255 research outputs found

    Temporal models for mining, ranking and recommendation in the Web

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    Due to their first-hand, diverse and evolution-aware reflection of nearly all areas of life, heterogeneous temporal datasets i.e., the Web, collaborative knowledge bases and social networks have been emerged as gold-mines for content analytics of many sorts. In those collections, time plays an essential role in many crucial information retrieval and data mining tasks, such as from user intent understanding, document ranking to advanced recommendations. There are two semantically closed and important constituents when modeling along the time dimension, i.e., entity and event. Time is crucially served as the context for changes driven by happenings and phenomena (events) that related to people, organizations or places (so-called entities) in our social lives. Thus, determining what users expect, or in other words, resolving the uncertainty confounded by temporal changes is a compelling task to support consistent user satisfaction. In this thesis, we address the aforementioned issues and propose temporal models that capture the temporal dynamics of such entities and events to serve for the end tasks. Specifically, we make the following contributions in this thesis: (1) Query recommendation and document ranking in the Web - we address the issues for suggesting entity-centric queries and ranking effectiveness surrounding the happening time period of an associated event. In particular, we propose a multi-criteria optimization framework that facilitates the combination of multiple temporal models to smooth out the abrupt changes when transitioning between event phases for the former and a probabilistic approach for search result diversification of temporally ambiguous queries for the latter. (2) Entity relatedness in Wikipedia - we study the long-term dynamics of Wikipedia as a global memory place for high-impact events, specifically the reviving memories of past events. Additionally, we propose a neural network-based approach to measure the temporal relatedness of entities and events. The model engages different latent representations of an entity (i.e., from time, link-based graph and content) and use the collective attention from user navigation as the supervision. (3) Graph-based ranking and temporal anchor-text mining inWeb Archives - we tackle the problem of discovering important documents along the time-span ofWeb Archives, leveraging the link graph. Specifically, we combine the problems of relevance, temporal authority, diversity and time in a unified framework. The model accounts for the incomplete link structure and natural time lagging in Web Archives in mining the temporal authority. (4) Methods for enhancing predictive models at early-stage in social media and clinical domain - we investigate several methods to control model instability and enrich contexts of predictive models at the “cold-start” period. We demonstrate their effectiveness for the rumor detection and blood glucose prediction cases respectively. Overall, the findings presented in this thesis demonstrate the importance of tracking these temporal dynamics surround salient events and entities for IR applications. We show that determining such changes in time-based patterns and trends in prevalent temporal collections can better satisfy user expectations, and boost ranking and recommendation effectiveness over time

    Towards Evaluating Veracity of Textual Statements on the Web

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    The quality of digital information on the web has been disquieting due to the absence of careful checking. Consequently, a large volume of false textual information is being produced and disseminated with misstatements of facts. The potential negative influence on the public, especially in time-sensitive emergencies, is a growing concern. This concern has motivated this thesis to deal with the problem of veracity evaluation. In this thesis, we set out to develop machine learning models for the veracity evaluation of textual claims based on stance and user engagements. Such evaluation is achieved from three aspects: news stance detection engaged user replies in social media and the engagement dynamics. First of all, we study stance detection in the context of online news articles where a claim is predicted to be true if it is supported by the evidential articles. We propose to manifest a hierarchical structure among stance classes: the high-level aims at identifying relatedness, while the low-level aims at classifying, those identified as related, into the other three classes, i.e., agree, disagree, and discuss. This model disentangles the semantic difference of related/unrelated and the other three stances and helps address the class imbalance problem. Beyond news articles, user replies on social media platforms also contain stances and can infer claim veracity. Claims and user replies in social media are usually short and can be ambiguous; to deal with semantic ambiguity, we design a deep latent variable model with a latent distribution to allow multimodal semantic distribution. Also, marginalizing the latent distribution enables the model to be more robust in relatively smalls-sized datasets. Thirdly, we extend the above content-based models by tracking the dynamics of user engagement in misinformation propagation. To capture these dynamics, we formulate user engagements as a dynamic graph and extract its temporal evolution patterns and geometric features based on an attention-modified Temporal Point Process. This allows to forecast the cumulative number of engaged users and can be useful in assessing the threat level of an individual piece of misinformation. The ability to evaluate veracity and forecast the scale growth of engagement networks serves to practically assist the minimization of online false information’s negative impacts

    Fake News Detection in Social Media Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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    Fake news detection in social media is a process of detecting false information that is intentionally created to mislead readers. The spread of fake news may cause social, economic, and political turmoil if their proliferation is not prevented. However, fake news detection using machine learning faces many challenges. Datasets of fake news are usually unstructured and noisy. Fake news often mimics true news. In this study, a data preprocessing method is proposed for mitigating missing values in the datasets to enhance fake news detection accuracy. The experimental results show that Multi- Layer Perceptron (MLP) classifier combined with the proposed data preprocessing method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, to improve the early detection of rumors in social media, a time-series model is proposed for fake news detection in social media using Twitter data. With the proposed model, computational complexity has been reduced significantly in terms of machine learning models training and testing times while achieving similar results as state-of-the-art in the literature. Besides, the proposed method has a simplified feature extraction process, because only the temporal features of the Twitter data are used. Moreover, deep learning techniques are also applied to fake news detection. Experimental results demonstrate that deep learning methods outperformed traditional machine learning models. Specifically, the ensemble-based deep learning classification model achieved top performance

    Rumor Detection with Diverse Counterfactual Evidence

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    The growth in social media has exacerbated the threat of fake news to individuals and communities. This draws increasing attention to developing efficient and timely rumor detection methods. The prevailing approaches resort to graph neural networks (GNNs) to exploit the post-propagation patterns of the rumor-spreading process. However, these methods lack inherent interpretation of rumor detection due to the black-box nature of GNNs. Moreover, these methods suffer from less robust results as they employ all the propagation patterns for rumor detection. In this paper, we address the above issues with the proposed Diverse Counterfactual Evidence framework for Rumor Detection (DCE-RD). Our intuition is to exploit the diverse counterfactual evidence of an event graph to serve as multi-view interpretations, which are further aggregated for robust rumor detection results. Specifically, our method first designs a subgraph generation strategy to efficiently generate different subgraphs of the event graph. We constrain the removal of these subgraphs to cause the change in rumor detection results. Thus, these subgraphs naturally serve as counterfactual evidence for rumor detection. To achieve multi-view interpretation, we design a diversity loss inspired by Determinantal Point Processes (DPP) to encourage diversity among the counterfactual evidence. A GNN-based rumor detection model further aggregates the diverse counterfactual evidence discovered by the proposed DCE-RD to achieve interpretable and robust rumor detection results. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show the superior performance of our method. Our code is available at https://github.com/Vicinity111/DCE-RD
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