3 research outputs found

    Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes

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    Modern information systems that support complex business processes generally maintain significant amounts of process execution data, particularly records of events corresponding to the execution of activities (event logs). In this paper, we present an approach to analyze such event logs in order to predictively monitor business goals during business process execution. At any point during an execution of a process, the user can define business goals in the form of linear temporal logic rules. When an activity is being executed, the framework identifies input data values that are more (or less) likely to lead to the achievement of each business goal. Unlike reactive compliance monitoring approaches that detect violations only after they have occurred, our predictive monitoring approach provides early advice so that users can steer ongoing process executions towards the achievement of business goals. In other words, violations are predicted (and potentially prevented) rather than merely detected. The approach has been implemented in the ProM process mining toolset and validated on a real-life log pertaining to the treatment of cancer patients in a large hospital

    Mining Closed Discriminative Dyadic Sequential Patterns

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    Mining Closed Discriminative Dyadic Sequential Patterns

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    A lot of data are in sequential formats. In this study, we are interested in sequential data that goes in pairs. There are many interesting datasets in this format coming from various domains including parallel textual corpora, duplicate bug reports, and other pairs of related sequences of events. Our goal is to mine a set of closed discriminative dyadic sequential patterns from a database of sequence pairs each belonging to one of the two classes +ve and-ve. These dyadic sequential patterns characterize the discriminating facets contrasting the two classes. They are potentially good features to be used for the classification of dyadic sequential data. They can be used to characterize and flag correct and incorrect translations from parallel textual corpora, automate the manual and time consuming duplicate bug report detection process, etc. We provide a solution of this new problem by proposing new search space traversal strategy, projected database structure, pruning properties, and novel mining algorithms. To demonstrate the scalability and utility of our solution, we have experimented with both synthetic and real datasets. Experiment results show that our solution is scalable. Mined patterns are also able to improve the accuracy of one possible downstream application, namely the detection of duplicate bug reports using patternbased classification