71,318 research outputs found

    Learning from Past Mistakes: Improving Automatic Speech Recognition Output via Noisy-Clean Phrase Context Modeling

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems often make unrecoverable errors due to subsystem pruning (acoustic, language and pronunciation models); for example pruning words due to acoustics using short-term context, prior to rescoring with long-term context based on linguistics. In this work we model ASR as a phrase-based noisy transformation channel and propose an error correction system that can learn from the aggregate errors of all the independent modules constituting the ASR and attempt to invert those. The proposed system can exploit long-term context using a neural network language model and can better choose between existing ASR output possibilities as well as re-introduce previously pruned or unseen (out-of-vocabulary) phrases. It provides corrections under poorly performing ASR conditions without degrading any accurate transcriptions; such corrections are greater on top of out-of-domain and mismatched data ASR. Our system consistently provides improvements over the baseline ASR, even when baseline is further optimized through recurrent neural network language model rescoring. This demonstrates that any ASR improvements can be exploited independently and that our proposed system can potentially still provide benefits on highly optimized ASR. Finally, we present an extensive analysis of the type of errors corrected by our system

    Breaking the Softmax Bottleneck via Learnable Monotonic Pointwise Non-linearities

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    The Softmax function on top of a final linear layer is the de facto method to output probability distributions in neural networks. In many applications such as language models or text generation, this model has to produce distributions over large output vocabularies. Recently, this has been shown to have limited representational capacity due to its connection with the rank bottleneck in matrix factorization. However, little is known about the limitations of Linear-Softmax for quantities of practical interest such as cross entropy or mode estimation, a direction that we explore here. As an efficient and effective solution to alleviate this issue, we propose to learn parametric monotonic functions on top of the logits. We theoretically investigate the rank increasing capabilities of such monotonic functions. Empirically, our method improves in two different quality metrics over the traditional Linear-Softmax layer in synthetic and real language model experiments, adding little time or memory overhead, while being comparable to the more computationally expensive mixture of Softmaxes

    The NTNU System at the Interspeech 2020 Non-Native Children's Speech ASR Challenge

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    This paper describes the NTNU ASR system participating in the Interspeech 2020 Non-Native Children's Speech ASR Challenge supported by the SIG-CHILD group of ISCA. This ASR shared task is made much more challenging due to the coexisting diversity of non-native and children speaking characteristics. In the setting of closed-track evaluation, all participants were restricted to develop their systems merely based on the speech and text corpora provided by the organizer. To work around this under-resourced issue, we built our ASR system on top of CNN-TDNNF-based acoustic models, meanwhile harnessing the synergistic power of various data augmentation strategies, including both utterance- and word-level speed perturbation and spectrogram augmentation, alongside a simple yet effective data-cleansing approach. All variants of our ASR system employed an RNN-based language model to rescore the first-pass recognition hypotheses, which was trained solely on the text dataset released by the organizer. Our system with the best configuration came out in second place, resulting in a word error rate (WER) of 17.59 %, while those of the top-performing, second runner-up and official baseline systems are 15.67%, 18.71%, 35.09%, respectively.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 2020 Special Session: Shared Task on Automatic Speech Recognition for Non-Native Children's Speec

    The Z-loss: a shift and scale invariant classification loss belonging to the Spherical Family

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    Despite being the standard loss function to train multi-class neural networks, the log-softmax has two potential limitations. First, it involves computations that scale linearly with the number of output classes, which can restrict the size of problems we are able to tackle with current hardware. Second, it remains unclear how close it matches the task loss such as the top-k error rate or other non-differentiable evaluation metrics which we aim to optimize ultimately. In this paper, we introduce an alternative classification loss function, the Z-loss, which is designed to address these two issues. Unlike the log-softmax, it has the desirable property of belonging to the spherical loss family (Vincent et al., 2015), a class of loss functions for which training can be performed very efficiently with a complexity independent of the number of output classes. We show experimentally that it significantly outperforms the other spherical loss functions previously investigated. Furthermore, we show on a word language modeling task that it also outperforms the log-softmax with respect to certain ranking scores, such as top-k scores, suggesting that the Z-loss has the flexibility to better match the task loss. These qualities thus makes the Z-loss an appealing candidate to train very efficiently large output networks such as word-language models or other extreme classification problems. On the One Billion Word (Chelba et al., 2014) dataset, we are able to train a model with the Z-loss 40 times faster than the log-softmax and more than 4 times faster than the hierarchical softmax

    Recent Progresses in Deep Learning based Acoustic Models (Updated)

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    In this paper, we summarize recent progresses made in deep learning based acoustic models and the motivation and insights behind the surveyed techniques. We first discuss acoustic models that can effectively exploit variable-length contextual information, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and their various combination with other models. We then describe acoustic models that are optimized end-to-end with emphasis on feature representations learned jointly with rest of the system, the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) criterion, and the attention-based sequence-to-sequence model. We further illustrate robustness issues in speech recognition systems, and discuss acoustic model adaptation, speech enhancement and separation, and robust training strategies. We also cover modeling techniques that lead to more efficient decoding and discuss possible future directions in acoustic model research.Comment: This is an updated version with latest literature until ICASSP2018 of the paper: Dong Yu and Jinyu Li, "Recent Progresses in Deep Learning based Acoustic Models," vol.4, no.3, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 201

