2 research outputs found

    Identification of Factors Contributing to Traffic Crashes by Analysis of Text Narratives

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    The fatalities, injuries, and property damage that result from traffic crashes impose a significant burden on society. Current research and practice in traffic safety rely on analysis of quantitative data from crash reports to understand crash severity contributors and develop countermeasures. Despite advances from this effort, quantitative crash data suffers from drawbacks, such as the limited ability to capture all the information relevant to the crashes and the potential errors introduced during data collection. Crash narratives can help address these limitations, as they contain detailed descriptions of the context and sequence of events of the crash. However, the unstructured nature of text data within narratives has challenged exploration of crash narratives. In response, this dissertation aims to develop an analysis framework and methods to enable the extraction of insights from crash narratives and thus improve our level of understanding of traffic crashes to a new level. The methodological development of this dissertation is split into three objectives. The first objective is to devise an approach for extraction of severity contributing insights from crash narratives by investigating interpretable machine learning and text mining techniques. The second objective is to enable an enhanced identification of crash severity contributors in the form of meaningful phrases by integrating recent advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP). The third objective is to develop an approach for semantic search of information of interest in crash narratives. The obtained results indicate that the developed approaches enable the extraction of valuable insights from crash narratives to 1) uncover factors that quantitative may not reveal, 2) confirm results from classic statistical analysis on crash data, and 3) fix inconsistencies in quantitative data. The outcomes of this dissertation add substantial value to traffic safety, as the developed approaches allow analysts to exploit the rich information in crash narratives for a more comprehensive and accurate diagnosis of traffic crashes

    Mining dynamic network-wide traffic states

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    Traffic sensors collect data rich in patterns and helpful information. Data analysis techniques are required to discover these patterns and study different relationships that can be used to develop or improve various traffic management and control strategies. A common objective is to optimize the system performance while trying to prevent the occurrence of undesired traffic states. Previous studies have used transition probabilities across traffic states to model different management and control strategies. However, these models considered one link of a traffic network at the time. These types of solutions might not be applicable to manage a traffic network where several links need to be analyzed simultaneously. In addition, only two of the time intervals of a day were considered when calculating transition probabilities. To address these limitations, this study proposes a mathematical programming formulation and solution algorithm for the generation of network-wide dynamic traffic states. The proposed framework enables the calculation of transition probabilities across traffic states considering multiple time intervals.</p