2 research outputs found

    An Adjustable Heat Conduction based KNN Approach for Session-based Recommendation

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    The KNN approach, which is widely used in recommender systems because of its efficiency, robustness and interpretability, is proposed for session-based recommendation recently and outperforms recurrent neural network models. It captures the most recent co-occurrence information of items by considering the interaction time. However, it neglects the co-occurrence information of items in the historical behavior which is interacted earlier and cannot discriminate the impact of items and sessions with different popularity. Due to these observations, this paper presents a new contextual KNN approach to address these issues for session-based recommendation. Specifically, a diffusion-based similarity method is proposed for considering the popularity of vertices in session-item bipartite network, and a candidate selection method is proposed to capture the items that are co-occurred with different historical clicked items in the same session efficiently. Comprehensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our KNN approach over the state-of-the-art KNN approach for session-based recommendation on three benchmark datasets

    Poisoning Attacks to Graph-Based Recommender Systems

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    Recommender system is an important component of many web services to help users locate items that match their interests. Several studies showed that recommender systems are vulnerable to poisoning attacks, in which an attacker injects fake data to a given system such that the system makes recommendations as the attacker desires. However, these poisoning attacks are either agnostic to recommendation algorithms or optimized to recommender systems that are not graph-based. Like association-rule-based and matrix-factorization-based recommender systems, graph-based recommender system is also deployed in practice, e.g., eBay, Huawei App Store. However, how to design optimized poisoning attacks for graph-based recommender systems is still an open problem. In this work, we perform a systematic study on poisoning attacks to graph-based recommender systems. Due to limited resources and to avoid detection, we assume the number of fake users that can be injected into the system is bounded. The key challenge is how to assign rating scores to the fake users such that the target item is recommended to as many normal users as possible. To address the challenge, we formulate the poisoning attacks as an optimization problem, solving which determines the rating scores for the fake users. We also propose techniques to solve the optimization problem. We evaluate our attacks and compare them with existing attacks under white-box (recommendation algorithm and its parameters are known), gray-box (recommendation algorithm is known but its parameters are unknown), and black-box (recommendation algorithm is unknown) settings using two real-world datasets. Our results show that our attack is effective and outperforms existing attacks for graph-based recommender systems. For instance, when 1% fake users are injected, our attack can make a target item recommended to 580 times more normal users in certain scenarios.Comment: 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2018; Due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract appearing here is slightly shorter than that in the PDF fil