9 research outputs found

    On Upward Drawings of Trees on a Given Grid

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    Computing a minimum-area planar straight-line drawing of a graph is known to be NP-hard for planar graphs, even when restricted to outerplanar graphs. However, the complexity question is open for trees. Only a few hardness results are known for straight-line drawings of trees under various restrictions such as edge length or slope constraints. On the other hand, there exist polynomial-time algorithms for computing minimum-width (resp., minimum-height) upward drawings of trees, where the height (resp., width) is unbounded. In this paper we take a major step in understanding the complexity of the area minimization problem for strictly-upward drawings of trees, which is one of the most common styles for drawing rooted trees. We prove that given a rooted tree TT and a W×HW\times H grid, it is NP-hard to decide whether TT admits a strictly-upward (unordered) drawing in the given grid.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Improved Algorithms for the Point-Set Embeddability problem for Plane 3-Trees

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    In the point set embeddability problem, we are given a plane graph GG with nn vertices and a point set SS with nn points. Now the goal is to answer the question whether there exists a straight-line drawing of GG such that each vertex is represented as a distinct point of SS as well as to provide an embedding if one does exist. Recently, in \cite{DBLP:conf/gd/NishatMR10}, a complete characterization for this problem on a special class of graphs known as the plane 3-trees was presented along with an efficient algorithm to solve the problem. In this paper, we use the same characterization to devise an improved algorithm for the same problem. Much of the efficiency we achieve comes from clever uses of the triangular range search technique. We also study a generalized version of the problem and present improved algorithms for this version of the problem as well

    Embedding Stacked Polytopes on a Polynomial-Size Grid

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    A stacking operation adds a dd-simplex on top of a facet of a simplicial dd-polytope while maintaining the convexity of the polytope. A stacked dd-polytope is a polytope that is obtained from a dd-simplex and a series of stacking operations. We show that for a fixed dd every stacked dd-polytope with nn vertices can be realized with nonnegative integer coordinates. The coordinates are bounded by O(n2log(2d))O(n^{2\log(2d)}), except for one axis, where the coordinates are bounded by O(n3log(2d))O(n^{3\log(2d)}). The described realization can be computed with an easy algorithm. The realization of the polytopes is obtained with a lifting technique which produces an embedding on a large grid. We establish a rounding scheme that places the vertices on a sparser grid, while maintaining the convexity of the embedding.Comment: 22 pages, 10 Figure

    On Universal Point Sets for Planar Graphs

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    A 2-Approximation for the Height of Maximal Outerplanar Graph Drawings

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    In this thesis, we study drawings of maximal outerplanar graphs that place vertices on integer coordinates. We introduce a new class of graphs, called umbrellas, and a new method of splitting maximal outerplanar graphs into systems of umbrellas. By doing so, we generate a new graph parameter, called the umbrella depth (ud), that can be used to approximate the optimal height of a drawing of a maximal outerplanar graph. We show that for any maximal outerplanar graph G, we can create a flat visibility representation of G with height at most 2ud(G) + 1. This drawing can be transformed into a straight-line drawing of the same height. We then prove that the height of any drawing of G is at least ud(G) + 1, which makes our result a 2-approximation for the optimal height. The best previously known approximation algorithm gave a 4-approximation. In addition, we provide an algorithm for finding the umbrella depth of G in linear time. Lastly, we compare the umbrella depth to other graph parameters such as the pathwidth and the rooted pathwidth, which have been used in the past for outerplanar graph drawing algorithms