6 research outputs found

    Simultaneous slack budgeting and retiming for synchronous circuits optimization

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    Abstract- With the challenges of growing functionality and scaling chip size, the possible performance improvements should be considered in the earlier IC design stages, which gives more freedom to the later optimization. Potential slack as an effective metric of possible performance improvements is considered in this work which, as far as we known, is the first work that maximizes the potential slack by retiming for synchronous sequential circuit. A simultaneous slack budgeting and incremental retiming algorithm is proposed for maximizing potential slack. The overall slack budget is optimized by relocating the FFs iteratively with the MIS-based slack estimation. Compared with the potential slack of a well-known min-period retiming, our algorithm improves potential slack averagely 19.6 % without degrading the circuit performance in reasonable runtime. Furthermore, at the expense of a small amount of timing performance, 0.52 % and 2.08%, the potential slack is increased averagely by 19.89 % and 28.16 % separately, which give a hint of the tradeoff between the timing performance and the slack budget.

    ILP-based Supply and Threshold Voltage Assignment For Total Power Minimization

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    In this paper we present an ILP-based method to simultaneously assign supply and threshold voltages to individual gates for dynamic and leakage power minimization. In our three-step approach, low power min-flipflop (FF) retiming is first performed to reduce the clock period while taking the FF delay/power into consideration. Next, the subsequent voltage assignment formulated in ILP makes the best possible supply/threshold voltage assignment under the given clock period constraint set by the retiming. Finally, a post-process further refines the voltage assignment solution by exploiting the remaining timing slack in the circuit. Related experiments show that the min-FF retiming plus simultaneous Vdd/Vth assignment approach outperforms the existing max-FF retiming plus Vdd-only assignment approach

    Energy-Efficient Dual-Voltage Design Using Topological Constraints

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    Minimum-power retiming for dual-supply CMOS circuits

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    Minimum-power retiming for dual-supply CMOS circuits

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