1,027 research outputs found

    Minimum-Norm Adversarial Examples on KNN and KNN-Based Models

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    We study the robustness against adversarial examples of kNN classifiers and classifiers that combine kNN with neural networks. The main difficulty lies in the fact that finding an optimal attack on kNN is intractable for typical datasets. In this work, we propose a gradient-based attack on kNN and kNN-based defenses, inspired by the previous work by Sitawarin & Wagner [1]. We demonstrate that our attack outperforms their method on all of the models we tested with only a minimal increase in the computation time. The attack also beats the state-of-the-art attack [2] on kNN when k > 1 using less than 1% of its running time. We hope that this attack can be used as a new baseline for evaluating the robustness of kNN and its variants.Comment: 3rd Deep Learning and Security Workshop (co-located with the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

    Transferability in Machine Learning: from Phenomena to Black-Box Attacks using Adversarial Samples

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    Many machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples: inputs that are specially crafted to cause a machine learning model to produce an incorrect output. Adversarial examples that affect one model often affect another model, even if the two models have different architectures or were trained on different training sets, so long as both models were trained to perform the same task. An attacker may therefore train their own substitute model, craft adversarial examples against the substitute, and transfer them to a victim model, with very little information about the victim. Recent work has further developed a technique that uses the victim model as an oracle to label a synthetic training set for the substitute, so the attacker need not even collect a training set to mount the attack. We extend these recent techniques using reservoir sampling to greatly enhance the efficiency of the training procedure for the substitute model. We introduce new transferability attacks between previously unexplored (substitute, victim) pairs of machine learning model classes, most notably SVMs and decision trees. We demonstrate our attacks on two commercial machine learning classification systems from Amazon (96.19% misclassification rate) and Google (88.94%) using only 800 queries of the victim model, thereby showing that existing machine learning approaches are in general vulnerable to systematic black-box attacks regardless of their structure

    AdvKnn: Adversarial Attacks On K-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers With Approximate Gradients

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    Deep neural networks have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples---maliciously crafted examples that can trigger the target model to misbehave by adding imperceptible perturbations. Existing attack methods for k-nearest neighbor~(kNN) based algorithms either require large perturbations or are not applicable for large k. To handle this problem, this paper proposes a new method called AdvKNN for evaluating the adversarial robustness of kNN-based models. Firstly, we propose a deep kNN block to approximate the output of kNN methods, which is differentiable thus can provide gradients for attacks to cross the decision boundary with small distortions. Second, a new consistency learning for distribution instead of classification is proposed for the effectiveness in distribution based methods. Extensive experimental results indicate that the proposed method significantly outperforms state of the art in terms of attack success rate and the added perturbations.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2020, Implementation https://github.com/fiona-lxd/AdvKn

    Detecting Anomalous Inputs to DNN Classifiers By Joint Statistical Testing at the Layers

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    Detecting anomalous inputs, such as adversarial and out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs, is critical for classifiers deployed in real-world applications, especially deep neural network (DNN) classifiers that are known to be brittle on such inputs. We propose an unsupervised statistical testing framework for detecting such anomalous inputs to a trained DNN classifier based on its internal layer representations. By calculating test statistics at the input and intermediate-layer representations of the DNN, conditioned individually on the predicted class and on the true class of labeled training data, the method characterizes their class-conditional distributions on natural inputs. Given a test input, its extent of non-conformity with respect to the training distribution is captured using p-values of the class-conditional test statistics across the layers, which are then combined using a scoring function designed to score high on anomalous inputs. We focus on adversarial inputs, which are an important class of anomalous inputs, and also demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on general OOD inputs. The proposed framework also provides an alternative class prediction that can be used to correct the DNNs prediction on (detected) adversarial inputs. Experiments on well-known image classification datasets with strong adversarial attacks, including a custom attack method that uses the internal layer representations of the DNN, demonstrate that our method outperforms or performs comparably with five state-of-the-art detection methods.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    Data Driven Exploratory Attacks on Black Box Classifiers in Adversarial Domains

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    While modern day web applications aim to create impact at the civilization level, they have become vulnerable to adversarial activity, where the next cyber-attack can take any shape and can originate from anywhere. The increasing scale and sophistication of attacks, has prompted the need for a data driven solution, with machine learning forming the core of many cybersecurity systems. Machine learning was not designed with security in mind, and the essential assumption of stationarity, requiring that the training and testing data follow similar distributions, is violated in an adversarial domain. In this paper, an adversary's view point of a classification based system, is presented. Based on a formal adversarial model, the Seed-Explore-Exploit framework is presented, for simulating the generation of data driven and reverse engineering attacks on classifiers. Experimental evaluation, on 10 real world datasets and using the Google Cloud Prediction Platform, demonstrates the innate vulnerability of classifiers and the ease with which evasion can be carried out, without any explicit information about the classifier type, the training data or the application domain. The proposed framework, algorithms and empirical evaluation, serve as a white hat analysis of the vulnerabilities, and aim to foster the development of secure machine learning frameworks

    Semi-supervised Deep Kernel Learning: Regression with Unlabeled Data by Minimizing Predictive Variance

