulations and code is available online. This work has been motivated by the following real-world question: how has the Colombian conflict influenced tropical forest loss? There is evidence for both enhancing and reducing impacts, but most literature analyzing this problem is not using formal causal methodology. When applying our method to data from 2000 to 2018, we find a reducing but insignificant causal effect of conflict on forest loss. Regionally, both enhancing and reducing effects can be identified.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Climate contributions to vegetation variations in Central Asian drylands:Pre- and post-USSR collapse

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    Central Asia comprises a large fraction of the world’s drylands, known to be vulnerable to climate change. We analyzed the inter-annual trends and the impact of climate variability in the vegetation greenness for Central Asia from 1982 to 2011 using GIMMS3g normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data. In our study, most areas showed an increasing trend during 1982–1991, but experienced a significantly decreasing trend for 1992–2011. Vegetation changes were closely coupled to climate variables (precipitation and temperature) during 1982–1991 and 1992–2011, but the response trajectories differed between these two periods. The warming trend in Central Asia initially enhanced the vegetation greenness before 1991, but the continued warming trend subsequently became a suppressant of further gains in greenness afterwards. Precipitation expanded its influence on larger vegetated areas in 1992–2011 when compared to 1982–1991. Moreover, the time-lag response of plants to rainfall tended to increase after 1992 compared to the pre-1992 period, indicating that plants might have experienced functional transformations to adapt the climate change during the study period. The impact of climate on vegetation was significantly different for the different sub-regions before and after 1992, coinciding with the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It was suggested that these spatio-temporal patterns in greenness change and their relationship with climate change for some regions could be explained by the changes in the socio-economic structure resulted from the USSR collapse in late 1991. Our results clearly illustrate the combined influence of climatic/anthropogenic contributions on vegetation growth in Central Asian drylands. Due to the USSR collapse, this region represents a unique case study of the vegetation response to climate changes under different climatic and socio-economic conditions
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