    Investigation of Large-Margin Softmax in Neural Language Modeling

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    To encourage intra-class compactness and inter-class separability among trainable feature vectors, large-margin softmax methods are developed and widely applied in the face recognition community. The introduction of the large-margin concept into the softmax is reported to have good properties such as enhanced discriminative power, less overfitting and well-defined geometric intuitions. Nowadays, language modeling is commonly approached with neural networks using softmax and cross entropy. In this work, we are curious to see if introducing large-margins to neural language models would improve the perplexity and consequently word error rate in automatic speech recognition. Specifically, we first implement and test various types of conventional margins following the previous works in face recognition. To address the distribution of natural language data, we then compare different strategies for word vector norm-scaling. After that, we apply the best norm-scaling setup in combination with various margins and conduct neural language models rescoring experiments in automatic speech recognition. We find that although perplexity is slightly deteriorated, neural language models with large-margin softmax can yield word error rate similar to that of the standard softmax baseline. Finally, expected margins are analyzed through visualization of word vectors, showing that the syntactic and semantic relationships are also preserved.Comment: submitted to INTERSPEECH202

    Spatial postprocessing of ensemble forecasts for temperature using nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression

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    Statistical postprocessing techniques are commonly used to improve the skill of ensembles of numerical weather forecasts. This paper considers spatial extensions of the well-established nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR) postprocessing technique for surface temperature and a recent modification thereof in which the local climatology is included in the regression model for a locally adaptive postprocessing. In a comparative study employing 21 h forecasts from the COSMO-DE ensemble predictive system over Germany, two approaches for modeling spatial forecast error correlations are considered: A parametric Gaussian random field model and the ensemble copula coupling approach which utilizes the spatial rank correlation structure of the raw ensemble. Additionally, the NGR methods are compared to both univariate and spatial versions of the ensemble Bayesian model averaging (BMA) postprocessing technique

    Feature Selection and Model Comparison on Microsoft Learning-to-Rank Data Sets

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    With the rapid advance of the Internet, search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo!) are used by billions of users for each day. The main function of a search engine is to locate the most relevant webpages corresponding to what the user requests. This report focuses on the core problem of information retrieval: how to learn the relevance between a document (very often webpage) and a query given by user. Our analysis consists of two parts: 1) we use standard statistical methods to select important features among 137 candidates given by information retrieval researchers from Microsoft. We find that not all the features are useful, and give interpretations on the top-selected features; 2) we give baselines on prediction over the real-world dataset MSLR-WEB by using various learning algorithms. We find that models of boosting trees, random forest in general achieve the best performance of prediction. This agrees with the mainstream opinion in information retrieval community that tree-based algorithms outperform the other candidates for this problem.Comment: 24 page

    Joint Optimization of Masks and Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Monaural Source Separation

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    Monaural source separation is important for many real world applications. It is challenging because, with only a single channel of information available, without any constraints, an infinite number of solutions are possible. In this paper, we explore joint optimization of masking functions and deep recurrent neural networks for monaural source separation tasks, including monaural speech separation, monaural singing voice separation, and speech denoising. The joint optimization of the deep recurrent neural networks with an extra masking layer enforces a reconstruction constraint. Moreover, we explore a discriminative criterion for training neural networks to further enhance the separation performance. We evaluate the proposed system on the TSP, MIR-1K, and TIMIT datasets for speech separation, singing voice separation, and speech denoising tasks, respectively. Our approaches achieve 2.30--4.98 dB SDR gain compared to NMF models in the speech separation task, 2.30--2.48 dB GNSDR gain and 4.32--5.42 dB GSIR gain compared to existing models in the singing voice separation task, and outperform NMF and DNN baselines in the speech denoising task

    Learning K-way D-dimensional Discrete Codes for Compact Embedding Representations

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    Conventional embedding methods directly associate each symbol with a continuous embedding vector, which is equivalent to applying a linear transformation based on a "one-hot" encoding of the discrete symbols. Despite its simplicity, such approach yields the number of parameters that grows linearly with the vocabulary size and can lead to overfitting. In this work, we propose a much more compact K-way D-dimensional discrete encoding scheme to replace the "one-hot" encoding. In the proposed "KD encoding", each symbol is represented by a DD-dimensional code with a cardinality of KK, and the final symbol embedding vector is generated by composing the code embedding vectors. To end-to-end learn semantically meaningful codes, we derive a relaxed discrete optimization approach based on stochastic gradient descent, which can be generally applied to any differentiable computational graph with an embedding layer. In our experiments with various applications from natural language processing to graph convolutional networks, the total size of the embedding layer can be reduced up to 98\% while achieving similar or better performance.Comment: ICML 2018. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1711.0306