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    Large amounts of labeled data are typically required to train deep learning models. For many real-world problems, however, acquiring additional data can be expensive or even impossible. We present semi-supervised deep kernel learning (SSDKL), a semi-supervised regression model based on minimizing predictive variance in the posterior regularization framework. SSDKL combines the hierarchical representation learning of neural networks with the probabilistic modeling capabilities of Gaussian processes. By leveraging unlabeled data, we show improvements on a diverse set of real-world regression tasks over supervised deep kernel learning and semi-supervised methods such as VAT and mean teacher adapted for regression.Comment: In Proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 201

    Detection of Face Recognition Adversarial Attacks

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    Deep Learning methods have become state-of-the-art for solving tasks such as Face Recognition (FR). Unfortunately, despite their success, it has been pointed out that these learning models are exposed to adversarial inputs - images to which an imperceptible amount of noise for humans is added to maliciously fool a neural network - thus limiting their adoption in real-world applications. While it is true that an enormous effort has been spent in order to train robust models against this type of threat, adversarial detection techniques have recently started to draw attention within the scientific community. A detection approach has the advantage that it does not require to re-train any model, thus it can be added on top of any system. In this context, we present our work on adversarial samples detection in forensics mainly focused on detecting attacks against FR systems in which the learning model is typically used only as a features extractor. Thus, in these cases, train a more robust classifier might not be enough to defence a FR system. In this frame, the contribution of our work is four-fold: i) we tested our recently proposed adversarial detection approach against classifier attacks, i.e. adversarial samples crafted to fool a FR neural network acting as a classifier; ii) using a k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) algorithm as a guidance, we generated deep features attacks against a FR system based on a DL model acting as features extractor, followed by a kNN which gives back the query identity based on features similarity; iii) we used the deep features attacks to fool a FR system on the 1:1 Face Verification task and we showed their superior effectiveness with respect to classifier attacks in fooling such type of system; iv) we used the detectors trained on classifier attacks to detect deep features attacks, thus showing that such approach is generalizable to different types of offensives

    Generalization through Memorization: Nearest Neighbor Language Models

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    We introduce kkNN-LMs, which extend a pre-trained neural language model (LM) by linearly interpolating it with a kk-nearest neighbors (kkNN) model. The nearest neighbors are computed according to distance in the pre-trained LM embedding space, and can be drawn from any text collection, including the original LM training data. Applying this augmentation to a strong Wikitext-103 LM, with neighbors drawn from the original training set, our kkNN-LM achieves a new state-of-the-art perplexity of 15.79 - a 2.9 point improvement with no additional training. We also show that this approach has implications for efficiently scaling up to larger training sets and allows for effective domain adaptation, by simply varying the nearest neighbor datastore, again without further training. Qualitatively, the model is particularly helpful in predicting rare patterns, such as factual knowledge. Together, these results strongly suggest that learning similarity between sequences of text is easier than predicting the next word, and that nearest neighbor search is an effective approach for language modeling in the long tail.Comment: ICLR 202

    SPADE: A Spectral Method for Black-Box Adversarial Robustness Evaluation

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    A black-box spectral method is introduced for evaluating the adversarial robustness of a given machine learning (ML) model. Our approach, named SPADE, exploits bijective distance mapping between the input/output graphs constructed for approximating the manifolds corresponding to the input/output data. By leveraging the generalized Courant-Fischer theorem, we propose a SPADE score for evaluating the adversarial robustness of a given model, which is proved to be an upper bound of the best Lipschitz constant under the manifold setting. To reveal the most non-robust data samples highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, we develop a spectral graph embedding procedure leveraging dominant generalized eigenvectors. This embedding step allows assigning each data sample a robustness score that can be further harnessed for more effective adversarial training. Our experiments show the proposed SPADE method leads to promising empirical results for neural network models that are adversarially trained with the MNIST and CIFAR-10 data sets.Comment: The 2021 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML

    Do not trust the neighbors! Adversarial Metric Learning for Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation

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    Scene flow is the task of estimating 3D motion vectors to individual points of a dynamic 3D scene. Motion vectors have shown to be beneficial for downstream tasks such as action classification and collision avoidance. However, data collected via LiDAR sensors and stereo cameras are computation and labor intensive to precisely annotate for scene flow. We address this annotation bottleneck on two ends. We propose a 3D scene flow benchmark and a novel self-supervised setup for training flow models. The benchmark consists of datasets designed to study individual aspects of flow estimation in progressive order of complexity, from a single object in motion to real-world scenes. Furthermore, we introduce Adversarial Metric Learning for self-supervised flow estimation. The flow model is fed with sequences of point clouds to perform flow estimation. A second model learns a latent metric to distinguish between the points translated by the flow estimations and the target point cloud. This latent metric is learned via a Multi-Scale Triplet loss, which uses intermediary feature vectors for the loss calculation. We use our proposed benchmark to draw insights about the performance of the baselines and of different models when trained using our setup. We find that our setup is able to keep motion coherence and preserve local geometries, which many self-supervised baselines fail to grasp. Dealing with occlusions, on the other hand, is still an open challenge.Comment: Master Thesi
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