16 research outputs found

    Mining collaboration patterns from a large developer network

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    In this study, we extract patterns from a large developer collaborations network extracted from Source Forge.Net at high and low level of details. At the high level of details, we extract various network-level statistics from the network. At the low level of details, we extract topological sub-graph patterns that are frequently seen among collaborating developers. Extracting sub graph patterns from large graphs is a hard NP-complete problem. To address this challenge, we employ a novel combination of graph mining and graph matching by leveraging network-level properties of a developer network. With the approach, we successfully analyze a snapshot of Source Forge.Net data taken on September 2009. We present mined patterns and describe interesting observations.5 page(s

    Collaboration patterns in software developer network

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    Network structure of social coding in GitHub

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    Abstract—Social coding enables a different experience of software development as the activities and interests of one developer are easily advertized to other developers. Developers can thus track the activities relevant to various projects in one umbrella site. Such a major change in collaborative software development makes an investigation of networkings on social coding sites valuable. Furthermore, project hosting platforms promoting this development paradigm have been thriving, among which GitHub has arguably gained the most momentum. In this paper, we contribute to the body of knowledge on social coding by investigating the network structure of social coding in GitHub. We collect 100,000 projects and 30,000 developers from GitHub, construct developer-developer and project-project relationship graphs, and compute various characteristics of the graphs. We then identify influential developers and projects on this subnetwork of GitHub by using PageRank. Understanding how developers and projects are actually related to each other on a social coding site is the first step towards building tool supports to aid social programmers in performing their tasks more efficiently. I

    Network Structure of Social Coding in GitHub

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    What does software engineering community microblog about?

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    Abstract—Microblogging is a new trend to communicate and to disseminate information. One microblog post could potentially reach millions of users. Millions of microblogs are generated on a daily basis on popular sites such as Twitter. The popularity of microblogging among programmers, software engineers, and software users has also led to their use of microblogs to communicate software engineering issues apart from using emails and other traditional communication channels. Understanding how millions of users use microblogs in software engineering related activities would shed light on ways we could leverage the fast evolving microblogging content to aid software development efforts. In this work, we perform a preliminary study on what software engineering community microblogs about. We analyze the content of microblogs from Twitter and categorize the types of microblogs that are posted. We investigate the relative popularity of each category of mi-croblogs. We also investigate what kinds of microblogs that are diffused more widely in the Twitter network. Our experiments show that microblogs commonly contain job openings, news, questions and answers, or links to download new tools and code. We find that microblogs concerning the real-world events are more widely diffused in the Twitter network. I